Worst Scorsese Film?

Started by modage, May 18, 2003, 12:17:04 AM

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Quote from: bigideas
Quote from: soixanteI've done this exercise before, trying to determine what my LEAST favorite Beatle song is -- after all, I love a lot of their songs, but there are a few that suck -- Blue Jay Way, for example.

Blue Jay Way is great. you must hate organs of the musical kind.

and i just got King of Comedy on DVD. i like it lots.

I still have to see that. It's one of the last ones I really have interest in seeing (of Scorsese's i mean) along with The Last Temptation of Christ. Maybe I'll see Boxcar Bertha and BOTD sooner of later but I don't know.

I have to support The Color of Money too, that is an awesome, underrated movie. After Hours and Alice Doesnt Live Here Anymore too...just criminally underrated fucking great movies they are.


Cape Fear:  Only Scorsese film I dislike, up to date.  I would say Bringing Out the Dead would be next in running.

You people who said Kundun are fucking crazy...


Quote from: soixanteMy vote goes to Cape Fear.


i hope you didnt say that because it was his most popular money wise film, because pop or not he brought a lot to it

and thats the point quality pop culture, like the beatles were the number one band in the 60's them and motown ( and they were quality as well as comercial)

so pop or not  and they were still good, because that was before people like the ian mckaye's of the world deemed it un cool to be popular

thats dumb not to say you are dumb,  you might be a member of the short bus club for all i know ,

but based on this post its not enough to have me insult you

just a question and a comment on my part


He's completely justified in saying Cape Fear is his least favorite.  What does the commercial success have to do with anything?  That means absolutely nothing.

I grow sick of people assuming one's disliking of a film is due to it being "mainstream".


Quote from: Ghoulardi's IdolHe's completely justified in saying Cape Fear is his least favorite.  What does the commercial success have to do with anything?  That means absolutely nothing.

I grow sick of people assuming one's disliking of a film is due to it being "mainstream".

all i said was i hope that , that is not the reason outside of that he is missing the boat because that is a sick great film, deniro should go down in history as the scareiest human being to ever live ( no ironic jokes about jack black in i still know what you did last summer)

deniro was a real person, and he scared me then and now, he is that fucker we see on on the local news

its a great film , and to say kundun is better,  to me is comical but everyone has the right to be stupid errr i mean the right to have their own opinions.


Too many of you have not seen New York New York and I think thats one of the reasons people are saying this kinda thread sucks. Too many people are disregarding films they HAVEN'T seen of the director and basing it on films they HAVE. Big mistake. How many of you voted for Cape Fear without mentioning seeing New York, New York or not? Really, I think Scorsese would shit himself if he discovered you thought Cape Fear was his worst movie over the all-around awful De Niro/Minnelli picture.


Quote from: CinephileToo many of you have not seen New York New York and I think thats one of the reasons people are saying this kinda thread sucks. Too many people are disregarding films they HAVEN'T seen of the director and basing it on films they HAVE. Big mistake. How many of you voted for Cape Fear without mentioning seeing New York, New York or not? Really, I think Scorsese would shit himself if he discovered you thought Cape Fear was his worst movie over the all-around awful De Niro/Minnelli picture.

yeah i didn't like new york, new york either.


i liked it, maybe i didn't like all the movie but it has something that i really liked it, can't explain...
and my vote goes to The Color of Money, i don't think is a bad movie but i think it could be better, knowing how good is Scorsese.
"Wars have never hurt anybody except the people who die." - Salvador Dalí


I haven't seen New York New York or The Color Of Money, but I think every other film he's made has been more successful, at least on a storytelling scale, than 'Gangs Of New York.'  Like everyone else, I wouldn't call any of his movies bad, but that one is -- to me -- the most highly flawed.


Cape Fear all the way...I'm sorry, but Robert de Niro, Southerners do not sound like that. His accent alone ruined the entire movie for me, I just couldn't get it into it. I actually fast-forwarded through it. For a real Southern accent, listen to Harlan Pepper.


It amuses me how people say that Cape Fear is "commercial" or "mainstream," like Marty made some cop-out Hollywood thriller.  The version that Spielberg wanted to to make DEFINITELY would have been that.  Best example: the scene in drama class.  Spielberg had it as a chase/escape scene.  Scorsese gives us the seduction.  I can't honestly think of anything more terrifying that DeNiro shoving his thumb back in Lewis' mouth.

Besides that, you get face-biting, Joe Don Baker's horrific demise and messy aftermath, incredibly flawed protagonists, threatened rape at every turn, near-head smashing, and other mainstream fun.  There's no doubt in my mind that Hitchcock would have been making a movie like this today, and Scorsese did his best to emulate it (Herrmann music, Bass titles, Whitlock effects-- christ he even used the same production designer!).  It's success lies in being a great, ballsy thriller that scared the crap out of people, just like the Master used to.


Quote from: CinephileToo many of you have not seen New York New York and I think thats one of the reasons people are saying this kinda thread sucks. Too many people are disregarding films they HAVEN'T seen of the director and basing it on films they HAVE. Big mistake. How many of you voted for Cape Fear without mentioning seeing New York, New York or not? Really, I think Scorsese would shit himself if he discovered you thought Cape Fear was his worst movie over the all-around awful De Niro/Minnelli picture.

No I'll admit it, I haven't seen New York New York.  I've probably only seen half of the films Scorsese has made.  One of the reasons Cape Fear presses on as such a disappointment with me though is because that was the film right after Goodfellas...and to me, that is one of the top best films ever made..certainly Scorsese's best film.


Quote from: GamblorCape Fear all the way...I'm sorry, but Robert de Niro, Southerners do not sound like that. His accent alone ruined the entire movie for me, I just couldn't get it into it. I actually fast-forwarded through it. For a real Southern accent, listen to Harlan Pepper.

im sorry deniro does not go into a project blind he did some research and took from differnt sources and created this SCAREY And all to real Lone person, the whole south is not like him, but their is people like that all over the world

and bobby deniro does his research hard, and never goes in blind even in rocky and bullwinkle he was doing a dead on impersanation of the president of Macedonia


Quote from: AlguienEstolamiPantalones
im sorry deniro does not go into a project blind he did some research and took from differnt sources and created this SCAREY And all to real Lone person, the whole south is not like him, but their is people like that all over the world

and bobby deniro does his research hard, and never goes in blind even in rocky and bullwinkle he was doing a dead on impersanation of the president of Macedonia

Don't get me wrong, De Niro is one of my favorite actors, and I know he's great at method acting, but I just think he was wrong for the role because of his poor accent. It sounded so forced, like a bad southern belle impression.

And Cinephile, no I haven't seen New York, New York, or Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, or After Hours, or the Color of Money, or Casino, Kundun, or the Age of Innocence, or the King of Comedy, but since this is an opinion post, it doesn't matter that we haven't seen all of his movies, just that one of them is our least favorite.


king of comedy wudn't so bad. the only problem was they tried to repeat the Media Mogul ending of Taxi Driver, and I was left wondering where the fuck Jerry Lewis went after seeing Rupert on TV.
Almost 20 years later he was on Conan, and that's the last I ever saw of him! It was kinda creepy actually
But all in all, worst film?
Oof, because of Patricia Arquette's lack on any onscreen chemistry between her then-partner, Bring Out the Dead.
Oh, and the ghosts coming out of the street. That was kinda corny.
And any use of Blue Screen for that matter. Looks corny.
But the part that made me go "eh" was when the one guy in the band took the drug that was going around and his other bandmate was like "this sucks! we just got signed!" Cutesy and corny to the max, and not at ALL realistic. That part sucked.

But fuckin Marc Anthony with a baseball bat? Cuttin himself!? And The Clash playing while an emergency vehicle sped around New York?!?! There were some good parts to this movie!

Though I aint seen NewYork, NewYork, or the recently mentioned Cape Fear, or Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, or Color of Money or....I'll get to 'em!