Al Pacino

Started by ShanghaiOrange, July 16, 2003, 09:21:45 PM

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Quote from: ebeamanI'm bringing you up cause you brought me up pal. You said right out that I didn't know what I was talking about outta nowhere when you know damn well you just MIGHT have kinda sorta agreed with what I said if you had thought for two seconds what your most recent favorite Pacino or De Niro movie is and not just blown the whole thing off because it looks cool and witty...while at the same time totally sabotaging the thread and turning it in a different direction. Send me a PM if your THAT desperate to try and hurt my little feelings and make me cry over the internet. And if your talking about why I brought you up in my other post saying "I bet you'll be happy to hear..." and all that is cause you've been a dick to me from day one and you didn't really think about "gee, why might he be leaving?" or "this kid posts a million times a day and he's gone for a week and a half all of a sudden?" I mean, I'm not saying you should lay off a little when you don't know. You don't have to assume the worst, I'm just saying you should be more careful with shit like that. And christ, you don't know if I am a manic depressive man...I'm not but...I could have been. Or worse, somebody in my family could have been. I'm not threatening you...I'm just speaking from personal experience. I'm a person that could give in advice on getting caught with your foot in your mouth, trust me, lol. I'm the king of that.
i brought u up as a direct reply to what u'd written, not because my anti-deppressants stopped working.

i quoted u, and as everyone saw, u replied in a laughing/happy manner like u saw i wasnt being serious and redirected u to a thread u may not hav seen cos u've been away.

make up ur hormone riddled brain man, either ur gonna hav a huge cry or ur gonna be cool about shit like u had been for many weeks before ur disappearance. all of a sudden u felt like reacting to sumthing u'd already laughed off? if ur nuts, like a lot of us are, at least try to be aware of these inconsistencies.

now, go on.. say the magic words.. "lol", and everything will be sunshine again.  :yabbse-thumbup:
under the paving stones.


I never replied in a laughing manner to the specific things that you said though man. I never did that. I specifically mentioned the "fuck on the first date" thing which you did not post. You said something like "oh yea, he's dead...too bad." That's what I was referring to just now. I mean, school they always say that...but that's cause their 95% sure your not dead or even injured or anything cause they know kinda where you live and what kind of person you are and all that. But on a message board, god knows...maybe I could have been dead or you know, very sick or in some state of depression...which, again...I wasn't. But if I was, you would never find out, right? I mean, it's not like my mom's gonna come on and say, "oh yea, son is dead, he won't be coming here anymore." She wouldn't do that, she doesn't know how. And even if she did, she wouldn't think to do it. Who would? Alright, so that's pretty much the end of that. You know you weren't trying to be funny too, right? I mean, let's get that straight. You know you wish I wasn't on this board. I'm not saying you wish I was dead of course cause that would be melodramatic and wrong above all things but...I bet you were a little hopeful that SOMETHING would prevent me from coming here. I mean, you don't often just  ignore my posts. Sometime you'll subtlely hide a little jab at my persona or thoughts sometimes even reply quite directly to them and EVERY-SINGLE-TIME you do either of these things, it's a complaint about this or fucking's never anything I wrong? No I'm not. Show me proof of ONE time you replied to a post of mine and said something remotely positive. Or even neutral, I'll even give you that! Even neutral for christ's sake!!! Lol.

Pacino rocks. I've always wanted to know, what does it mean to call someone a "Devil's Advocate" and is that a good Pacino movie?


Quote from: ebeamanI never replied in a laughing manner to the specific things that you said though man. I never did that. I specifically mentioned the "fuck on the first date" thing which you did not post. You said something like "oh yea, he's dead...too bad." That's what I was referring to just now. I mean, school they always say that...but that's cause their 95% sure your not dead or even injured or anything cause they know kinda where you live and what kind of person you are and all that. But on a message board, god knows...maybe I could have been dead or you know, very sick or in some state of depression...which, again...I wasn't. But if I was, you would never find out, right? I mean, it's not like my mom's gonna come on and say, "oh yea, son is dead, he won't be coming here anymore." She wouldn't do that, she doesn't know how. And even if she did, she wouldn't think to do it. Who would? Alright, so that's pretty much the end of that. You know you weren't trying to be funny too, right? I mean, let's get that straight. You know you wish I wasn't on this board. I'm not saying you wish I was dead of course cause that would be melodramatic and wrong above all things but...I bet you were a little hopeful that SOMETHING would prevent me from coming here. I mean, you don't often just  ignore my posts. You sometimes actually reply quite directly to them and EVERY-SINGLE-TIME you do, it's complaining about this and that...never anything I wrong? No I'm not.
hahhaa. yeah, you're really wrong. so much of what u just said is in ur paranoid mind, it's unbelievable. and i know u don't see that. ur deranged and hav no memory of ur good weeks when we got along.

so, since i make a point of not talking to crazy ppl in the street, i think from now on i'll do the same with u. sorry u were so affected by everything i said, u were cool for a while but like most good things that was fleeting. i won't even go into ur "mom" or "sumone u know" coming on the board and telling us what's happened to u.

ur just weak. bye, and i hope one day u can be a functioning member of society. that's all i wish for.
under the paving stones.


The one thing that bothered me, the one thing that stayed in my mind and I couldn't get rid of it, that haunted me, was why. Why would he leave? What was his motive for leaving? Was it blackmail? No. Was it jealousy? No. Yesterday I found out why. He doesn't have a motive, you know why? Because he's not lying... And ladies and gentlemen of the XIXAX, ebeaman is not going to go today, no, because I'M GONNA BOOT HIM! THE HONORABLE EBEAMAN SHOULD GO RIGHT TO FUCKING JAIL!


A Devil's Advocate is someone who tests the validity of some cause or position by taking the opposing view. It comes from the Catholic church. The Devil's Advocate would argue against the canonization of saint. :(
Last five films (theater)
-The Da Vinci Code: *
-Thank You For Smoking: ***
-Silent Hill: ***1/2 (high)
-Happy Together: ***1/2
-Slither: **

Last five films (video)
-Solaris: ***1/2
-Cobra Verde: ***1/2
-My Best Fiend: **1/2
-Days of Heaven: ****
-The Thin Red Line: ***


De Niro, I suspect, just wants to mak emoney for his Producing Company Tribeca, let's hope he uses that money on more decent films than the ones he's been making. About a Boy was a good start...

On the other hand, I don't think he has given any bad performances, even in so so to bad films like Showtime...Actors like him never do roles "on their sleep". In fact, I don't think any trained actor would. Each role, no matter how stupid or flat you feel it, you always try to make it work...I say this as a stage actor...

Pacino has not been chosing that badly, ha she?? I mean, Insomnia was pretty cool, and that was a great performance from him. I haven't seen Simone or People I know, but those films were made back to back with Insomnia so we'll have to wait for the next movies. Gigli doesn't count, it's an obvious favor for Martin Brest...

On Inside the Actor's studio Christopher Walken said plain and simple: I take the first job that comes, when I'm done, I take the first one that comes...that would explain A LOT, don't you think? The man doesn't care about scrypts, he just jumps in and works all the time...


Al is good ...but lately in all of his films he always has a line where he yells in that tone of voice.ALWAYS......

of topic(a little but)is Road to Perdition the only filmwhere Hanks does not screeam and yell in that same voice (hopefully some know what i mean about this issu w/Hanks and Pacino)............


Al Pacino is Napoleon in Monster of Longwood
Source: Variety

Al Pacino will play Napoleon Bonaparte this fall in The Monster of Longwood, an adaptation of a Staton Rabin novel about the French dictator's last days and his relationship with a young British girl who befriended him after he was exiled to the isle of St. Helena.

According to Variety, Patrice Chereau (Queen Margot) is on board to direct, and he is overseeing a polish of Michael Tolkin's last draft with scribe-author Paul Auster.

However, the story is essentially the same as that of Napoleon and Betsy, a project that was just set up at Lions Gate as a star vehicle for Scarlett Johansson, with Rebecca B. Kennedy writing the script.

"Longwood" producer Howard Rosenman has retained litigator Martin Singer to halt the other project. Rosenman claims Kennedy wrote the first draft of his "Longwood" project and said Scarlett Johansson has flirted with his film since she did a reading with Pacino last fall. Furthermore, Rosenman said, Melanie Johansson, Scarlett's mother and manager, was attached as associate producer to his film and Gilles Arondeau was supposed to be its production designer.

Shooting on "Longwood" is scheduled to begin on the Isle of Man and Fiji.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


thats bullcrap... i hate when they do these things... the story doesnt really seem so interesting anyways

Chester R Pennywinkle

A fine example of a man's man I must remember to invite him to my penthouse for dinner and a smoke afterwards.


Al Pacino Set for James Foley's 88 Minutes
Source: Variety

Emmett/Furla Films will finance and produce the thriller 88 Minutes, with Al Pacino set to star, reports Variety. James Foley will direct the film from Gary Scott Thompson's screenplay.

In the film, a college professor who moonlights as a forensic psychiatrist for the FBI receives a death threat that says he has only 88 minutes to live. To save his life, he must use all his skills and training to narrow down the possible suspects, which include a disgruntled student, a jilted former lover and a serial killer on death row.

Budgeted at under $30 million, the project starts shooting in August in Vancouver.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Pacino Eyeing 'Witness' Remake

Al Pacino, who's demonstrated a flair for courtroom theatrics in movies like "... And Justice for All" and "The Devil's Advocate," could be stepping before the bar once again in a remake of the Billy Wilder classic "Witness for the Prosecution."

Although no formal offers have gone out, Pacino has shown interest in the MGM project, based on the Agatha Christie play, which Wilder shot in 1957. Charles Laughton played the lead attorney in a case in which a wife appears as a witness for the prosecution against her husband.

Veteran TV producer David E. Kelley, who applied his law degree to such TV shows as "L.A. Law," "The Practice" and current Sunday entry "Boston Legal," would write the script.

With Pacino's decision likely to depend on the choice of director, preliminary discussions have begun with Robert Benton, who most recently directed "The Human Stain." Pacino, meanwhile, will be seen in another courtroom -- albeit a period one -- when he appears in Michael Radford's "The Merchant of Venice" opening this month.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Helmer on Pacino's Minutes
Avnet on new drama.
Jon Avnet (Fried Green Tomatoes) has signed to direct Al Pacino's forthcoming dramatic 88 Minutes, according to Variety.

The film, based on a screenplay by Gary Thompson (TV's Las Vegas, The Fast and the Furious) centers around a college professor (Pacino's character) who also works as a forensic psychiatrist at the FBI.

When he receives a message saying he'll be killed in 88 minutes, he must solve the case of his own murder before it happens.

Director James Foley has been previously associated with the project.

88 Minutes will start filming on October 15th in Vancouver.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin88 Minutes will start filming on October 15th in Vancouver.
and to coincide, the rest of the world will watch Nick of Time, back to back seasons of 24, and read goddamn cliché scripts long ago thrown in the garbage.

this sounds worse than a remake.
under the paving stones.


They oughta just change the title to "High Concept" and get it over with.
My house, my rules, my coffee