New Live Action Batman Short

Started by Derek, July 18, 2003, 07:56:40 PM

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This was entertaining... just a really well done fan-boy jerk-off, but entertaining.

The mix of genres isn't a surprise at all since all of this has happened before in DC/Darkhorse Crossovers.  

It's obviously an ad for the filmmakers (even says so at the end), but it's a good one.

Cool look, but a little too "ode to modern batman"-ish.


I never tought someone could top Nicholson's Joker

I still tought the movie kinda sucked. Though I understand they had low budget and all.


The problem wasn't budgetary.  When fans make stuff like this, they lack compelling stories.  The test is rather, how many characters can we pack in like sardines?


Switching genres? Dark Horse? I'm guessing the Predator shows up. I'll be downloading it later tonight.


In case you missed it, AICN has an interview with the director. Danger, spoilers. Watch it first.


yeah i was pretty engaged on it until the ************************************************************

until the Alien and then the predators showed up  :roll:  :roll:

Cut that part out and have something that has to do with Gotham, and it might be genius.


how the hell do i play a .mov file?  i can't get it to work.

Sigur Rós


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Dead End Director Eyes Shazam!
Source: The Sandman Tuesday, November 18, 2003

With the success of the fan-favorite Batman: Dead End, director Sandy Collora has his sights set on another legendary hero!

Here's what Sandy has to say about Shazam!

"It's pretty rare when a script captures my imagination and inspires me so much, that I have to read it twice, or even rarer still, THREE times. SHAZAM! By William Goldman is just such a script, but it's something more... A lot more.

Captain Marvel is one of my favorite superheroes. I've always been drawn to him because Billy Batson was like every fifteen-year-old boy I knew... he was like me. The only difference is Billy Batson was given the power of being the mightiest hero in the world, something every young boy hopes to be in one way or another.

But, as so eloquently put in another of my favorite comic book movies; "With great power, comes great responsibility." After the reality of being Captain Marvel has manifested itself in his psyche, Billy is faced with a dilemma that is played out impeccably in this script.

Goldman has truly captured the spirit of Billy Batson's plight, both as Captain Marvel, and as a fifteen-year-old boy trying to figure out his place in the world. Like it's tremendously successful predecessors "SUPERMAN" and "SPIDERMAN", Goldman has stoked this script's furnace with what most comic book films lack... HEART.

I FEEL this film... I SEE this film... every moment, every frame... every ounce of trepidation and frustration Billy feels, every detail of Captain Marvel's costume, every magnificent beam of magic hour light that bathes his muscular frame with the girl in his arms as he majestically floats skyward.

I had always hoped that someday, someone would make a SHAZAM! movie, now I sincerely hope with every fiber of my being, that someone will be me."

New Line Cinema is producing Shazam! - SHH! is ready when they are to get Shazam Hype! up and running... Captain Marvel was co-created by C.C. Beck and William Parker in 1940.


william goldman?  sandy collora?  sounds pretty good to me...
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Finally saw this...Harry Knowles said this was the best representation of Batman ever to hit the screen?

I know it was low budget and all, but still, if you're going to do it why not try and have something of a script?

Lame, lame, lame.
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.

Just Withnail

The only good aspects of the short was the Batman costume, the lighting and the Joker. As everybody else pointed out, the lack of story and the absurdity/ stupidity of the little piece of plot it did have, really ruined what could have been great. Shame really. And while the Joker was good, it wasn't even close to Nicholson or Hamill.


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Just Withnail

They've also got an awesome looking Robin flick called "Grayson" at that site. I've only seen the trailer, but it looks quite insane.


Quote from: ...& IThey've also got an awesome looking Robin flick called "Grayson" at that site. I've only seen the trailer, but it looks quite insane.
yes it does.  except where sandy collora's preview is only a preview, it looks like Grayson is actually a whole film where this is an actual preview for the thing.  i wonder if collora's pissed that it might be stealing a little bit of his thunder?  (especially with them both using superman, etc.)
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.