Ripley's Game on IFC... already?!

Started by BrainSushi, August 20, 2003, 09:47:36 PM

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Did this thing even hit theatres yet? It's not even on DVD and it's gonna be making it's premiere on IFC already?

I just find that strange. And it's got John Malkovich as Ripley... How does a character go from Matt Damon to John Malkovich?


I believe it might have been released in areas outside of the US. It's not an official sequel to the Damon movie...Patricia Highsmith wrote a whole series of novels about Tom Ripley, and this is just another adaptation of one of them. I believe there is a new one in the works already, too. Also, there's the classic Italian thriller Purple Noon (I think that's the title), which is also an adaptation of The Talented Mister Ripley.


Must have sucked... that's too bad, I'm a fan of the Ripley Series, but that's been discussed.


Release Date Note: Fine Line Features has yanked this film from their theatrical calendar entirely, and is now aiming to release it direct to video.

More about the decision here.

More about RK's discussion here.
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