Criterion News and Discussion

Started by Gold Trumpet, January 16, 2003, 06:18:19 PM

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important days for people to share their personal criterion stories because other people can be seduced

made this decision:

all that heaven allows
^which i'm saving to watch with a person during a romantic night, which won't be tonight because we're going to see bound by flesh

la vie de bohème
^i think i like this more than shadows in paradise, which confuses me because i watch many movies and i commonly call shadows in paradise a favorite. not sure what this means except aki kaurismäki is my spiritual brother and i'd let him eat my legs if our plane crashed and he needed food

decision round 2:
there are so many i want to buy that i'm roping in a hulu+ situation for myself and upgrading my purchase selection to four. i'll first say i don't think i'll buy badlands just 'cause that's seriously locked in my memory banks already, i'll second say --

il sorpasso
^sounds like loads of fun. sounds like it has life mysteries and giggles and cars and different places. sounds delicious

the long day closes
^this in my movie collection will make my life better, just obviously, so i need to do this

pierre petaix
^freshly enticed by this possibility and it's pretty cheap you know, considering

a hard day's night
^bet it's so lovely and imaginative and they show this video of it uhh so glorious and i bet i'll watch it once

essential jacques demy
^reminding myself it'll be a sad loss for me when this is released and i can't own it


had a few coupons for an additional discount.  my first haul from the sale:

ace in the hole
all that heaven allows
hearts and minds
red river

intending to pick these up before the sale ends:

breaking the waves
jules and jim
the hidden fortress
throne of blood

considering for blind buy:

the freshman
la vie de boheme


la vie de bohème has a straight pickpocket visual reference, sam fuller writes a check for an artist's insane pitch, jean-pierre léaud plays the rich man roped into the artists' con, louis malle shares his money so the artist doesn't starve, and amid all this is paris and the glorious matti pellonpää. it's absurdly brilliant, scene by scene


well, that on top of the fact that my favorite kaurismaki is shadows in paradise (:shock:) has me sold. 


judex is a very safe blind buy, samsong.


I bought A Hard Day's Night and the Cassavetes set. I plan on getting Nashville and the Demy set also.


Quote from: 03 on July 03, 2014, 04:09:21 AM
judex is a very safe blind buy, samsong.

how does it compare to eyes without a face?  I'm not a big fan of that one.


hm. well, it's pretty different. if you hate 'eyes without a face' i would stay away i guess. but i would say judex is greatly superior.


Quote from: 03 on July 03, 2014, 04:55:32 PM
hm. well, it's pretty different. if you hate 'eyes without a face' i would stay away i guess. but i would say judex is greatly superior.

didn't hate it, just wouldn't say it's something I'm head over heels about.  like I don't really care to own eyes without a face.  there are things I admire about it though.  I've seen the party scene with the bird heads from judex and it's pretty incredible.  if the rest of the movie' saw hypnotic I'm down.


went with a friend who had the coupon (15%), we borrowed a membership number (10%), and with the sale (50%) i left whistling with the long day closes for $16.47. whistling

felt its purchase was inevitable. now i got all this time to pick my final. encouraging reports back on purchases, even like "my sixth time and still a stunner" or "watched the movie and immediately left to buy a cat for some reason" etcs

has anyone pulled a pierre petaix?

[edit due to having forgotten to share another thinger]
everyone i go with, as in the two other people i've gone with because not trying to brag but i know at least two people, they also experience the relatable problem of choosing the one to buy. seems like a universal movie person pickle


feel solid about my decision to find a way to watch il sorpasso before buying it. glad i watched it, glad i didn't buy it. i think its description from criterion is accurate and your internal self already knows what that means for you

i enjoyed both of the characters, their presentation, and the chemistry of their relationship
chuckled during the antonioni description. a great and common antonioni description
*vague spoiler*
sadly felt the ending coming and didn't appreciate the ending

marketa lazarová remains my favorite seduction from criterion within the past year or about that, you know what i mean, recentish excellent personal discovery


got a few more 15% off coupons that expire as of 10 minutes ago from some generous donors so i ordered breaking the waves, la vie de boheme, judex, and the freshman.  3 out of 4 are blind buys.  felt frisky.  redeemed some credit card points for some barnes and noble gift cards so i'll be blowing those once i get them/after pickpocket is out. 

as for the conflict of which to buy, i basically only ever buy movies during this sale, and i usually go pretty hard.  they announce dates a month or so in advance so i have time to prepare.  there's discretion involved, i'm just covetous.  and on top of the fact that they just flat out release great films, there's sentimental value and implicit trust with the brand. 


What do you guys think about the Jean Vigo set?


zéro de conduite is stunningly good imo