Mattress Man Commercial

Started by jonas, June 24, 2003, 08:39:55 PM

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Quote from: XixaxPhil rocked that role.

I say ....Shit yeah!!


I was impressed by the pratfall, but I was equally impressed by Hoffman's deliberately bad acting, the kind of "acting" you normally see in cheap local TV commercials -- usually, by folks who don't have any acting experience or camera presence who freeze up in front of the lens, and read their lines in a wooden way.  It takes a good actor to know how to pretend to be a bad one.
Music is your best entertainment value.


on a sorta related note....Independent Electronic store commercials are bad like 2am...cause it's always some dude...."Hey, cruise down to Fast Eddie's Stereo, as soon as you walk in, you'll never say no!"...

Just saying yes, that is a believable set-up for a commercial Dean would be doing....they are cheesy, bad, and lame.....which is why they run in the middle of the night....

Duck Sauce

Quote from: aclockworkjjon a sorta related note....Independent Electronic store commercials are bad like 2am...cause it's always some dude...."Hey, cruise down to Fast Eddie's Stereo, as soon as you walk in, you'll never say no!"...

Just saying yes, that is a believable set-up for a commercial Dean would be doing....they are cheesy, bad, and lame.....which is why they run in the middle of the night....

yeah there is an online site called "Crazy Eddies".... i mean, is that really a smart business move? It doesnt really create an image of a trustworthy company,


about the stuntman falling.  i uncovered a post from well over a year ago, a guy reporting about the pdl set:

Quoteexpect the first shot to be hugely complicated,
i met a dude that was a PA on the film, he said over 65 PA's were used to get the first shot which involves the delivery of the harmonium in some way (he knew about the harmonium back in august, well before the Variety article). what else did the PA tell me about?
- a scene in which philip seymour hoffman's character jumps off a van, apparently a stuntmant was slightly injured. hoffman plays a furniture salesman whom sandler's character owes $$$
other little tidbits
- another shot is of sandler getting off the plane in hawaii, one long shot from de-boarding to picking up his luggage.
- the character larisha hurts sandler's character in some way, "you killed my love!" he says
- apparently sandler's first sex scene, though after reading the MPAA rating, this was either cut or not true...
this may all sound ridiculous, and i don't want to piss anyone off or make y'all think i'm BSing, but we'll all know soon enough, the movie shows at cannes in less than a month, and there will definitely be some informative reviews...
can't #$%#@ wait

sounds like he's reporting on the various endings that were shot but not included in the movie/dvd, too

chainsmoking insomniac

"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: 'The world's a fine place, and worth fighting for.'  I agree with the second part."
    --Morgan Freeman, Se7en

"Have you ever fucking seen that...? Ever seen a mistake in nature?  Have you ever seen an animal make a mistake?"
 --Paul Schneider, All the Real Girls


roger avary, from his site: I've just had a series of emails with Paul, who at first claimed that it was a stuntman -- but when I pressed him on it and accused him of a covering up, he sent a very suspicious email semi-acknowledgement with no real commitment to the truth, whatever it was.  In my opinion, the fall was real.  I've studied the video and did notice a slight shift in the matte on the left of frame just prior to the jump, which could have been created during a matchup of the two shots -- but there's nothing after the fall.  Again, in my opinion, it's real.


But, do you see the "mound" on the ground where he lands?
In the shots where you can see the entire car, I notice a slight color change in the asphalt, forming a circle about 10' across.   And, the car makes a shadow that crosses into the mound right behind the front tire.  There is a slight angle change of the shadow at the same spot as the color change.  
There are also some "blotches" in the center of the mound, right where he lands.  These could be from previous takes..?
I think they were preparing for a fall, and went to a lot of trouble concealing a cushion in the ground.
So, I'm stickin with staged.

I used to be smart.... now I'm just stupid.

Burke Devlin

I am convinced from reading this thread that convincing digital effects were used, but regardless, one this is clear: THE FALL IS STAGED.

Either it's Hoffman or a stuntman, but whoever it is, after he bounces off the mattresses the first time, he pushes off with his left hand, sending him over the edge.


if it was staged or not, i am always gonna think of it as real - cuz its just funnier that way

chainsmoking insomniac

"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: 'The world's a fine place, and worth fighting for.'  I agree with the second part."
    --Morgan Freeman, Se7en

"Have you ever fucking seen that...? Ever seen a mistake in nature?  Have you ever seen an animal make a mistake?"
 --Paul Schneider, All the Real Girls


I thought this was the funniest thing I have ever seen on a DVD (just edging out the Ben Stiller MTV parody on the MI:2 disc)...until you all started picking it apart, piece by piece.  Take it from an adult; it's funny, and it doesn't matter why--it just is!!  Jeez...
Apes don't assassinate their presidents, gentlemen!!


I just saw this thing, its pretty funny. If that thing is really staged, then they did a fucking great job!


Heh, I still think it was staged. This is exactly the kind of thing PTA would do to rile up his fans that pay a little closer attention to details. Some might say, why go through all the extra effort to bring in a stuntman and get this whole thing shot for something that will end up just being an extra on a DVD?

This is why. The debate about it being real or not. I love it.


A seamless cut???  Virtually non-existent.  There's no way there's a cut in there to a stunt man, not only once but TWICE??  No way..  That was PSH falling.  Look at the creases in the leg of his jeans near his feet when he's standing on top of the truck...and pause it and look at the whole thing in can follow the creases all the way down to the ground...and the shadows and everything and you're telling me that a stunt man who they went to all the trouble of searching for...looked and was a exactly the same SHAPE as PSH???  No way...someone will have to convince me...