
Started by budgie, January 08, 2003, 05:10:09 PM

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Is anyone registered here? It's too steep for me but looks so enticing, what with the genuine article and all. Just wondered whether its as good as it seems.

Jeremy Blackman

That's been nagging at me for a while too. I really want to join, but that is kind of expensive. But I heard that Lynch posts his paintings, music, and short films there. Mmmmmm...


....mmmm. Wanna go Dutch, JB? I'm thinking you could just hack into my computer or we set up some kinda sharing thang and then if we arrange a mutually convenient set of times we could be metaphorically cosied up on the cybersofa with something herbal and a box of Matchmakers in no time, and indulging our passion (for Lynch) for half the cost!

Oops, hope he doesn't read that. Only kidding, Dave.

Love the av, J. Don't ever change...


I'm thinking the Lynch section should only ever have one thread. And also that I might bed down here forever.

Who's seen The Straight Story? I saw it recently and liked it but felt it was sentimentally challenged (particularly the scene with the girl hitch-hiker. Those aerial shots of the fields, though...


Quote from: budgie

Who's seen The Straight Story? I saw it recently and liked it but felt it was sentimentally challenged (particularly the scene with the girl hitch-hiker. Those aerial shots of the fields, though...

I'm in the minority that LOVE the Straight Story.  Who knew a G-rated Lynch could be so good.

Obviously, it's not a true Lynch because he didn't write it, but I still really love it.  Farnsworth and Spacek (SP?) are so good in it.  It makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

Every night is a different stage in life, fun gag.


I agree, I love Spacek. That could so easily have been crass and embarrassing but it was beautifully acted and directed. In fact, almost stripped of the Lynch style the film makes you realise what a good actors' director he is. I can't think of a performance in any of the films I've seen (dying for Wild At Heart right now) that isn't above average.

By the way, Jeremy, if you're going to be mean, can you at least post that Lynch pic in this thread just so I can look at it?

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: budgieBy the way, Jeremy, if you're going to be mean, can you at least post that Lynch pic in this thread just so I can look at it?

Sorry.. this is the first time I checked back on this thread... I might have kept it, but I never feel comfortable with one avatar for too long.

It was too big, anyway.

Quote from: budgie....mmmm. Wanna go Dutch, JB? I'm thinking you could just hack into my computer or we set up some kinda sharing thang and then if we arrange a mutually convenient set of times we could be metaphorically cosied up on the cybersofa with something herbal and a box of Matchmakers in no time, and indulging our passion (for Lynch) for half the cost!

Mmmm... sounds tempting. I'll think about it. Do I need MacGuffin's permission, or are you over him?

Quote from: budgiesomething herbal and a box of Matchmakers

Wait, wait, wait... What the hell are you talking about?


i want in for a threesome on this lynch thing


I have to say I loved 'The Straight Story' too.  A great Farnsworth performance.  It's sad that he commited suicide less than a year after the release of the film.  As for the movie, I love the slow, simple 'everyman' (if you will) pacing.  It's not in a hurry to tell the story, it just lets it flow.  I think it shows what a great director can do with some good actors and a fleshed out script.  A beautiful film.


Quote from: JeremyBlackman

What's he thinking there, d'you reckon. I can't decide whether he's enjoying it or not... damn, he's just so enigmatic.

QuoteDo I need MacGuffin's permission, or are you over him?

If I wasn't, you wouldn't need his 'permission'.

QuoteWait, wait, wait... What the hell are you talking about?

That's for me to know and for you to find out...


Quote from: sphinxi want in for a threesome on this lynch thing

Sounds Lynchy already. Maybe if he does read he'll make a short based on this thread that he'll show on his site and that we'll only ever see if we do.


I think it's important to make it clear right here, right now that MacGuffin and I are just fuck buddies... I mean good friends.*

Damn, where's the strike?

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: budgieDamn, where's the strike?

For that, you must turn to HTML. Like this:


I don't know about all this, you guys are just intimidating me.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: mogwaiIt's getting hot in herre.

Budgie's gonna take her clooooothes off


man, this is a great thread. david lynch would be proud. or is.