South Park Appreciation

Started by SoNowThen, July 03, 2003, 09:21:08 AM

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what are the mini commentaries?

are they full episode length?


no, they're about 5-7 minutes each, but they're hilarious. i wish they'd do full commentaries. there's one point during the episode "the succubus" in the commentary where they're ready to move on to the next episode, and then mr. derp comes on and they go, "oh man! i completely forgot about derp!" and tell this really funny story about how they came up with him. it ticks me off that there are probably lots more stories they could have told and remembered if they had just not been so fucking lazy.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


Haha I cracked up just reading the name "Derp."

... hahaha...

... heh...

... hmm...


Okay, that new episode of South Park about The Passion just kind of sucked.  They're back to old, predictable formulas again.  I did admire the joke about Stan and Kenny getting their money back for BASEketball, though.


I liked the Passion episode.  I guess it can be argued that they took some easy shots at Gibson by putting his face on a completely insane character, but I enjoyed it when they did it to Osama bin Laden, and I thought it was funny this time too.  When Gibson is driving the truck and he screams "give me back my 18 dollars!" and then they show that pouty face, i almost lost it.  And they have now had two episodes this season with someone shitting on someone else.  I also thought that they really hit the nail on the head in regards to the movie itself, about how it is really just a snuff film and that it guilts people into having faith.  The Cartman stuff was kind of weak though.  By no means was this a classic or profound episode, but it was kinda funny.  Unfortunantely, that makes all three episodes so far this year as just "kinda funny".

According to, season four on June 29th, probably with mini commentary.


YES! season 4 has some of my favorite episodes.

yeah, south park has been kind of lacking lately. i don't like the preachy attitude they've been taking with it. it's like, keep me entertained, but please don't push your morals on me. it's annoying.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


Season three rocked and I think so far, this season rocks.  The Ninja episode was fucking awsome. I loved the Passion episode. The topical humor is great.
"Sex relieves stress, love causes it."
-Woddy Allen


well, i think that the "you got served" episode was the best in the last of this season for use of Chef in ages.   "Achey, Breaky Heart", Butter's tap-dancing disaster, Stan's dad getting served in the pelvic region...brilliant and funny.  Matt and Trey have become pros at making faux dramatic episodes, and this one was done perfectly.  

And next week...LEMMIWINKS!!!!


I really thought the episode was weak except for the Butters segments.  Seems as if they're totally out of original ideas, and now they're just recycling or going after obvious targets.  But, the whole tap dancing thing, like I said, was priceless.  "The O.C. team is dead, so the winner is South Park!"



Haha, he's back.

And so is South Park.  Saw the new episode last night.  I wasn't expecting too much because they were working their asses off on Team America, and have made it clear they only spend a week or two on each episode, and have done so for the past couple years.  I think this is a horrible way to work, and it's shown in the quality of the show.  The scripts are weaker and weaker, pale shadows of what's made the show good.  A pattern has developed on the show, which even Parker and Stone have acknowledged exists.  I would hoping they'd break that pattern this year, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Still, some credit should go to them for last nights episode. Again, I like how the episode seemed to be about one thing, and then slowly took a turn for something greater.  That duck-billed creature that moaned "kill me!" was hilarious.  P-Diddy is an idiot.  PETA can be foolish too.  So no credit to them for taking aim at easy targets, though that is what they do best.

I hate how the animation for the show is becoming.  Compare it with the first episodes, with the construction paper.  It had this raw, unpolished feel that gave the show its charm.  That's gone now, replaced with smooth computer graphics.  The show is even more plastic now, with all traces of imperfection removed.  The characters just look flat, and shiny, and without... character.  They should find a way to at least in some way acknowledge their roots and make the animation less perfect and manufactured.  Just because they're using computers doesn't mean the show has to look that way.


If South Park airs and no one watched it, does it make a sound?

I don't know, but the past few weeks have actually been decent.  I missed a couple weeks (stopped watching, temporary loss of interest) after the horrible first few episodes of the season (can't believe this show has been nominated for an Emmy this year -- for an episode, "Christmas in Canada," that I didn't see, but still).  Anyway, this week's episode is one of the most demented I've seen since Scott Tenorman Must Die.  It's pretty clever.  It starts out as this traditional Christmas story, and well, it turns on itself, as all great South Park episodes do.  And this one finally gets away from the lame formula where Trey and Matt try not-so-transparently to lampoon whatever's going on in current events -- unless you consider Christmas a current event.  Now that they're away from all that glut, things should get better.


I have no comment.

I've only seen a few episodes (literally, probably 7 eps) But I saw this one about some people from the future stealing some rednecks jobs and it was hilarious. Just the way the rednecks would say they took our jobs was hilarious. God, soutch park rules.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Tonight's episode, the first SP I've seen in a while, was fucking hilarious. The play on Christmas narrative was so funny, the critters were great.


South Park came out when I was a freshman in college, and it consumed my life for quite some time-- that is, until it became uncool since everyone was watching it.  I've managed to catch a couple episodes here and there since, but was never the same fan I was... that being said, on some random impulse I shelled out some of my tax refund to take advantage of Best Buy's deal last week (all five seasons on dvd for about a hundred bucks) and I am now officially a full blown fan again.  Sooooo many good episodes, so many laughs.  I literally spit coke (beverage, not powder) all over my tv during 'Cripple Fight.'  I'm about to watch 'Scott Tenorman Must Die'... I can't wait!

Love the Clyde Frog.