Is Soderbergh lying?

Started by kotte, August 25, 2003, 12:20:51 PM

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Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantaloneshe brings nothing original to the site and you guys are licking his nuts



Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantaloneswell i was, im thinking about backing off ::yawns:: if you guys want to ruin this site go ahead
the only one who is ruining this site is u with ur constant replies and attacks at what almost everyone says.

the 3 things u do, and this is all u ever do:
- say "pc nazi." when u don't know what the fuck ur tlaking about, JB hasn't been touching ur posts, Picolas didn't touch ur posts, i'm beginning to think ur editing ur own shit and blaming ur "enemies" just to get ppl on ur side.
- praise urself. i've never seen sumone stroke their own cock as much as u. u think ur improving the site, tell me ONE way that what u've been doing these last couple of weeks has improved the site, "ME" actually used to say smart and interesting things before u chose him to be ur weekly enemy. u are ruining every thread u post on by making it about urself and how misunderstood u are and how great ur plight is.
- give up when no one agrees with u and resort to changing the subject by way of (refer to #1). anachronism made great points about what u represent and moreso what ur becoming. u started out great, in small doses u brought sum nice attitude to an otherwise dreary topic. that is, before u became sum fuckin thread killing monster, shit man, u hav become delluded about everything that u do. and don't think this is a sudden turn/betrayal, i've been telling u for weeks that if u don't expand or try to change ur persona there would be bad consequences. and well here it is, only the losers occasionally like u, and xixax, and even then ur scaring them away by constantly displaying unjustified arrogance and blatant ignorance.

part of being great is having humility, and u've never shown that. now ur gonna cry and make a big scene about leaving, about how the board will suck when u go. dude this week u've become the worst part of this place. there hav been almost NO funny posts or humor anywhere, u've killed it all because u can't admit that yes what anachronism said was right, and u DO need to change. fuck it. u'll prolly call me pc shit now too, ur so predictable.
under the paving stones.


first of all say what you will about my ego and my lack of respect for other peoples opinions when i think their dumb

but dont call me a liar

i have been edited , sometimes i deserved it like i created a thread explaining that mesh is fagoneis for " i love man ass"

other times i was edited for reasons that are petty

call me anything just not a liar, ive put my balls on the line many a time here to risk it all

my credibility is all i have

p you need to chill for real


Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalonesmy credibility is all i have
then u hav nothing, u don't want it to end here do u.. way to ignore half the things i said.. u don't admit that u kill everything?

Quotep you need to chill for real
that is fucking fresh. really.
under the paving stones.


why is Anachronism so important to you

and dont worry about my credibility xixax aint life

but should i stay here  i can tear down my rep and re build it stronger when ever i feel like it

dude pubrick ::shakes head:: go ahead line up with the ***THIS IS EDITING FUCKER... NO NEED TO LIE ABOUT THIS ONE ***


I guess it is how you define art.  The basics: Film, canvas, clay, clef notes.
The one most influentual to me...Photography.  Although same can be said for all the above, I feel it's principals capture all of what we define art as.  In essence, it is a still image similar to that of a blink.  Even the lens follows after the construction of our eye.  It is a replica of us, what we see, what we choose to see, and how we want to capture that moment.  As it's always the "moment" in which inspiration is derived.  And with all art, it stems from what we know...we know what we see....what we see makes us well as what we hear can make us feel...and ever just close your eyes and smell?

But I see art in a lot of things that most wouldn't necessarly consider art.

nature- the leaves changing color, a cool looking rock
people- the facial expressions they make, the texture of their hands
animals- there is something artful about the way a cat licks it paw
food- the fancy meal that you don't wanna ruin, the way the toppin's are on a pizza
inanimate objects- the colors a prism casts, or the way a newspaper turns yellow

ever notice something just amazing?...and then just watch, and see how everyone else just brushes past it, as if it didn't even exist.

Quote from: kotteWould a world without art be unlivable?
yes, cause I would not want to live without all my senses, art plays with them all.   The only way to get rid of art is to get rid of these.  Pull the plug.


Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones***THIS IS EDITING FUCKER... NO NEED TO LIE ABOUT THIS ONE ***

point proved , just like orsen wells i get slapped for taking on the powers that be


Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
point proved , just like orsen wells i get slapped for taking on the powers that be

Except that you are rebelling against a fucking INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD. Jesus, get some perspective. No need to rebel just for the sake of rebelling.


Quote from: mindfuck
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
point proved , just like orsen wells i get slapped for taking on the powers that be

Except that you are rebelling against a fucking INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD. Jesus, get some perspective. No need to rebel just for the sake of rebelling.

no this is my public diary, that your great grand children will be reading in school

and sadlly  im being slapped in real life as well by much more important people , they love my work but they dare to ask me to change some things ........... those fools

stay tuned , orsen was more stubern then me , i will have sonowthen protect me from myself by dealing with the big wigs

because even marty couldnt fuck with harvy weinstein

i will just create and let others deal with the buisness aspect, because i would go nuts over shit like budgets and the Schedule

stay tuned


Quote from: aclockworkjjever notice something just amazing?...and then just watch, and see how everyone else just brushes past it, as if it didn't even exist.

its a beautiful feeling


Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
Quote from: kotte
Quote from: rustinglass
Quote from: kotte

rustinglass: I see your point...but I'm interested in knowing what it means to life.

It makes it more beautiful. Life cannot be if not beautiful.Aren't you better off having seen it?
art is the interpretation of the artist on his own experience, after seeing it , it becomes a part of you.

I didn't see it that way...but it's true...I don't think I've spent enough time thinking about art as art and not the commercialized version of it, movies and music as we know it.

uh ohh the anti commercialized version speach , thats a bad sign

I don't wanna encourage you to reply but what the hell?

I'm not talking about anti-commercialization. I was having an art discussion.

I believe movies and music are commercialized versions of art and paintings the opposite...but I never said anything about being anti...

I think this thread has gave a new perspective on paintings...that's good.


Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalonesAnachronism can teach nobody anything that has not been taught already by somebody else

he brings nothing original to the site and you guys are licking his nuts , what ??? is he one of those dogma95 guys  in disguise ??

why are you guys kissing this second rate godardians ass

he has brought nothing of substance to this site, he is interchangable and un original

the world wide web is filled with people who act and say the exact same things

and im trying to make this site set itself apart from other shitty message boards

What up, Genius?

What up, what up, dawg?


Quote from: kotteIs Soderbergh lying?

..Nah.         he is standing up..


Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
Quote from: mindfuck
Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
point proved , just like orsen wells i get slapped for taking on the powers that be

Except that you are rebelling against a fucking INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD. Jesus, get some perspective. No need to rebel just for the sake of rebelling.

no this is my public diary, that your great grand children will be reading in school

and sadlly  im being slapped in real life as well by much more important people , they love my work but they dare to ask me to change some things ........... those fools

stay tuned , orsen was more stubern then me , i will have sonowthen protect me from myself by dealing with the big wigs

because even marty couldnt fuck with harvy weinstein

i will just create and let others deal with the buisness aspect, because i would go nuts over shit like budgets and the Schedule

stay tuned

Even though Harvey had Marty put in the whole "kiss her, bite him" love scene in Gangs, I firmly believe that he let Marty have 99% his own way.

Since Harvey is a marketing genius, I believe he made up the whole "fighting with Marty on set" thing to sell tickets. And it worked. Gangs maybe wasn't the most successful, but it did good business, and people who have no clue what it's really about constantly tell me it was their favorite movie of last year. He took a Marty movie (which never do well, barring a few bizarre exceptions) and made something out of it commercially.

So Marty gets to do his dream project (and only has to give up one scene), and Harvey gets some more bucks AND gets to work with a living legend, and all they had to do was pretend they had a little fight.

That's my theory, anyway.
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.


Quote from: kotteAgree with that...

Paintings. Why are paintings important? I don't think I could manage without music, movies etc but paintings...why are they important?

spoken perfectly by a product of the 20th century. you should be proud of yourself -- someone raised you well -- just out of curiosity, do you refer to your television as Daddy?
...your excuses are your own...