PTA Quotes

Started by Pozer, August 30, 2003, 07:02:03 PM

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Cast your favorite quotes from Paul from interviews, Q&A's etc.

you may recognize this one from my old signature. It's from the Cannes interview and I think it's kind of wierd but at the same time sort of cool and funny because of the way he struggles to find the right words.....

"No, no, no because...I want -- no because...I want -- because....I love those movies y'know. I think that I was just...I think that I...I think that I.....I think I love movies that have a lot of good love stories in them, and I love -- and I, y'know. I'm a big fan of falling in love"


I've been trying to think of one from that Q&A I went to cause he was  just hilarious from beginning to end. Right from the beginning, after a loud eruption of applause, a few standing ovations and even some guys bowing to him, he says something like "Wow, that was a head-fuck of an introduction cause...cause...that's just so not me." You really had to hear him say it and see who he said it in front of. Most of the people there looked pretty young but there were definitely some older people there (it's essentially a revival and film preservation theatre) that must have been shocked.


I liked it when he spoke at nyu with Sandler and the person leading the discussion gave Paul a baseball cap with an nyu logo on it.

He put it on and said, "It's taken me a long time to wear this fucking hat."


"You're working out your psychosis at everyone else's eight fifty.  No one cares."


Make sure ya'll don't repeat yourselves. I once did a "Favorite Piece of Anderson Dialouge" thread where people posted their favorite quotes from his movies. It was eventually locked because people said the same things over and over again. Yeah, they're very strict.
"You're too kind."
-Richard Roeper

"You're too cruel."
-Roger Ebert


Quote from: neatahwanta"You're working out your psychosis at everyone else's eight fifty.  No one cares."

I need this one in context. It sounds pretty damn mean this way.

Quote from: filmcriticMake sure ya'll don't repeat yourselves. I once did a "Favorite Piece of Anderson Dialouge" thread where people posted their favorite quotes from his movies. It was eventually locked because people said the same things over and over again. Yeah, they're very strict.

I hate to say it cause well, I really have no right to say something like this to anybody but...have some respect for yourself man. You know that the thread made by you that you're talking about in the post I just quoted is a completely different thread then this one...and as you also well know, you're about to get lashed out at yet again by people not as patient as myself if you don't edit your post quick. These are quotes from the man himself, not quotes from his movies. Please help yourself out.


Quote from: ebeaman
Quote from: neatahwanta"You're working out your psychosis at everyone else's eight fifty.  No one cares."

I need this one in context. It sounds pretty damn mean this way.

pta is right.


ebeaman, same principal.
"You're too kind."
-Richard Roeper

"You're too cruel."
-Roger Ebert


"Mark Rance, you know, nobody cares about this fucking movie anymore, okay?  There are more important things.  There's life"


"I have never been in a war, like John Ford. I am not from France, like François Truffaut. I'm not even from Chicago, like David Mamet. When you are young and impressionable, it is important to have some resemblance to those you admire."

"'The Wedding Singer,' and 'Big Daddy,' and especially 'Happy Gilmore.' Those three, in particular, I could watch them over and over and over again just from the pure joy that you can feel them putting into making the movie which, is just as much joy as you can feel Robert Altman putting into making 'Nashville'."

"I wish people's film vocabularies would go back further than three or four years ago."


"I'd have to say that dealing with a ridiculous Hollywood process called "test screenings" where 500 strangers tell you how to cut your movie."

"He has a 13 inch penis so I guess it's typecasting."
We gonna do a little Q&A Mr. Worley, and at the risk of sounding redundant please... make your answers Genuine...


"I hope that answers your fucking frog question!"


these quotes are really great.. so far.
under the paving stones.


"I hate pre-production.  I fuckin' hate it.  I will be a calmer, wonderful, gentle, beautiful person come fuckin' Thursday,... come Tuesday.  It's like I am off and away.  Off and anyway, just get me the fuck in the boat, ya know?"

Find Your Magali

"I use my brief experience with film school to bad-mouth it with authority. The first day I walked into the classroom I was faced with seeing Battleship Potemkin and a professor who said, "If you want to write Terminator 2, get out." Well, fuck you. Maybe there's some kid who wants to write Terminator 2, and how dare you start with Potemkin? Why not start with Terminator 2 and work backward? To me, that's the way to learn."