Started by depooter, June 12, 2003, 06:32:42 PM

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Duck Sauce

PTA needs to get himself to a gym



best screening of pdl ive ever attended, even better than nyff. its so terrific to watch the film with an audience of people who actually get it. the theatre was the perfect size for something like this, it was like a big classroom, sitting amongst your peers. the movie hit all the right beats with the audience, it really flowed. punch-dunk love is a movie that i watch and just cant help but grin my ass off. it builds until He Needs Me, and i just cant help but smile all the way to the end.

speaking of the end, thats when pta walked in, as did psh, along with his wife and beautiful new baby. and i think maya rudolph was there, too, but i was a bit drunk so it mightve been someone else, im not sure.

the Q&A was very food, i didnt think some of the questions were pta/psh worthy, but most of them were good, and as long as paul or phil spoke, it was worth hearing, their answers were always interesting -- these guys are the real fuckin thing. the moderator kept trying to end the Q&A, but pta was like, no man, cmon, more questions, ill just answer faster, i wanna get to everyone. taz asked a great question and recieved the answer that got the most applause -- youll have to ask him what it was, tho i think he was even drunker than i was, so if he can't recall i guess ill put it up later, but you guys will really dig it...

i didnt get to ask my question, nor did pta sign my tits, but i did talk to the guy for a second.

in art class that morning, for some reason, we were making oragami frogs (coincidence, or do these strange things happen all the time?). So after the Q&A pta was in the hall signing dvds and whatnot (i even saw someone give him the bootleg pdl disc to sign, which he gladly did), and so i just stood there, waited, and when he turned around i said "hey, man, here you go", and gave him the frog. he said "thanks, man. ah, its a frog..." i was like "yeah, made it in art class today, i thought it was a good sign." goes, "ah, thanks." and we nod at each other for a moment before he goes back to signing stuff. hes just such a chill guy, there wasnt an ounce of that too-cool hollywood director bullshit in him. just very mellow, very appreciative of his fans, very earnest. you can see it in his eyes, he's not a phoney. he's simply the man.
are you gonna eat with us too?


ahh, you're the origami frog guy.  actually i thought the q&a questions sucked because they werent anything i hadnt heard/read answered before, although admittedly they made the answers as interesting as humanly possible, the questions were the run of the mill "how can i get into your next movie".  "im a young filmmaker starting out, what advice would you give me?" "why is the music so loud in the movie?"  etc. as for the film hitting all the right beats, the girl in front of me was laughing hysterically when barry says how he cries for no reason.  i wanted to slap her.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: Lestertaz asked a great question and recieved the answer that got the most applause -- youll have to ask him what it was, tho i think he was even drunker than i was, so if he can't recall i guess ill put it up later, but you guys will really dig it...

yes, i was quite drunk, but i'd be a fool to be so drunk as to not remember my shining moment (!). i'd never have said anything if i wasn't at least slightly sussed and by the end of the film i wasn't NEARLY as drunk as i was toward the beginning but i had a MEAN case of the hiccups. this made me come off as a babbling fool who was madly in love with paul's work. which i am, so it all worked out. i basically just told him how appreciative i was of everything he's done and how much i loved the movie and i knew i was going to buy it tomorrow and enjoy it again. i'm not going to go into too much detail because the guys i were sitting next to were taping the whole thing (and, unbeknownst to me at the time, are xixax members) and will be posting a transcript on their website soon. paul was very appreciative and it seemed to put a big smile on his face and he said it was so great to have fans that really liked his work. phil then added, but not everybody felt that way about the movie. it was funny. afterwards i go to shake his hand and he said thanks for that question, it really meant a lot to me and i'm like (right out of a really bad movie, i swear) "no man, thank you. i've seen and loved all your films and they make me so happy..." whatever. i go up to phil, shake his hand, tell him i love all of his work, and he's great in whatever he does. they seemed to be swamped with fans so i sidled out of there and waved bye bye. afterwards a lady came up to me and says you really summed up the way i feel about the movie, i enjoyed what you had to say and i rambled on with her for a long while and she headed off, then i go outside to talk and have a smoke with my friend and she's telling me that i'm a crazy PTA geek (in a good way though) and then paul and phil walk out. i say hi to paul again, shake his hand one more time, take his picture with one of the guys from the board (don't remember his name cuz he's new here) and turn around only to see Lester (who i'd met at the NYFF screening). i walk off and see phil with his baby and shout out, "see you later phil!" and he laughs and waves back and i got on the subway (where some dude in a business suit kept staring at me. needless to say i was confused) and then took the train back home only to come back in time for the end of Magnolia with you guys. kickass evening, to say the least. an excellent screening with excellent people and front row seats with the man! what more could a guy ask for?

EDIT: the guys picture i took was shaun digi. word up, homes.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls

Duck Sauce

Its strange how we think we could have so many cool and interesting things to them when I think about it, and figure you will wing it when you meet them. but when you are there you cant say or remember anything you wanted to say, or thought you wanted to say.

chainsmoking insomniac

Quote from: bonanzataz
Quote from: Lestertaz asked a great question and recieved the answer that got the most applause -- youll have to ask him what it was, tho i think he was even drunker than i was, so if he can't recall i guess ill put it up later, but you guys will really dig it...

yes, i was quite drunk, but i'd be a fool to be so drunk as to not remember my shining moment (!). i'd never have said anything if i wasn't at least slightly sussed and by the end of the film i wasn't NEARLY as drunk as i was toward the beginning but i had a MEAN case of the hiccups. this made me come off as a babbling fool who was madly in love with paul's work. which i am, so it all worked out. i basically just told him how appreciative i was of everything he's done and how much i loved the movie and i knew i was going to buy it tomorrow and enjoy it again. i'm not going to go into too much detail because the guys i were sitting next to were taping the whole thing (and, unbeknownst to me at the time, are xixax members) and will be posting a transcript on their website soon. paul was very appreciative and it seemed to put a big smile on his face and he said it was so great to have fans that really liked his work. phil then added, but not everybody felt that way about the movie. it was funny. afterwards i go to shake his hand and he said thanks for that question, it really meant a lot to me and i'm like (right out of a really bad movie, i swear) "no man, thank you. i've seen and loved all your films and they make me so happy..." whatever. i go up to phil, shake his hand, tell him i love all of his work, and he's great in whatever he does. they seemed to be swamped with fans so i sidled out of there and waved bye bye. afterwards a lady came up to me and says you really summed up the way i feel about the movie, i enjoyed what you had to say and i rambled on with her for a long while and she headed off, then i go outside to talk and have a smoke with my friend and she's telling me that i'm a crazy PTA geek (in a good way though) and then paul and phil walk out. i say hi to paul again, shake his hand one more time, take his picture with one of the guys from the board (don't remember his name cuz he's new here) and turn around only to see Lester (who i'd met at the NYFF screening). i walk off and see phil with his baby and shout out, "see you later phil!" and he laughs and waves back and i got on the subway (where some dude in a business suit kept staring at me. needless to say i was confused) and then took the train back home only to come back in time for the end of Magnolia with you guys. kickass evening, to say the least. an excellent screening with excellent people and front row seats with the man! what more could a guy ask for?

EDIT: the guys picture i took was shaun digi. word up, homes. what was the question you asked??? (your shining moment?)
"Ernest Hemingway once wrote: 'The world's a fine place, and worth fighting for.'  I agree with the second part."
    --Morgan Freeman, Se7en

"Have you ever fucking seen that...? Ever seen a mistake in nature?  Have you ever seen an animal make a mistake?"
 --Paul Schneider, All the Real Girls


it was really a non-question.  he just rambled on for a minute about how big a fan he was and then added some sort of "well, how do you fell about that, since theres people like me out there?"  and then pta was just like "fucking cool."
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Something Spanish

Here is the bonanazataz question in its unedited glory...

bonanzataz: Uh. I don’t wanna sound like a crazy rabid fan or anything…but um (laughs).

PSH: You already did. (more laughs).

bonanzataz: This is the fifth time I’ve seen this movie in the theatres and I know that tomorrow I’m gonna go out and I’m gonna buy the DVD and I’m just gonna, like, watch it. And I’m just gonna be so amazed. 10-minutes into this movie I turned to my friend here and I’m like, my face just isn’t big enough to like have this grin on, y’know. And I’m just…I dunno. How do you feel about, both of you even, how do you feel about these crazy people that just sit here and watch your movies and are just like, “I Can’t believe it. I can’t believe they just fuckin’, like, pulled it off. They just made everything work and everything is just so perfect that I gotta see it four more times”.

PTA: Fuckin’ great (Applause). Really. There is nothing more bizarre, kind of like this weird head-fuck, when somebody says I really liked your movie. You just feel like, “What the fuck?” I remember when we first showed this movie, it was the best, absolutely the best experience. In Cannes. In this huge auditorium. And it’s just so surreal when you show your work to an audience for the first time and laugh and get scared…to feel like you communicated and you did something well. It’s an amazing feeling. Amazing feeling. And I’m glad that you feel that way. Really glad you feel that way.

Well said. I thought.
S. Digi


Quote from: Shaun DigiHere is the bonanazataz question in its unedited glory...

bonanzataz: Uh. I don't wanna sound like a crazy rabid fan or anything...but um (laughs).

PSH: You already did. (more laughs).

bonanzataz: This is the fifth time I've seen this movie in the theatres and I know that tomorrow I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna buy the DVD and I'm just gonna, like, watch it. And I'm just gonna be so amazed. 10-minutes into this movie I turned to my friend here and I'm like, my face just isn't big enough to like have this grin on, y'know. And I'm just...I dunno. How do you feel about, both of you even, how do you feel about these crazy people that just sit here and watch your movies and are just like, "I Can't believe it. I can't believe they just fuckin', like, pulled it off. They just made everything work and everything is just so perfect that I gotta see it four more times".

PTA: Fuckin' great (Applause). Really. There is nothing more bizarre, kind of like this weird head-fuck, when somebody says I really liked your movie. You just feel like, "What the fuck?" I remember when we first showed this movie, it was the best, absolutely the best experience. In Cannes. In this huge auditorium. And it's just so surreal when you show your work to an audience for the first time and laugh and get feel like you communicated and you did something well. It's an amazing feeling. Amazing feeling. And I'm glad that you feel that way. Really glad you feel that way.

Well said. I thought.
S. Digi

I'm crying right now,just for emotion,  :cry:  i feel like if i would have been there snif snif
"Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die." - Salvador Dalí


great question, basically saying "what do u think of me?".. word, bonzie managed to ask the only question worth asking. really how much more direct could u get. i luvit.
under the paving stones.


No shit... that WAS a good question... "Does it freak you out that people are as crazy as I am?"

I wish I would have been there... how fucking great to meet people from the board and PT and PSH... I just wouldn't be able to handle it... fuckin' Texas.


Quote from: RegularKaratefuckin' Texas.

Amen. But it's a whole lot better than a whole lot of other places.

Taz, your questions sounded like dialogue from one of his movies. Really awesome material.


Quote from: GhostboyTaz, your questions sounded like dialogue from one of his movies. Really awesome material.

yes, i sound like a drunken donnie smith. oh me oh my.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


Quote from: themodernage02
he's watching you. :shock:

Oh my god! It's the UNA-BOMBER!


Quote from: Victorfuh

i think maya rudolph was there, too, but i was a bit drunk so it mightve been someone else, im not sure.

You weren't drunk.
She was there.
That's his girlfriend.
If anyone cares.