To Newbs, introduce yourself.

Started by Xixax, January 08, 2003, 01:13:48 PM

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Your name is the sound I made when the guy piercing my tongue asked "wheres the best place to talk about PTA on the web?"

Welcome, dude. You seem cool. From Hong Kong or somethin?


Hi there, I'm not so active at the moment but hi. I think before now I was the youngest member here. You should stick around.


Figured I should do this. I've been lurking here for awhile, just occurred to me that I should get around to posting... idk how I found this place, probably on some offhand search for some obscure pta interview/article or whatever

Ive been following updates on IV pretty intensely for the past few years like all of you, obv looking forward too discussing it here


I've been lurking here for a while and I guess it's rude not to introduce myself now that I'm just coming out of the shadows. I found this place a long time ago when tumbling down a PTA rabbit hole (back then the filmmaking forum was still called 'in the can' I think) then somehow I lost it for years - probably because I forgot the name but knew there were lots of X's in it and that I couldn't pronounce it. I'm happy to say I've found this place again and look forward to mixing with like-minded folks who know their shit.

I'm a writer/director based in Scotland - so far I've made short films, but I have written/am writing feature scripts.

I'm a huge fan of PTA. There Will Be Blood and The Master are permanent staples in my otherwise ever-changing top 10.

This seems like a great community and I'm happy to be involved. Thanks.

Jeremy Blackman

Welcome! It's good to have you here!

Feel free to share your short films, by the way.


Thanks. And I will! It will be great to get any feedback from folks around here soon.


Welcome! We have another member here from Scotland, Garam. A few others I think, too... would love to give your shorts a look see!


Great, thanks.

I'm in the process of getting some of my work up online after holding onto it for festivals etc for what seems like forever. I've got a couple of smaller bits and pieces I can put up sooner and will do that once I'm through with the day job tonight.

Good to know there's someone else here from Scotland too. Seems to be a good spread of people.


Aspiring Righter.
Bad at Maths.
Fan of Ian Iachimoe.

WKBB*I/S*NotTP*SSotCB*OS & r.i.p.b.m.


WKBB*I/S*NotTP*SSotCB*OS & r.i.p.b.m.

Something Spanish

Quote from: Nails9 on July 16, 2018, 01:01:00 PM
Aspiring Righter.
Bad at Maths.
Fan of Ian Iachimoe.

s'long as you're not an aspiring alt-righter, you may stay. and please excuse our taciturn state: we tend to hibernate until Paul Thomas Anderson decides to make another movie, then it's on and popping in this bitch.


We're especially sluggish lately. I assume the heat is melting people brains too much to want to talk about movies. That's the Northern Hemisphere's excuse, anyway.
My house, my rules, my coffee