
Started by MacGuffin, June 19, 2003, 06:08:49 PM

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how about TWO GENERATIONS of stoner swat team buddies to be played by Keanu Reeves and Ashton Kutcher (or if we cant get them Alex Winter and Sean William Scott).  i smell a sequel.

(the above is taken from inside the mind of a movie marketing executive).
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Gold Trumpet

Finally, a good action movie this summer.



Does anyone else think that the quick insert of Colin puking while he's working out at the beach was for real? Sam Jackson was talking about how he'd show up every morning completely drunk or hung over, and I bet he got sick in the middle of the take, and they just decided to keep it in.


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetFinally, a good action movie this summer.


Shortest GT post ever.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffinShortest GT post ever.

i beg to differ :!:

(bottom post, page one)


Yeah, this movie was better than expected. It had some nice action sequences, and the acting wasn't half bad either.


atticus jones

Quote from: The Gold TrumpetFinally, a good action movie this summer.


does your opinion have anything to do with that lengthy pm you sent me detailing your homoerotic fantasies about ll cool j ass raping colin farrell while u feed chocalate covered strawberries to sam jackson?
my cause is the cause of a man who has never been defeated, and whose whole being is one all devouring, god given holy purpose


does this film have plenty of action.....?.....or will i fall asleep..and wish i was watching......freddy vs. jason....use the  :2gunfire:  meter.....1-5...


SWAT's pretty fun. You definitely won't fall asleep, it keeps you interested.


on the poster that MacGuffin posted ...LL looks like he is the more serious S.W.A.T. member by that demanding look in hie eye....


i surprisingly really enjoyed myself.


Quote from: NEON MERCURYon the poster that MacGuffin posted ...LL looks like he is the more serious S.W.A.T. member by that demanding look in hie eye....
please please please do a full review of the poster for us.


Quote from: picolas
Quote from: NEON MERCURYon the poster that MacGuffin posted ...LL looks like he is the more serious S.W.A.T. member by that demanding look in hie eye....
please please please do a full review of the poster for us.


sam looks kile the leader of the other three.....stern look and he wearing the dark.shades..hes the only male w/full moustache.(oldness) ...colin looks like the "confused"one in the group..there is a kinda star wars return of the jedi thing w/half of his face is shadowed and half is not...seems like hes not sure if whats he doing is right/wrong/undecided..he has the odd look in his face compared to the rest...michelle .fills in the "bad ass" woman thing going notice how she is shown on the opposite side of the face...its like she just finished saying eastwoods "go ahead make my day..feel lucky punk?".line in dirty harry.then she turns(hence the side view of her face on the poster)..and looks to see if you are "feeling lucky"....also she has to look very forcefull.b/c she is the woman and she might feel slighted b/c of this and she masks this by having a VERY serious look.....upon further looking at LL he has a very serious look and comparing everything now i feel like he is the "straight up"  one "by the book" kind of guy.he seems dedicated to being a member of S.W.A.T.   ....and lastly the tagline is CHEESY


Boy, this film had a lot of energy, and that's missing from today's action movies. And developed characters too. This was a very well made, above the average popcorn film. My only beef is with the cliche cop girlfriend/wife leaving. This one in here was an exact copy of the one in "Dark Blue" (same screenwriter). I remember watching the Bravo show, "The It Factor," and it had the guy who played Colin Ferrell's ex-partner deciding between two projects to take. I can't remember what the other part was, but I think he made the right choice to play this villain.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks