
Started by Duck Sauce, February 01, 2003, 08:29:30 PM

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Multiple viewings are essential for Godard films.  There is a lot to absorb in Weekend, visually, thematically, politically.
Music is your best entertainment value.


That is certainly true. I absorb more and more every time I see one of his films.
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


I really need to see more Godard.  I mean I'm still young, but I just haven't seen enough movies in general.  From what I've seen, I dig.


I've seen Weekend multiple times over the past 20 years, and I find new things to appreciate each time.  You can appreciate Weekend simply as a visual experience by turning off the subtitles.  I did this with Alphaville, and I noticed a lot of Godard's cinematic bag of tricks.  I find reading subtitles detracts from the visual experience.  With Godard, things are structured in a fragmented way, and he throws a lot of arcane references at the viewer.  It also helps to know about the political context of France in the 60's.  In addition, the French have a love/hate relationship with the U.S.  They resent our cultural imperialism, and yet Godard and other French directors make reference to a lot of our films.
Music is your best entertainment value.


I guess I haven't been lucky with Godard. I enjoyed Breathless but find it far from the masterpiece people say it is. I didn't like Contempt at all, found it a pretentious film for critics. A woman is a woman, I hated it too....I think I just don't connect with his stuff...or is it one or two in particular that I should really check out???

He's kind of hideous in interviews too....


Quote from: AlexandroI guess I haven't been lucky with Godard. I enjoyed Breathless but find it far from the masterpiece people say it is. I didn't like Contempt at all, found it a pretentious film for critics. A woman is a woman, I hated it too....I think I just don't connect with his stuff...or is it one or two in particular that I should really check out???

He's kind of hideous in interviews too....

Im not a huge godard fan - however I have enjoyed most that I've seen - Just not overly enthusiastic about his work as I am for others - Id make a point to seek out Alphaville - probably my favorite Godard film.
...your excuses are your own...


Alphaville is worth checking out.  Even if you don't like the story, it is visually dazzling -- use of lighting, composition, camera movement, blocking of action.  The sound design is pretty cool, too.  If you just turn off the subtitles and experience it in a purely visual way, you will enjoy it.
Music is your best entertainment value.

The Perineum Falcon

I love every frame of Band à part.
We often went to the cinema, the screen would light up and we would tremble, but also, increasingly often, Madeleine and I were disappointed. The images had dated, they jittered, and Marilyn Monroe had gotten terribly old. We were sad, this wasn't the film we had dreamed of, this wasn't the total film that we all carried around inside us, this film that we would have wanted to make, or, more secretly, no doubt, that we would have wanted to live.


im having a brain fart - which godard film is the parody/satire of James Bond-esque films?
...your excuses are your own...


Quote from: AlexandroI guess I haven't been lucky with Godard. I enjoyed Breathless but find it far from the masterpiece people say it is. I didn't like Contempt at all, found it a pretentious film for critics. A woman is a woman, I hated it too....I think I just don't connect with his stuff...or is it one or two in particular that I should really check out???

He's kind of hideous in interviews too....
that's how i feel. the dude's a jerk and beyond a few things worth stealing, his films are borefests.
under the paving stones.


Dammit, guys...

How can you see In Praise Of Love and Our Music, and not fall in love with the beauty and density of image and sound?

How can you watch Band Of Outsiders and not smile at the playfulness?

The raw genius of First Name Carmen? Fuck fuck fuck...

Each of his movies demand a minimum of three viewings. The guy's out there killing himself (I mean, he's a grizzled old man -- I know, I've stood in front of him). He's devoted his whole life to cinema, and given us untold riches. Stop resisting him and just open up and LOVE IT!!!

Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.


Indeed.  You must see every Godard film at least three times.

You can learn a lot about cinematic syntax, and how to mess around with cinematic syntax, by closely studying Weekend, Pierrot le Fou, Breathless, Alphaville and My Life to Live.

Plus, Godard's films from the 60's are still culturally relevant.  The long traffic jam in Weekend is a perfect metaphor for America today.  Alphaville, in which technology rules the world, is timelier than ever.

Back in high school, some kid in my English class asked why we had to read Grapes of Wrath, because he said, "It's boring."  The teacher replied, "You're boring."
Music is your best entertainment value.

w/o horse

I prefer the old rebuttle of:  'If you don't like the Mona Lisa it says more about you than it does the Mona Lisa.'

Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as to say, if you don't like Godard perhaps you are more a fan of narrative than filmmaking craft (which I think would be perfectly acceptable).
Raven haired Linda and her school mate Linnea are studying after school, when their desires take over and they kiss and strip off their clothes. They take turns fingering and licking one another's trimmed pussies on the desks, then fuck each other to intense orgasms with colorful vibrators.


Quote from: SoNowThenDammit, guys...

How can you see In Praise Of Love and Our Music, and not fall in love with the beauty and density of image and sound?

How can you watch Band Of Outsiders and not smile at the playfulness?

The raw genius of First Name Carmen? Fuck fuck fuck...

Each of his movies demand a minimum of three viewings. The guy's out there killing himself (I mean, he's a grizzled old man -- I know, I've stood in front of him). He's devoted his whole life to cinema, and given us untold riches. Stop resisting him and just open up and LOVE IT!!!


Haven't seen those...but even though I have some resistance, i know in the end i'll get around to see them. It's just that this is very rare on my experience, this kind of non response to some great director. The only other "great" director that I can't take is Wenders. I don't particularly think he's pretentious or anything, it's just that I don't seem able to watch a complete movie of his without falling asleep.

Another movie I don't like and everyone praises is Jules et Jim. That movie also has a playfulness that I don't find funny at all...

still, I understand what other people see in this movies, they're just not my cup of tea...


Quote from: AlexandroI guess I haven't been lucky with Godard. I enjoyed Breathless but find it far from the masterpiece people say it is. I didn't like Contempt at all, found it a pretentious film for critics. A woman is a woman, I hated it too....I think I just don't connect with his stuff...or is it one or two in particular that I should really check out???

He's kind of hideous in interviews too....

ya gotta check out some of the ones that don't get talked about so much...alphaville, woman is a woman etc are pretty worthless i'd say, but there is nothing on this planet that can even compare to the beauty/genius/exhileration of films like vivre sa vie, weekend, numero deux, slow motion, first name carmen, passion, masculin feminin, notre musique...and i think his histoires du cinema series is being released soon, ive seen some of it on video and its really just...essential, i guess.  it needs to be seen.