The Aviator

Started by MacGuffin, January 20, 2003, 01:29:35 PM

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Quote from: InsomniacLOL! Not one of the better Scorsese posters :wink:
I have no problem with that poster.


It comes out on Christmas?

If you could only see one movie on Xmas day, do you pick The Aviator or The Life Aquatic?
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


no, its dec 17th, but frequently posters will say CHRISTMAS when its closeby even if its not christmas day because its easier to remember.  life aquatic should be opening slowly earlier in the month so i dont think many will have to make that decision.  but i guess if i had to, i'd choose......both.  

in 2002 i had to see About Schmidt, Adaptation and Gangs of New York because they all opened in DC on the same day.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


The poster makes it looks like Leonardo is playing God in the movie.


Quote from: matt35mmThe poster makes it looks like Leonardo is playing God in the movie.
And still to some girls, Leonardo is God.
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


sorry if this has been posted already...

Scorsese Plans Smaller Films
Acclaimed movie director Martin Scorsese is ditching big-budget epic productions in favor of making cheaper, more personal films. The Gangs Of New York legend has just finished shooting Howard Hughes biopic The Aviator and he's starting to crave the freedom that a smaller budget allows. The 61-year-old says, "I'm looking forward to making pictures that have a little smaller budget and taking different stories and going that way. As Harvey Weinstein said to me this morning, 'If you want to do a film that is kind of dark or violent for $20 million or something, fine. Shoot it in 30 days.' But if you are going to do something for $100 million or $110 million, it alters your subject matter and how you present the subject matter. And you know, as I get older too, I don't know if there is any room for me, in a way, with what is happening."


10/24/2004 10:37:37 AM
It was clear from an early John Logan draft of The Aviator, subsequently shot by director Martin Scorsese and the film now awaiting a Warner Bros. release on 12.17, that the resounding love affair in the piece isn't between Howard Hughes and a woman (Cate Blanchett's Katharine Hepburn, Kate Beckinsdale's Ava Gardner, et. al.) but between Hughes and his flying machines. The longish film (a recent cut ran around 165 minutes) is also, apparently, buoyantly free of glumness or heavy-osity. "I know enough about it to say it is escapism, certainly for Scorsese," says industry tipster Pete Hammond. "That doesn't mean it's comedy, but it doesn't have the heavier feel of some of his other stuff. It's all about Hollywood, aviation and the larger-than-life persona of the young Howard Hughes." A publicist who's seen the film told Hammond late last week this was a good way to describe the film, agreeing it's "just good entertainment." Blanchett is said to be quite robust as Hepburn, but wouldn't that be a hard one to miss?



that poster is pretty awful
...your excuses are your own...


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.



I have to say that the new trailer got me a lot more excited than the first.
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


looks like dicaprio really lost himself in this role.  early prediction:  nominated for best actor, lost to jamie foxx for ray


Quote from: matt35mmThe poster makes it looks like Leonardo is playing God in the movie.

And at the same time...the Devil.

El Duderino

Quote from: POZER
Quote from: matt35mmThe poster makes it looks like Leonardo is playing God in the movie.

And at the same time...the Devil.

and at the same time...Howard Hughes
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


Quote from: El Duderino
Quote from: POZER
Quote from: matt35mmThe poster makes it looks like Leonardo is playing God in the movie.

And at the same time...the Devil.

and at the same time...Howard Hughes
and at even the more same time.. a spectacular cumulonimbous cloud.
under the paving stones.