Do I even like movies?

Started by Derek, September 09, 2003, 08:18:23 PM

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A loaded question, but having accumulated 200+ dvds, I find myself lookind at some titles and wondering why I purchased them. Perfectly respectable movies too, like the two-disc Lawrence of Arabia, which seems like a chore to watch. Other titles like Witness, The Usual Suspects, Terminator 2.........etc., etc..

I feel insecure when I think I want to get rid of these,( I'm not hard up for money, its just that I don't watch them) that I really don't appreciate movies as much as maybe I have deluded myself. And then I say, what's the point of getting rid of them? You have them anyway. Is it okay not to like Lawrence of Arabia?

Moral support, please.

p.s. If you don't have anything nice to post, please don't post anything at all.
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.


I feel the same way at times, but only because I've usually just watched a couple of the wrong movies, and they depress me or piss me off and make me wonder what I see in movies in general.  But then I just look at or think about something from one of my favorite movies, and that's all the reminder I need.

There are a couple movies I wonder why I bought, but most of the ones I have in my still-small collection I own and watch for a good reason or several.  Sell the ones you don't want if you don't think you'll watch them again; otherwise, what's the point in having them?


Quote from: DerekIs it okay not to like Lawrence of Arabia?

You ask as though you need permission to dislike it. At the end of the day, movies are still art, and like all art comes taste. If a Lean film like Lawrence of Arabia, isn't your bag, then that's that. It doesn't mean you think its bad and it doesn't mean you think its good. It means its not your kind of movie. You don't dig it and we dig that.


Haha I know what you mean ! This happened to me once or twice, but turns out I was just having a mononucleosis


I know exactly what you mean.  I myself had a collection somewhere in the league of 200 dvd's, plus a shitload of laserdiscs.  I would stare at them every night and think 'what should I watch?' and end up deciding I don't like any of these movies, I've seen them already, then I watch nothing.  I hit rock bottom financially and needed some quick cash to dig myself out of the hole... so I sold the collection.  I made out pretty well all considering... but it probably was one of the worst decisions I've ever made.  I SO REGRET selling the collection.  There were a lot of good titles.  Sure, there's always a couple iffy purchases in the bunch, but hold onto to the stuff.  You'll be happier later.


I never liked the things.  Damn moving pictures.

And, what the hell am I doing in here?

[slams door]


this thread is the antithesis to SoNowThen's thread over in Everything Else Cinema.  

Quote from: Weak2ndActso I sold the collection.

ouch. that SUCKS.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


SUCKS is an understatement.  Plenty of OOP criterions to boot.  The place where I sold them were initially telling me they couldn't take the movies, then after 5 minutes of looking through the box said "oh wow, you have a good collection.  Don't worry though, they're replaceable."  Well, it's been well over a year and I can't bring myself to re-buy anything I previously owned.  I managed to sell a few choice titles to some friends, but seeing them in their collections just feels... dirty.


Quote from: PawbloeI never liked the things.  Damn moving pictures.

And, what the hell am I doing in here?

[slams door]

Hahaha great


I have felt that way abuo a few of my movies, but then I look at the others and I am at rest.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye



I understand. I bought discs on a whim before, then sold them later (T2 was one of them.  I also sold the OOP Criterion Robocop, [I was hard up for money and really regret that one]).

But out of curiosity, could you make a list of the discs you're thinking of selling? :twisted:
"Sex relieves stress, love causes it."
-Woddy Allen


i bumped this up after looking at my dvd collection and checking the "i just bought thread" and was wondering for the people who have 100+ dvds how do you decide what to watch?  has there even been a dvd you bought and only watched it once?  whats you're roptations?  do you always go through your dvds like watching the film [of course], then listening to the commentaries, checking otu the behind the scenes shit and stills galleries, etc...?

i am askign this because at one point i had a collectionnearing 300 titles and i realized that, while most [if not all] were great films, i just didnt watch them, so they sat on my shelf and colllected dust.  and i sold about half of that collection with only keeping my very very very favorites.  so now i am a bit more selective with what i buy.  i already rerad through the replies n this thread but i wanted more feedback  please.


I don't dislike 3 hour movies, but they're not always what I buy first.  Most of my collection is 90 minute movies or so.  I own those because to me that's short, and I usually watch those all the time.  

I know what you're saying about it losing meaning after having so many, the one perk to having them all is I can lend them out and show great films to other people.  How much cooler can you be than to turn people on to some classic directors or to get people involved in film by just showing them movies?

I recently sold all of my non-special editions because I would be getting the newer editions sometime, and with the scratch, I picked up some new movies.

The cycle of life.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


I was really broke earlier this summer and sold the majority of my DVD's. Around a hundred or so, but just the stuff that i knew I could always rent. I didn't get rid of any of the criterions. I kind of regret it, just cause it was nice to look at, but it's all superficial, and I still have the good and hard to find ones, plus I was able to buy booze.

And I know exactly what you are talking about, for years I tried watching movies that I didn't even like but thought I was supposed to. Now I just watch whatever I feel like. When I go to the video store I rent whatever I want and not what is supposed to be good but doesnt interest me. I've found alot of really great movies this way.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.

Film Student

Oh the pain... I did the exact same thing back in May.  I was going to LA for the summer and I was desperate for cash, so I hocked my entire collection.  I'm so fucking pissed at myself for doing that.   I even sold out-of-print Criterion titles.  Curses.

Quote from: Weak2ndActDerek:
I know exactly what you mean.  I myself had a collection somewhere in the league of 200 dvd's, plus a shitload of laserdiscs.  I would stare at them every night and think 'what should I watch?' and end up deciding I don't like any of these movies, I've seen them already, then I watch nothing.  I hit rock bottom financially and needed some quick cash to dig myself out of the hole... so I sold the collection.  I made out pretty well all considering... but it probably was one of the worst decisions I've ever made.  I SO REGRET selling the collection.  There were a lot of good titles.  Sure, there's always a couple iffy purchases in the bunch, but hold onto to the stuff.  You'll be happier later.
"I think you have to be careful to not become a blowhard."
                                                                          --Ann Coulter