Significant films in your life

Started by luctruff, September 04, 2003, 01:00:15 AM

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chainsmoking insomniac

I agree.  I recently heard an interview on Howard Stern with Mia saying how much of a fucking miserable bastard Woody is, how he's so full of self-loathing and he's got a doctor for every psychosomatic illness under his belt...not to mention the whole stepdaughter fiasco...but damn if you can't love him for Annie...
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: 'The world's a fine place, and worth fighting for.'  I agree with the second part."
    --Morgan Freeman, Se7en

"Have you ever fucking seen that...? Ever seen a mistake in nature?  Have you ever seen an animal make a mistake?"
 --Paul Schneider, All the Real Girls


y'know what though, as if Mia isn't just as fucked up as Woody. Who the hell is she to talk?

Not that I agree in his choice of wives, but the man is brilliant. Zelig is so so so underrated.
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.


I was deprived by parental over-protectiveness.  I was not allowed to watch rated R movies til I was 18.  But like every rebellious teen, I just didnt bring them into the house :)

The Shining - awesome movie, first real horror movie I saw. The twin girls scared the shit out of me

Requiem for a Dream - I never knew a movie that can make you feel a million emotions at once til I watched this.  It disturbed, intrigued, disgusted, depressed, and mortified me.  It should be shown at every DARE meeting.

Pulp Fiction- The first movie to really draw me in and make me notice music, direction, and wonderful dialogue.  It really made me want to be a part of the movie industry.

While You Were Sleeping - best romantic comedy (with Bridget Jones's Diary a close second)  I know, I'm cheesy, but it was a really funny movie.

Finally, Beauty and the Beast - I still watch this movie.  I used to know this movie by heart when I was little.  Its still great fun to watch.
Disney animation when it was at its best.


This thread is awfully close to the "films that made you a film buff" one IMO.


Quote from: RaviThis thread is awfully close to the "films that made you a film buff" one IMO.
yeap, but maybe this is more general..

in my case i must to say Rain Man the same i said in "films that made you a film buff" , but now i'll say something more:

In fact this movie changed my life (now i don't like it so much but i have a very special feeling for it), i was nine years old and when i watched i realized three things:

first= that i had hormones and i wanted a boyfriend like Tom Cruise

second= that i wanted to being actor as Dustin Hoffman (i'm an amateur actress)

and third and most important= that i needed tell stories to express myself through images as Barry Levinson and manipulate people felings just for an hour and a half...

since that moment i'm a freak film lover.
"Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die." - Salvador Dalí

Gold Trumpet

DIE HARD...first interest in movies.............BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID...further away from the entertainment train and discovering older movies..........2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, art and all that blah.......WALKABOUT.............made filmmaking a realistic career perspective.........FIRST TWO REPEATED.......made me realize why the best elements of those movies are still essential and must be kept into mind......GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES, SPIRITED AWAY, GEORGE WASHINGTON, RED, PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE, HOW I WON THE WAR, CITY OF GOD.........movies I identify with now..........L'AVVENTURA.........the movie I'm gunning to to surpass in the future.



Quote from: The Gold TrumpetDIE HARD...first interest in movies.............BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID...further away from the entertainment train and discovering older movies..........2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, art and all that blah.......WALKABOUT.............made filmmaking a realistic career perspective.........FIRST TWO REPEATED.......made me realize why the best elements of those movies are still essential and must be kept into mind......GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES, SPIRITED AWAY, GEORGE WASHINGTON, RED, PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE, HOW I WON THE WAR, CITY OF GOD.........movies I identify with now..........L'AVVENTURA.........the movie I'm gunning to to surpass in the future.


Are you Neon Mercury?!?!
I like to hug dogs


Daffy duck's fantastic island, one of the greatest influences of my childhood.

Underground, because it's so fucking good, made me have the passion of cinema that defines me among my friends.

Scent of a woman, because it reminds me of the most perfect quality family time I had. I viewed it with my parents.
"In Serbia a lot of people hate me because they want to westernise, not understanding that the western world is bipolar, with very good things and very bad things. Since they don't have experience of the west, they even believe that western shit is pie."
-Emir Kusturica


Apparently I have to see "Underground".  I'm always up for good it on Netflix?  I suppose I could check myself.
"Every time I learn something new, it pushes out something old! Remember that time I took a home wine-making course and forgot how to drive?"


Goodfellas - Completely blew my mind the first time I saw it. The most vivid memory for me from when I first saw it was in the middle of the film when it goes through a quick run through of what we saw at the beginning of the film (when Tommy stabs Billy Batts in the trunk and Jimmy shoots him), I remember the time when Jimmy fired the gun and it freeze framed the lense flare of the gunshot. I remember thinking "holy shit this movie is cool." I don't know why I remember that particular moment, I guess it was kind of like the straw that broke the camel's back. I also remember getting really sad when Tommy died, and thinking what a great performance it was that he's such an evil character, yet you get sad when he dies. But back then I didn't know anything about Martin Scorsese, I didn't really even know what a director's job was exactly. I just remember this was one of the films that got me really interested in movies that weren't all about bus's blowing up or buildings blowing up or people blowing up or various other things blowing up.

Taxi Driver - When I first saw it, it was one of my favorite films, and it still is one of my favorites. It sounds stupid but I guess you could say it was the first movie that told me that films made before the 90s could be cool too.

Pulp Fiction - I remember my best friend showed me this because he thought I'd like it. I was really skeptical at first for some reason. But I think everybody remembers the first time they saw this film, and I just loved how different it was from any other film I had seen, and how much it made you laugh at things you shouldn't necessarily laugh at.

Boogie Nights - It's the first film that I ever saw that really got me interested in a particular filmmaker to the point where I was anticipating his next film (and this was long before I even knew about Magnolia, which I saw in a theater). It was funny, it was sweet, and it had the only scene that I knew about that could make you laugh and shit yourself at the same time (the Rahad Jackson scene). I just loved everything about it. And it's probably the spark that got me interested in the making of films for myself.

Fight Club - The first film that actually showed me rules don't exist when you are making a film. And at the time it was one of the most entertaining films I had ever seen. And it probably still is.

Casino - For a long time before I saw this film I was watching all kinds of different movies from Netflix and Blockbuster, I was kind of dabbling with the idea of becoming a filmmaker but didn't take it too seriously. Then earlier this year I realized I have never seen Casino and it was one of the few Scorsese movies I haven't seen, so I watched it and I remember it gave me memories of watching Goodfellas for the first time and that's when I decided I wanted to try to make a few films myself.

anyway. yeah.

Just Withnail

Star Wars made me think "Hey, movies are cool, I think I'm gonna do nothing but watch them for the rest of my life."
Aliens made me think "Wow, this action stuff can really be creative."
Back to the Future made think "This is the movie I will watch the most times during my lifetime."
Almost Famous made me think "Favorite movie ever. Grow hair long. Must download Tiny Dancer."
Fellowship of the Ring made me think "I'm in love. With my date to the movie. Which wasn't bad either."
I saw Magnolia, and couldn't think for a week.


american tail- the story of the little mouse who gets lost from his parents who r also mice. probably the first movie i got really sad in, but also sumthing i remember watching a lot as a kid. got me into cartoons, from there came beauty and the beast, aladdin, lion king, and all the rest. thank u senior spielberg.

goonies- who didn't grow up w/ this movie? i used to stay home from school simply to watch it repeatedly. ultimate kid fantasy- a bunch of buddies and two chicks on an adventure through caves and pirate ships. hidden gold and bad guys too... and that jeep was my dream car for a while. again, thank u snr. spielnut.

thelma and louise- i watched it first w/ my mom right when it came out on video. i was reluctant at the time, for i was a little tyke, but man... what a movie. i scoff at ppl who say its a ball-busting chick flick. road movies r the best, trully. buddy movies r a close second. this one has it all. and that ending, w/ the music... ridley at his best.

do the right thing- senior year of high school, wanted to see what this spike lee character was all about. definitely the first movie that made me go 'whoooa, so that's what u can do in a movie!' one of the few movies that gets better w/ repeat viewings. 'man ur jordans r fucked up!!"

jfk- how i came to know and luv mr. stone, for no other reason than the passion and energy he puts into his films. saw it when i was 14 maybe. it got my mind racing. probably the movie that made me a film guy.  

and u know the rest.


Quote from: WithnailStar Wars made me think "Hey, movies are cool, I think I'm gonna do nothing but watch them for the rest of my life."
Aliens made me think "Wow, this action stuff can really be creative."
Back to the Future made think "This is the movie I will watch the most times during my lifetime."
Almost Famous made me think "Favorite movie ever. Grow hair long. Must download Tiny Dancer."
Fellowship of the Ring made me think "I'm in love. With my date to the movie. Which wasn't bad either."
I saw Magnolia, and couldn't think for a week.

I think I like everything about this post...



Mulholland Drive
Fight Club
The Matrix
Clockwork Orange
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Shawshank Redemption
Three Colors (Kieslowski)
Almost Famous

Those come to mind. I'm sure I could think of more.


Quote from: ©bradamerican tail- the story of the little mouse who gets lost from his parents who r also mice. probably the first movie i got really sad in, but also sumthing i remember watching a lot as a kid. got me into cartoons, from there came beauty and the beast, aladdin, lion king, and all the rest. thank u senior spielberg.
I like that...I completely forgot this existed....I was (am) a huge fan of this as a little kid as well.