Read the old message board?

Started by aurora, January 31, 2003, 04:41:42 PM

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Hi there!

Is there anyway I can read the old message board?? Is it up somewehere??


if you've got a fast computer and are readily available to download and extract a 500mb archive.  considering the enormous amount of bandwidth required to host it, i'm not sure if the address can be publicly made available but you can most definetly arrange something with xixax


It's probably best if we just let it rest in peace.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


I don't know... if there was a way to extract apostropheS's analyses of "Magnolia", I would love to get my hands on those.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkabluesI don't know... if there was a way to extract apostropheS's analyses of "Magnolia", I would love to get my hands on those.

i think you should know that pta genuinely hated that analysis


A friend recently suggested that we "keep this board fresh and the good thoughts on the old one as well."

It's kind of like seeing that movie you loved as a kid when you're an adult... Or looking at a picture of the first girl you ever made out with or had a crush on...

Some things are better in memory than in reality.

The longer it's gone, the more the good will rise and the bad will fade.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


Quote from: sphinxi think you should know that pta genuinely hated that analysis

I'm not the least bit surprised to hear that.  I made a short film once that one of my classmates made an impassioned analysis of as a "Socialist manifesto".  That was about the farthest thing from my mind when I made the film, but the more he explained his position, the more the text supported his view.  

Moral of the story: Films always have multiple interpretations, and more often than not, the ones the filmmaker didn't intend are the most interesting.

And for the record, I'm not a socialist.  More of left-of-the-middle moderate.  But I have read "Animal Farm", like, eight times.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: XixaxOr looking at a picture of the first girl you ever made out with or had a crush on...
Nah, she's still hot.

Quote from: polkabluesMore of left-of-the-middle moderate.
I lean more towards White Lilies Island.


i have them i think, they are on a different computer than the one i am at now, i will post them later tonight, if you guys want...should i post them in this thread or as a new topic?

also, sphinx, can we gat any kind of elaboration on your comment about pta generally hating the analysis?



after reading all of these other posts, i agree with xixax in that it should be put to rest.  i'd recommend that we don't post many archived threads of it.

godard: he really just hated it and thought it was completely wrong.  i don't think there was much more to it than that


Let it die, however....if it does become available, I'd like to recover my analysis of the Fast As You Can video....I don't think I ever posted it anywhere but there.  In the video section as I recall, under the post about the audio and video being out of sync.  Thanks.

Yeah, and BTW, it woulda been nice to have some kinda heads up about things.....haha, nah, scratch that....its best not to know.  Then you don't fret about what you type...keeps things fresh.



I have no real problem with letting the whole thing stay in its grave.  I just found the whole thing with the parallels and references to masonry absolutely fascinating.

And Newtron, you clever bastard, anything with Natalie's voice or face on it is all right by me.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: sphinxgodard: he really just hated it and thought it was completely wrong.  
I think PTA was actually referring to the terrible job you were doing masquerading as an admin who knew what the fuck he was talking about


Whoa. Back off, Cock. No need for that.
Quote from: Pas RapportI don't need a dick in my anus to know I absolutely don't want a dick in my anus.


I'm lost. So PTA read the thread and thought it was bull shit? That means he's a member or at least a guest on the message board...