To Newbs, introduce yourself.

Started by Xixax, January 08, 2003, 01:13:48 PM

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Favorite Newb in a long time... 


"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."


who likes movies anyway


Whats up, i'm new here, but technically i've been reading this site for some time now, ever since was around. I'm studying philosophy in texas, planning on moving back to new england next year where i grew up. I love films, crazy about them, and enjoy some but not all of what is said on this board. Not a fan of the gossip bs that goes on and the silly arguments. I do enjoy talking about films and personal reviews. i attended pta's q&a at rochester a few years back while in high school, shook his hand, that was about it. Not sure what was so illegitimate about my prarie home companion question, so by all means let me know.


Quote from: FrunLg on March 13, 2006, 02:41:39 PM
Not sure what was so illegitimate about my prarie home companion question, so by all means let me know.

you asked a question that had already been addressed in the same thread creating the impression that you had not even actually read the thread before posting which violates one of xixax's holy ten commandments and whatnot.

it's all in good frun, though.  :?


we like you. the board needs more female opinions and you and sheshothim mean we're on a slight upswing.  so many welcomes, and try not to get your feelings hurt. it's a good place.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: Lucid on March 18, 2006, 10:33:42 AM
Am I a "worthless newb"?  Lord, I hope not.
i can tell immediately that you are not. thanks for the intro, now all you need is a nice av and you will be miles ahead of those wastes of space with whom you share a Thread of Birth.

why can't all newbs be normal, nice, decent human beings like this? why do so many of you have to be so goddamn retarded? i know it's the internets but dear god, you are the vermin of the new world, carriers of a plague that without rigid quarantining (ie. owning) would devour us all. sorry, lucid, this is to everyone who isn't you. everytime a good newb appears i lament the energy expended on the bad ones.

welcome to xixax, try to ignore the bad puns.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: Lucid on March 18, 2006, 10:33:42 AM
Am I a "worthless newb"?

No.  You can use the word "capricious" effectively.

Which is a big step up from those who can't use any words effectively.
My house, my rules, my coffee


I never gave a proper introduction, so I'm going to attempt it now; i deal in lead. So,(Putting on chapstick) let's try and clear up the  loose ends, and maybe get some people on this site to like me( Puckering up lips).

PTA is my favorite film maker, and I'm one of those Pretentious film students.  I'm currently enrolled in a Community College, and I want plan to blah blah blah my way through some kind of career in film.  I believe I found the site from a  PTA site, although I can't recall what the exact URL was at this time, I'm almost sure it's not a site anymore.  I didn't get the chance to fully introduce myself the first time i posted on this site, and it went as follows...I read something i laughed at, I posted a reply, then for some reason, I couldn't log into my account again...Dealing with that, criticism i couldn't take, and dial-up internet I quit posting here.  I came back for the original reason i joined (PTA's particular forum) look for possible updates on what Paul was planning on doing next, and started viewing other threads.  One thing i can't stand is my addiction to myspace...Although i try my best to pretend that I'm not addicted, i think the denial proves i am.  I love music as well I'm in a band, we're called The Offseason (based off of Bradbury's martian chronicles) i love to read (anything from comics, to poetry, to novels, and short stories) and write music, I'm still trying to find out what authors i like best, i dabble in all sorts.

Now reading: Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Best film I've watched in a while: (Tie) Alphaville (Godard) The Last life of the universe (Pen-ek ratanaruang)
Standing in the world: I would just love to write a great song, and make some films I'm proud of

Shameless plug (should go in music section sorry) &
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


welcome neil.  just remember if you can make it here you can make it anywhere!  dont let it get you down.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: Neil on March 19, 2006, 03:13:03 PM
One thing i can't stand is my addiction to myspace...Although i try my best to pretend that I'm not addicted, i think the denial proves i am.

I can't believe you finally admitted it. I'm so very, very proud of you darlin.
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."


Good news, Neil. 

I added you.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


My house, my rules, my coffee


I say, that xixax should get connection with tom, and the xixax army should take on the myspace army.  There may be some out numbering going on, but it will work out.
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


i'm not sure, why a pause was necessary just there... or what you're talking about.
Quote from: Pas Rap on April 23, 2010, 07:29:06 AM
Obviously what you are doing right now is called (in my upcoming book of psychology at least) validation. I think it's a normal thing to do. People will reply, say anything, and then you're gonna do what you were subconsciently thinking of doing all along.