
Started by Link, July 11, 2003, 08:05:14 AM

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I remember someone in the older c&c boards wrote this big essay on how the WDKK? game show was symbolic of Old Masonry vs. New Masonry, or something to that extent (just Freemasonry stuff), and I was wondering if anyone still has that essay somewhere, or even knows what I'm talking about, because I'd really like to look at it sometime.

chainsmoking insomniac

If someone could find that essay, that'd be the shit.

It amazes me how people's minds work on this board.
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: 'The world's a fine place, and worth fighting for.'  I agree with the second part."
    --Morgan Freeman, Se7en

"Have you ever fucking seen that...? Ever seen a mistake in nature?  Have you ever seen an animal make a mistake?"
 --Paul Schneider, All the Real Girls


I like to hug dogs


Man, masonry is just bizarre. My friend Curtis (who those of you who have the Still DVD may remember) is obsessed with Masons, and he broke into the local Masonic Temple (via an unlocked basement door) and had a bit of an adventure, and came back with a few odds and ends. He bought a full Masonic outfit off eBay, and is going to wear it to the theater next month when Cremaster 3 opens in Dallas. But anyway, their history and lore is really interesting and sometimes frightening. It wasn't until the eighties, I think, that they finally retired the rule that, if someone gave away their secrets, their tongue would be cut out.

I wonder how much has been embellished by popular mythology, though. I need to do some more in-depth reading. Also, I wonder if The Skull & Bones are really as cultish as people make them out to be.

chainsmoking insomniac

George Bush Senior is a member of the Skull and Bones society.  I think our society tends to invent and/or embelish things that they don't understand or can't see in entirety, and this may be one of those cases.  

But then again, what the fuck do i know???
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: 'The world's a fine place, and worth fighting for.'  I agree with the second part."
    --Morgan Freeman, Se7en

"Have you ever fucking seen that...? Ever seen a mistake in nature?  Have you ever seen an animal make a mistake?"
 --Paul Schneider, All the Real Girls


Quote from: Ghostboynext month when Cremaster 3 opens in Dallas.

At The Magnolia?


Yeah (best theater in Dallas).


Are you (or were you) in a fraternity?  It's not that much different.  The masons are the precepter to collegiate fraternities.  

All this information came from my Grandfather, so of course I promptly cut out his tongue.


under the paving stones.


...what is masonry?


1 a : something constructed of materials used by masons b : the art, trade, or occupation of a mason c : work done by a mason


...I know that.  ;)

Seems to me, though, from this thread, that there's another more "secret" definition.  I know they're workers of sort.  But there seems something ritualistic or mythological or something about it, like a secret society.  Or am I reading into things?


Quote from: GhostboyYeah (best theater in Dallas).

Straight up.  I went there for the first time to see L'Auberge Espangole (saw a preview for Cremaster), and I don't ever want to go back to any sticky floor cineplex.

From my understanding, it's kinda like a "secret society"/fraternity, that include powerful politicians and such.  I don't know too much else.


I think it was Golden Trumpet that made that essay on Magnolia and Masonry, wasn't it? I was wandering around my small college town recently and stumbled upon a Masonic tucked away down some small street in a part of town not many people go to... all the blinds were shut (it was a pretty big building, and all the windows were covered on the inside) but I could see light from the inside. The door was locked... I guess I have to know the Secret Masonic Knock or have a key or whatnot... instead I peed in the bushed and left. The next town over has an Masonic temple about twice the size of the one we have, and it's not very hidden... it even has a GIANT masonic symbol on the side (the little triangle thing from Jay's ring in Magnolia.

As for what Masonry is, watch that Stonecutter's episode of the simpsons (thanks Pubrick). You also may remember them from the secret conspirators of From Hell, if you managed to sit through that movie.
your reality is at the end of your dream


Back in the 60s when my dad lived in England, he was asked by a coworker if he wanted to join the masons. My dad politely said no, and never heard from the guy again.

Pretty kwazy.