To Newbs, introduce yourself.

Started by Xixax, January 08, 2003, 01:13:48 PM

0 Members and 39 Guests are viewing this topic.


Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanLet's clarify the new forum organization...

movie title threads only (i.e. only discussion of individual movies)
Now Showing
Other Movies
The Grapevine

If it's not a movie title thread, it goes somewhere else. (Most likely in News & Theory.)

Please see the forum descriptions for guidance.
argh!  change!  so ... many... topics....
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


it's much simpler now. here's a rule of thumb to help:

the grapevine - stuff actually comin out soon with trailers and all.
now showing - movies already out.
other movies - every other movie not showing currently, coming soon, or in a director forum. some threads will be moved to here after one year in now showing (around when first seen on cable).
News & Theory - lists, articles, abstract/pointless film discussion that had no home before.
under the paving stones.


Hey my name is Chris Reaves. i've been looking for a cool website like this were ppl really know there stuff looking forward to getting to post on here.(kinda reminds me of a modern version of cashiers du cinema)

I love All Film. A bad movie is still better than a good day at work at least for me. :yabbse-grin:


Quote from: Chrisdarko(kinda reminds me of a modern version of cashiers du cinema)

This analogy makes us all look good.  :yabbse-thumbup:


Well just  a bunch of ppl who really love film talking about it. :-D


Quote from: Chrisdarko(kinda reminds me of a modern version of cashiers du cinema)

Quote from: MacGuffinTake THAT viewaskew and AICN!
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Welp,  my name is JM Villegas, coming outta central coast cali, turned 18 in June '05, cinemaphile since I can remember, Made the councious decision that I wanted to be a filmmaker at the age of 13.
Stumbled upon Xixax through the original I looked up the post about PTA's house and someone (can't remember who) had a potato bug avitar, and having such a bug-phobia as-i-do, it was enough to keep me off for awhile. Jump a year or two later, had ceased to be, and all that was left was a Xixax link. I gave it another go and have been quite happy since...
This is a great site and am happy to be a part of it and will treat it with upmost respect.
yr. brother in arms,
JM Villegas
Xixax sur-name,
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza


Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


You cock! I saw it coming but i though you were gonna use the old picture.  :brickwall: Well fuck you and see you in 2008.

Hey what is that Avitar from that you have now, it seems so familiar....
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza


aha, sorry buddy, i was just funnin ya. You're alright. Dust yourself off and take your shoes back off.

This avatar is a secret.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza


hallo.  since coming across your site while searching for gossip about movies in pre-production or production that weren't always biased or slanted in a positive light (i.e. aintitcoolnews) because of some perc, i have been a fan.

my name is skye thorstenson, and i usually go by mister skye (to quash any gender confusion - although i do like the surprised looks on peoples faces when they meet me and i have no breasts as expected - lol.) i am an experimental filmmaker (i.e. anticipating collective groans for that admission) and i also am a big alternative press comic fan - like ghostworld, etc.

i have a website too that might be more better at introducing who i am as i am pretty much a recluse with no social skills who hires better looking lookalikes to represent me out there in the real worl. :P

my favorite films that got me into filmmaking are

Juliet of the Spirits - Fellini
Nights of Cabiria - Fellini
Weekend - Godard
Alice - Jan Svankmeijer
Wild at Heart - David Lynch
Persona - Bergman
Naked Lunch - Cronenberg

but those seem like everyone else's favorites. i guess when a director's good he's good in all books.

lately been a fan of pt anderson and takashi miike.

films that make me groan, i guess the fame hungry starved antics of the guy that made cabin fever who name drops like no tomorrow.

ok. thats me.

mister skye


welcome mr syke, i like your website !


hi real mane is not neon...its will.....i found this site because i use to be registered at the old board...then when that thing shut down i got an e-mail from the old board about this, that explains my presence....

i like film, music and video games...and college/pro football [with hands not feet]....i am actually 27 years old..but by lookign at me penis and how i act one would think i was a seven year old kid....i have obsessive compulsive disorder, brown spikey looking hair, and black rimmed glasses like adam kesher.....i wear adidas [sambas] and i don't play soccer anymore.....i usually wear adidas pants w/ the long horizontal stripes and dress slacks made of rayon and polyester...i wear button down shirts [like the ones you wear w/ a tie].....i look hip..but i dont  act like it....i am a Christian and a republican[w/ some liberal beliefs i.e. i am pro-choice].........very proud of it too....

as for film my man is lynch...he's the type of director thjat if you hat ehis shit them you are an for up and coming cinematic geniu's ...i love aronofsky , and eli roth....and david gordon green...if you think any of thos ethree suck then you are an idiot........

i drink bud light and mickelobe ultra....i quit smokign cigs for over a year now...

as for music i divide my tastes into favorite old band and favorite current band....

old band -pink floyd
current band-pearl jam

current rotation of five: neil young, flaming lips, wilco,lou reed, and richard ashcroft...

i love video fabvortie genre is role playing games...or those dorky games that make me feel like a have  a pathetic life..i like final fantasy , zelda, and now killer 7.........

i sometimes read but i only read books that have been adapted into favorite one is: the thin red line

which reminds me my top 5 films are:

-mulholland dr.
-the thin red line
-requiem for a dream
-talk to her
-american beauty

[i think those are them?]

as for things i don tlike they woudl be...assholes, yuppies, preps, rascists, rob cohen films, really  annoying mainstream films, rap-metal.the TRL crowd....abercrombie and fitch.and other cheesy shit like that ....or ghey shit at the gap..stereotypers......or people who hate me b/c i am a Christian...

i like everyone here...and i hope i contribute something to the site....
thank you and take care......