Open Range

Started by modage, August 07, 2003, 12:26:49 PM

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these are pretty cool.  i actually want to see this movie.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Even though it doesn't open until next Friday, you can find out how good it is on "Ebert & Roeper" this week. They have a first look at it.
"You're too kind."
-Richard Roeper

"You're too cruel."
-Roger Ebert


And the award for coolest one sheets so far this year goes to....

They'd have been even better if the actors' names weren't so big.  I want to see this too. The trailer has a nice old fashioned feel to it.


They've got great colors, but I don't really like the way they made the characters.

Still much cooler than a giant fucking face

soylent greenish

dances with wolves waterworld the postman and now open range

if youve seen it once you'll prolly see it again

kevin costner is a hack with a capital F U

but i will still throw my 5.50 ( student discount ) down the drain with the rest of you come next week


I liked Waterworld... and the Postman even more. Dances with the Wolves was great.

I like Costner it would seem


Quote from: soylent greenishdances with wolves waterworld the postman and now open range

He didn't direct Waterworld.

Gold Trumpet

I have no idea how good or bad this movie will be. I'm just pumped to see Duvall in headlining position again. I'll go regardless of anything I hear to just see him perform.



Trailer here. 'Enter Site', then go to 'Previews'.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I really enjoyed this. It was very old fashioned, in a good way, and I think Costner did a great job directing it. When it comes to Westerns, I think simplicty is a good quality, and that is this film's great strength. It works at its own pace, taking its time to build to a really great climax.

Costner's acting was pretty strong, too. Duvall is great, of course -- this is no 'Lonesome Dove,' but it's a grand performance nonetheless, in a pretty fine movie.

Gold Trumpet

I enjoyed the movie but didn't really like it. The best parts are just the moments of costner/duvall kicking ass, but that can be found in so many other better westerns as well. The movie falls flat in the drama and trying to make the movie more dramatic than it needs to be. Instead of going for simple realism, it tries to inject two subplots that aren't worth anything. The love story and Coster's character as the persona of a hardened man willing and knowing how to kill. Costner's history is never brought slowly along with the story, but flat out introduced and explained on when the first chance presents itself. An entire scene just dictating his tortured history feels like tacky drama because it wasn't built up or shown at all. The love story, as usual, tries to further extend the drama into realms that are little fitting for the story and seems to play as an attempt to fill the movie with "drama", whether deserving or not. Just both of these subplots were always explained and hardly shown through action.

I wanted a film with an even more simple realism and direct storytelling. Costner's history could have been shown through violent acts and his obcession at the end with killing those men. The love affair, instead of being a fully realized happy ending, could have been a strained relationship between two people that could have been a loving one, but they just came from opposite worlds where it could never had worked. I, personally, would have dropped it entirely. All in all, a film that had promise but relied on nonsense.



I actually liked the way Costner's past was brought up so suddenly and never really elaborated upon. It felt natural, just like Duvall suddenly revealing that he had a wife. I think it would have been too typical if his history had been developed with increasing prevelance from the beginning.

I think we (we being everyone who has seen it) are in agreeance about the love story, but I'll forgive it for one reason. The scene with the late Michael Jeter, where he reads aloud Costner's makeshift will, was beautiful, and it was a wonderful last onscreen moment for Jeter. I seriously almost cried. Without the love story, that scene wouldn't have been there.

On of my favorite modern authors is Cormac McCarthy, whose books are full of stark, simple passages entrenched in the mythic power of the old west. There was just enough of that here to make me happy. By the way, I hate Miramax for not releasing Billy Bob Thornton's four hour version of All The Pretty Horses.


Quote from: GhostboyI think we (we being everyone who has seen it) are in agreeance about the love story, but I'll forgive it for one reason. The scene with the late Michael Jeter, where he reads aloud Costner's makeshift will, was beautiful, and it was a wonderful last onscreen moment for Jeter. I seriously almost cried. Without the love story, that scene wouldn't have been there.

When was Open Range shot?  I thought Jeter died quite a while ago.


He died sometime within the last six or eight months...well after this was shot, I imagine.


I liked it.


It kept me entertained for the 2 hour + running time. The story was pretty straight forward, beautifully shot, great acting (Costner and Duvall had some great lines) and some good-ole-fashioned six shooter action.

I liked the way the shootouts were shot, like when someone got shot they showed them taking the bullet and then falling, they didn't cut to a different angle or anything (aka trick shots). AND I loved how Costner just went up and shot the bastard in the face after asking "you the ones you jumped our friends?" BLAM!

I also read complaints that it was too slow, but I didn't think so. The beginning was slowly paced and I thought it worked well setting up the movie.

My only gripe was the love story at the end was a little stretched out, but nothing that was too overdone.

One of the most well done and solidly entertaining movies I've seen so far this year.

Michael Jeter: RIP  :cry:
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