music videos and mtv

Started by Alexandro, June 26, 2003, 11:51:22 AM

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p, those are really good points, and I know that my last post was flawed.  I know that people don't just make music videos for MTV/VH1, but think about when you see videos not made for major networks, its usually through music DVDs, so i am saying just get rid of the music videos on MTV and with that, what's popular now might not be quite as popular, which i am asuming you would not be opposed to.  For people to see music videos, they would have to go to the video store or music store or ebay or whatever and choose from a wide selection of video disc by lots of entertainers, rather than settling on the twenty videos that MTV plays for two hours a day.  I know that there are corrupt money hungry people in every medium, but let's eliminate the tv ones, they are the worst in my opinion (not all of them of course, but the median greed level is probably the highest in the TV industry, except maybe for the film industry, but they don't play music videos in theaters, so that is moot)  

Also, I am not arguing with you p, i have read many of your post in the past, and i think that you have good ideals and a good head on your shoulders.


[best McLaughlin impersonation]
You're all wrong! The best music video to ever assault the eyes of the American public is VAST's Pretty When You Cry. You really should see this video--the finest cinematic/audio achievement since Elvis performed on the Ed Sullivan Show.

That's all for now. Bye-bye!
[/in retrospect, a pretty crappy McLaughlin impersonation]

But you really should check out the video. You can access it off // Go to 'experience,' click on the album on the left, click 'video' and finally 'Pretty When You Cry.' Sorry it's so long of a process, but it's all Flash and has no direct link.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


Anyone here ever make a music video?  I made one in 7th grade to Tubthumping by Chumbawumba.  My friend and literally acted out most of the lyrics ("pissing the night away" would have a guy coming out of the bathroom, for example).  I shot and edited it in the camera, which was a circa 1992 VHS camcorder.  It took some tries to get the footage and music to sync up.  Then I played the edited video on my TV and videotaped the screen while the song was playing very loudly on the stereo.  This is probably how the professionals do it.


Quote from: RaviAnyone here ever make a music video?  I made one in 7th grade to Tubthumping by Chumbawumba.  My friend and literally acted out most of the lyrics ("pissing the night away" would have a guy coming out of the bathroom, for example).
hah, that's pretty impressive tho. considering they say the same 3 lines over and over till u wanna shoot urself in the mouth.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: P
Quote from: RaviAnyone here ever make a music video?  I made one in 7th grade to Tubthumping by Chumbawumba.  My friend and literally acted out most of the lyrics ("pissing the night away" would have a guy coming out of the bathroom, for example).
hah, that's pretty impressive tho. considering they say the same 3 lines over and over till u wanna shoot urself in the mouth.

LOL, how true.  Needless to say, we never voluntarily listened to that song ever again.

Come to think of it, I think the song became popular when we first started shooting and fell of the charts when we were done.  It took about 4-6 hours to make IIRC.


Anyone seen the video for the Foo Fighters - My Hero? That's one of the best videos I've ever seen, plus it's one of my favorite songs. I love every part of the video, the timing, the one-take aspect, the censor-blocks, the woman saying "I love you", the fact that the band just keeps playing, it makes me laugh, and I just love every second. Dave Grohl should direct a feature film.


MTV = Music Totally Violated

But some great videos have been made in our time.  

White Stripes - Seven nation Army
White Stripes - Fell In Love With A Girl
Beck - Where It's At
Beck - Devil's Haircut
Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
Cake - Short Skirt, Long Jacket
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye

phil marlowe

mtv needs more cunningham videos. definatly my favorite music video director, my god the windowlicker video is great.