Top 10 UNDERRATED movies EVER!

Started by GodDamnImDaMan, September 03, 2003, 02:56:39 AM

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I like to hug dogs


Quote from: themodernage02i saw Abre Los Ojos, and thought Vanilla Sky improved everything that could be improved upon to make a better film.  ALO was a great idea, an okay movie.   Crowe took those ideas and made them into a better film.

I disagree, I think ojos is better. I'm gonna get lynched, but I pretty much hated vanilla sky
"In Serbia a lot of people hate me because they want to westernise, not understanding that the western world is bipolar, with very good things and very bad things. Since they don't have experience of the west, they even believe that western shit is pie."
-Emir Kusturica


Quote from: tremoloslothRavenous

i love that film


In Ebert's review of "Jawbreaker", I think, he said "I can't recall the last movie I saw that didn't end with a prom or some other high school dance. Maybe it was 'Ravenous'." I though that was funny. :(

But imagine if "Ravenous" had ended with a prom. :(
Last five films (theater)
-The Da Vinci Code: *
-Thank You For Smoking: ***
-Silent Hill: ***1/2 (high)
-Happy Together: ***1/2
-Slither: **

Last five films (video)
-Solaris: ***1/2
-Cobra Verde: ***1/2
-My Best Fiend: **1/2
-Days of Heaven: ****
-The Thin Red Line: ***


Vanilla Sky was almost unwatchably bad.
"I believe in this, and it's been tested by research: he who fucks nuns will later join the church."

-St. Joe

Something Spanish

Vanilla Sky WAS unwatchably bad.[/quote]


Quote from: rustinglass
Quote from: themodernage02i saw Abre Los Ojos, and thought Vanilla Sky improved everything that could be improved upon to make a better film.  ALO was a great idea, an okay movie.   Crowe took those ideas and made them into a better film.

I disagree, I think ojos is better. I'm gonna get lynched, but I pretty much hated vanilla sky
I'm on the same page.  I love Abre los Ojos...i hate hate hate vanilla sky






Vanilla sky is a shit film... I had always skipped it's predecessor just because of how shitty Vanilla sky was, which I normally wouldn't do, you should always assume that the original is better, but everyone who liked ALO liked VS as well or better... now I see that's not necessarily the case and maybe I'll watch the original.


I liked Abre Los Ojos waaaaaaay more that Vanilla Sky-- actually, I flat out hated that one.  Found it to be way to masturbatory.  Amenebar made a thriller, Crowe just wanted to tell us he how much he loves pop culture.  And arrrrrggggh, that music.  I think the next movie he makes should be called "I Love Nancy Wilson."  Or "Can't Hold Billy Wilder's Jock."  Or "Yes, I Actually Won an Oscar for Writing."  Sorry to get on a Crowe-bashing rant, but I really loathed his last two movies.  I wish he would get over himself and make a decent flick.


the Crowe Vanilla Sky was absolute suck partly because the screenplay couldn't decide whether it was going to be a full-on remake or a full-on copy of the original.. it dallied back and forth.. but watch the original for sure. really, really better.


It's too bad there's more discussion here about "Vanilla Sky" than in Cameron Crowe's forum.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffinIt's too bad there's more discussion here about "Vanilla Sky" than in Cameron Crowe's forum.

I wouldn't know.  If I go over there, I'm afraid I'll go nuts about how much I hate Almost Famous.


hey i have an idea, ill make up these strong opinions that i dont really have so i can be part of a thread that is brutaly, an unfairly, bashing a movie


Quote from: Bankyhey i have an idea, ill make up these strong opinions that i dont really have so i can be part of a thread that is brutaly, an unfairly, bashing a movie

Trust me, I truly do have these strong opinions and am not posting just join in on the gang-bang.  I really enjoy everything he's done, pre-Almost Famous.  Well, except I wasn't 100 percent into Singles.  I think he's enormously talented and wanted to like his last two movies.  Almost Famous was the got-the-keys-to-the-kingdom movie after the smashing success of Jerry Maguire, and it shows.  Yes, it was personal, but I felt he was throwing out too much.  I would have rather seen a movie about either the band, the girl, or the kid-- not all three at once.  I grew tired of the 'cut to' comedy-- end a scene with a line, show the complete opposite ('golden god' being the most obvious).  Hudson' OD scene was preposterous to me, it felt horribly awkward once the music kicked up and it turned almost... happy? at the end.  Didn't like that tack on with Crudup coming back at the end, felt to much like an idealized movie and not a truthful story-- which it was based on in the first place.  I managed to read Crowe's longer, older version of the script, which while I didn't really *love* it, it at least had a more concise perspective.  As for Vanilla Sky, once again, I really wanted to like that too.  I'm not against remakes for good or bad movies... as long as they bring something good to the table.  The first forty minutes or so moved along pretty well, and I was in.  But once the story had to turn suspenseful-- that's what Amenabar's film was in the first place, a mystery/thriller-- that's when Crowe fumbled.  In Ojos, there was a general tension as to what was happening once the 'switches' started to happen.  I didn't buy the conceit that 'the board' could be against Cruise, it wasn't earned, as for Lee's possible turn.  The relationship between the friends in the first movie was strained and far more dark (their introductions say it all).  I can't say for sure whether or not the TV ads for the cryo business was too much of a dead giveaway in VS since I knew what they were leading to.  BUT, and this is most important of all, I felt that at the end of VS, when it's all said and done, Crowe gave us an absolute truth.. and it was one I didn't dig and don't think he earned.  I liked the ambiguity of the original's end (my only gripe is the cgi's budget, yikes!) and how the revelation was a sucker-punch, and it was so outrageous that it could *possibly* be false.  The often praised elevator scene was just too expository for me to handle in the remake.  All the music ref's were a bit too much for me, it felt like Crowe got to throw out a lot of stuff he didn't get out from the last movie.

*whew* I will see the guys' forthcoming films, still definitely ready to give him a shot.  I would like to see him keep working with Jim Brooks (he produced his two best, IMHO) and to have 'the man' breathing down his neck a little more.  Some filmmakers, when the get TOO much creative freedom, get bogged down in their own world and forget that they've got to put a show on for the audience.