Criterion News and Discussion

Started by Gold Trumpet, January 16, 2003, 06:18:19 PM

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Quote from: MacGuffin


we have a winnner.....nice three disk..good price at best buy also.


I have only seen a few of all of your recs like Royal Tbaums, Insomnia, Traffic, Chasing Amy, and Fear & L In LV. I just saw Brazil and Baron Von M.

I need to give F&L In LV another shot and my friend loves it.

I really want to see the Last Temptation Of Christ and will take all of your recs and see what pans out at the mainstream places.
MC Pee Pants


Last Temptation is wonderful.  Blind Bought it with no regrets.


Discreet Charm of the Bourgeousie
Do The Right Thing
Nights of Cabiria

Gold Trumpet

The information for all the new releases are up. Richard III , which was scheduled for this fall but delayed, is now coming out in February. The major titles of the bunch are by far Diary of a Country Priest and Pickup on South Street. The most interesting title with prolly the best special features belongs to Salvatore Guilano. I'll prolly buy it on blind buy and the Bresson and Fuller one as well.


Diary of a Country Priest:

Tunes of Glory:

Pickup on South Street:

Le Corbeau:

Salvatore Giuliano:

Richard III:


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetThe major titles of the bunch are by far Diary of a Country Priest and Pickup on South Street.

Wow. It's not like I need anymore expensive blind buys but I will definitely be getting these.


under the paving stones.

Gold Trumpet


From a post at the CC forum (which they got from DVD Talk Forum):

I recieved this soon after registering for my long-overdue subscription to Milestone's mailing list. It was short, too the point, and apparently personal. I had listed Woman in the Dunes as a primary concern upon subscribing, as I felt the current DVD was lackluster.

"Dear (customer).

Criterion will be putting out a new edition of WOMAN IN THE DUNES in the next year or so.

Dennis Doros
Milestone Film & Video"

Straight from the other horse's mouth.

Gold Trumpet

This past fall, Akira Kurosawa's The Lower Depths was delayed in release by Criterion. It seems like the reason why has been discovered. To the hapiness of many, it seems it is to add Jean Renoir's own film,  The Lower Depths (1936) to the dvd package. This news comes from a member at the CC forum who writes this exactly:

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!! I spoke with Keiko McDonald (who had written the booklet essay) about the delay, and she confirmed that it was because of the addition of Renoir's Les Bas-fonds (1936).

This isn't hard to believe. Many assumed (and hoped) this would happen.


Quote from: EEz28226 Onibaba:

229 Scenes from a Marriage:

Goddamn, sometimes I think I wanna buy Criterion's just for their covers. That first one is so great.


Quote from: EEz28Scenes from a Marriage
Ingmar Bergman is driving me to the poor house.


the beginning of 2004 is an insane DVD time!
they just rereleased the Tatis - i need M. Hulot
i still want BAnd of OUtsiders
Rules of the Game
Tokyo Story
Le Circle Rouge(sp?)
Buneul, Fellini
i know most of these were released in 2003, but i'm behind!!

now, if they'll release the restored A Woman is a Woman!!!
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.

The Perineum Falcon

Criterion really needs to take a year off so I can catch up.

Those fuckers and their alluring covers...
We often went to the cinema, the screen would light up and we would tremble, but also, increasingly often, Madeleine and I were disappointed. The images had dated, they jittered, and Marilyn Monroe had gotten terribly old. We were sad, this wasn't the film we had dreamed of, this wasn't the total film that we all carried around inside us, this film that we would have wanted to make, or, more secretly, no doubt, that we would have wanted to live.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: bigideasnow, if they'll release the restored A Woman is a Woman!!!

Expect it sometime later this year.