To Newbs, introduce yourself.

Started by Xixax, January 08, 2003, 01:13:48 PM

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Quote from: planet_jakeI have actually been a lurker on these board si nce I was about 15 or so... I am 20 now...

Is there a Dark Ages in Xixax that I'm not aware of?
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


planet_jake just transcends space and time.


Welcome, welcome, and hello...

this was just created recently... just wanted to share it... i didn't make it, our new web artist/designer created it as a rough alternative to the other art we have, which is...

Anyhow, back to the daily grind.

Beste Vishes,



I'm a married man too, Jake... your tastes are excellent btw... did you ever get "Fando And Lis" on dvd? There's a great doc on there.

Anyhow, the pics I posted are simply "idle" posts... hopefully worthy of light chatter, but none the less... i just thought i'd share.

this place is expansive... reel (to reel) big.



is this a movie youve allready made? dont be humble, talk about the project, maybe in your very own thread


It's still goin' on...

I can't say much more... there's an article coming out soon in Post Magazine about the post process.... article comes out in May issue...

more info soon...

the mystery continuez




Quote from: GhostboyOne of my friends in LA is meeting with Werner Herzog next week...he (Herzog) is going to play a part in his (my friend's) next film. Pretty sweet.


Quote from: Ghostboy
Quote from: GhostboyOne of my friends in LA is meeting with Werner Herzog next week...he (Herzog) is going to play a part in his (my friend's) next film. Pretty sweet.

im jealous. however, you really should use [  ] instead of (  ). shame on you


Welcome Bloodshot...

I have to tell you, the second (bottom) poster you have there is tons better than the alternative.




Quote from: BorjabahHi, I'm Newb here. . .
great i'll take this as a sign that u want to start over, and delete all ur prior worthless posts.  :yabbse-thumbup:

i mean really, it's 55 posts and nearly a month later, and u come up with a sentence that barely makes sense. ur a joke.
under the paving stones.


Ever noticed that new people on here start with excruciatingly humble posts like this:
Quote from: deathnotronic in Sin City threadI'm new here. Don't shit down my throat please. :shock:

This movie, to me, was just a movie to keep me entertained for a few hours. I didn't go into the theatre expecting to see anything groundbreaking, or to analyze it any deeper than the overall story. I watched and enjoyed.  Taking a movie for what it's worth when it comes to huge movies like this is much more important to me than being oh-so-critical over continuity flaws and the likes.
But what do I know.

PS. Was I the only one totally creeped out by Elijah Wood's character?Wel

To avoid posts like these (although this is an extreme *and deserved*  case):
Quote from: Pubrick
Quote from: BorjabahHi, I'm Newb here. . .
great i'll take this as a sign that u want to start over, and delete all ur prior worthless posts.  :yabbse-thumbup:

i mean really, it's 55 posts and nearly a month later, and u come up with a sentence that barely makes sense. ur a joke.

Welcome to Xixax:kiss:


QuoteWelcome to Xixax.

speak for yerself

i am embarassed at least of my first 500 posts,
most of us that weren't around pre jan 8 2003 start like that , i remember kotte advicing me to get along. then you start recieving love. i am not a sage but it's obvious that some users mature and some remain and are crap. in some cases, some of those users who mature are spooked by other users and run away

Quote from: 03oh my god, what the hell are you talking about? when is this new breed going to stop, i can't read xixax anymore, i want a filter.

context, context, context.


Quote from: cronopiospeak for yerself

i am embarassed at least of my first 500 posts
haha oh chuckhimselfo.. good times..