Started by finlayr, June 27, 2003, 10:01:48 PM

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If any of you have the Y Tu Mama Tambien DVD (as I do), you probably noticed that there's an extra called NC17--and when you choose it, all it plays is some of the final scene in the coffee shop and then the end credits.  Can anyone tell me what the hell that's all about?  At first I thought maybe it was an artistic statement by Cuaron but then I was like, like y'know like, like I mean, like...like...eh...like...like like ice-cream y'know...like y'know like...  WHY IS IT THERE--CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH THAT ONE???LIKE...


sphinx frowns upon double posts.  i have moved this thread to the proper place and deleted the other one


The featurette entitled 'No One Under 17' re-cuts the film so that it is suitable to watch by a younger audience (lasts 3 mins!)
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


maybe I'm stupid but I still don't get it--are the last 3 minutes the only 3 minutes that are suitable to watch by someone under 18???


It's a joke. The Freddy Got Fingered DVD did the same thing, I hear -- it has a family friendly cut that is only about a minute long.


Quote from: GhostboyIt's a joke. The Freddy Got Fingered DVD did the same thing, I hear -- it has a family friendly cut that is only about a minute long.

It has fun illustrations. I prefer it to the original!


..damn  i bought this awile ago .and not until yesyerday  did i finish it al..and i think thi sfilm is under the radar...
all the way through its a great film.love the cinematography..(i'm a visual person)..the ending..(well up until the coffee house)..scen ewas wild didn't expect that..

question:..'was the 'love triangle' filmed to show the (cliched).. love and admiration everyone had w/ each other like a last hurrah!  kind of thing..and like the feelings for all three of them exploded until the end..?

also..the actor who plays julio he is also in amores perros ..right?..if so he's really phucking good .and brave...hopefully some cross-over sucess into the states


I have a friend that studies Philosophy and he was telling me before that Nietzsche (I think it was him) said that when you're a child you want to fuck your mother.  Seriously, this is a theory by a world-renowned philosopher/genius.

At the end of Y Tu Mama Tambien, the two male friends kiss each other.  They wanted each other all along.....?????  She pushes their heads together, they kiss and everything they've fought about in the film is suddenly forgiven by each other. So they're experiences of, perhaps, wanting each other, stems back to way before the story began (at least the tiny bit of story that we see of their lives.)

This is an instance where the friends perhaps should've kept feeling bottled up and grown out of them.  Because it ruined their friendship.  Should they have let each other know they they both really loved each other.  These two boys???

That's what I think.

What a film.


Quote from: finlayrI have a friend that studies Philosophy and he was telling me before that Nietzsche (I think it was him) said that when you're a child you want to fuck your mother.  Seriously, this is a theory by a world-renowned philosopher/genius.

This gets a :roll:.

Make it two:  :roll:.
Last five films (theater)
-The Da Vinci Code: *
-Thank You For Smoking: ***
-Silent Hill: ***1/2 (high)
-Happy Together: ***1/2
-Slither: **

Last five films (video)
-Solaris: ***1/2
-Cobra Verde: ***1/2
-My Best Fiend: **1/2
-Days of Heaven: ****
-The Thin Red Line: ***


Quote from: finlayrI have a friend that studies Philosophy and he was telling me before that Nietzsche (I think it was him) said that when you're a child you want to fuck your mother.  Seriously, this is a theory by a world-renowned philosopher/genius.

Isn't that a simple Freud thought?

based on Oepidus (sp?)?
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


Yeah it's the oedipus complex


and its not fuck, its marry


Quote from: Ceciland its not fuck, its marry

Especially because when we're kids (well, me at least) we don't know what fuck is. But anyway, I don't remember even wanting to marry my mother.


I actually did marry my mother.


Quote from: RoyalTenenbaumBut anyway, I don't remember even wanting to marry my mother.

thats why you have issues with women