
Started by Duck Sauce, February 01, 2003, 08:29:30 PM

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i bought it and ive read through most of it, and it is indeed quite inspiring

Just Withnail

Just finished watching the Une Femme est une Femme for the first time. Deliciously over the top with Godardisms. Watching this the same week as Les Carabiniers makes me wonder if Godard had a split personality.


Godard is amazingly versatile -- from the verite feel of Breathless and Les Carabiniers to the carefully arranged widescreen compositions of Contempt, from the looseness of A Woman is a Woman to the Bressonian formality of A Married Woman and My Life to Live.
Music is your best entertainment value.


i watched A Woman is a Woman today, too.
I loved the 180 degree pans and titles when they were waiting for Alfred to come to their apartment.

what is Les Caribiniers like?
looks like i need to see Alphaville, Pierrot Le Fou and Weekend as well.

Godard seems to be my favorite director at the moment.
so far i've seen:
My Life to Live
Band of Outsiders
A Woman is a Woman

all are interesting and unique in their own way
any more Godard Criterions in the near future?
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


I decided I needed to catch up on Godard, so I've recently seen My Life To Live, Band Of Outsiders and, just tonight, Contempt. As stated on the first page of this thread, I'd previously seen Breathless and Alphaville, although I watched them so long ago and so early in my career as a serious moviegoer that, while I liked them a lot, I don't trust my opinion and need to revisit them. And In Praise Of Love was too recent to be considered classic. So anyway....

My Life To Live blew my mind. I just loved it. I felt so immediately connected to the character and her feelings, and almost entirely through Godard's lens and editing, rather than the dialogue -- the Passion Of Joan Of Arc sequence being a prime example, and my very favorite scene in the film. What a beautiful movie.

Band Of Outsiders was a fun subversion of pulp standards. I see why Tarantino loves it.

Contempt is the only one to leave me cold. I loved the central conversation between the writer and Camille that takes up the middle thirty minutes of the film -- it reminded me somewhat of the confessional conversation in Eyes Wide Shut, and it was wonderfully probing. The rest of it...well, I need to see it again. I enjoyed it, but I think I nede to see it again. Loved the opening credits and the score and the photography, and Bardot of course, but I think I must have missed something central.


thats funny.  we've seen the exact same 5 godards.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Alright you two break it up.

Just Withnail

Quote from: themodernage02thats funny.  we've seen the exact same 5 godards.

Maybe you're soulmates.


everybody needs to see weekend


Quote from: ewardeverybody needs to see weekend

If you want to send me a copy I'll glady watch it.


still waitin for my copy from ebs

The Silver Bullet

Quote from: GhostboyContempt is the only one to leave me cold.
I originally felt this way as well, but have found that Contempt has a way of growing on you over time. More and more I remember just how rich and sad it was and now need to see it again myself to actually determine what I really think of it.
RABBIT n. pl. rabĀ·bits or rabbit[list=1]
  • Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae.
  • A hare.


the trailer for his new film, notre musique, can be found here  


i hope this is released in the US sometime soon


Week End may be the most important and greatest film I've ever seen, which is probably presumptuous for me to say because even after seeing it twice I still don't completely "get it"... I also have to wonder if that's even possible.  But I've never been as challenged or invigorated while watching a film as I was during this one.  It does more for the medium -- in terms of everything: narrative, aesthetic, content -- than I could have ever imagined and its cultural/historical importance is undeniable and most definitely a force to be reckoned with (I got crushed by it).  There's a reason why "god" is in Godard... oooh shit, you know you like that one.

I feel compelled to say something about the traffic jam scene just like everybody else that writes about the film.  It's as if the tracking shot was specifically invented for that scene.  There were tracking shots before Week End, and there are tracking shots after.  

Notre Musique is playing here in a month... can't wait.


did you watch it on vhs?