What did you think of Matrix Reloaded?

Started by Ghostboy, May 12, 2003, 02:23:29 PM

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yeah im going to drive two hours to go see Reloaded Imax.  Hope its a good transfer.


The IMAX transfer is spectacular (the sound rocks too).  To quote my cousin: "It's so damn huge-- when Trinity does the splits, you see camel-toe."  Now THAT'S an endorsement.   :roll:


yeah i saw it last night.  It was really good.  Man that movie is intense.  I go back and forth with it a lot.


a nice little interpretation of the immense symbolism in Reloaded that agrees with my Garden of Eden theory  here.


After musing over some more Reloaded boards, I noticed something quite amazing.  I haven't seen this discussed yet, and there's nothing to debunk, really... it's just an observation...

First, the monitors in the Architect scene, I think we can argue that those are possibilities/predictions of the current Neo, not previous recordings or whatever of the 5 previous Neos.  And I think we can also argue that there is no Matrix-within-a-Matrix; that Zion is Zion and the real world is the real world, if they say so.

That being said... think back to the conclusion of the Architect scene, when Neo walks to the door that will allow him to save Trinity.  Notice that all the monitors show the exact same thing happening (that is, Neo walking to the door).  It's like, after displaying the "lives at stake" within the Matrix, they switched to some real-time mode... at least, that is how I took it.  

However, what if this isn't a real-time depiction of the current Neo, but an inevitable possibility/prediction calculated by the Matrix?  If this is what these monitors have been presenting all through the sequence, why would it change at this point?  And there was already a precedent for an ultimate, inevitable prediction: when Neo calls "Bullshit!" on all the monitors, in perfect unison.  This blows my mind... I mean, more so than any Matrix theory I've read since Reloaded came out.  It could have tremendous significance towards figuring out where this is all going.

My biggest concern is that maybe, somehow, the Brothers misjudged where Reloaded would leave the audience, and they aren't going to address the questions that everyone has raised over the past 6 months...  but it won't be long now until we know for sure...  :-D


k, i just saw this movie again on dvd. i remember posting on this thread saying that i thought this was an ok film. what the fuck was i thinking??? seeing it a second time really opened my eyes. sorry, but i really don't see what all the fuss is. it is better then the first one though (not action-wise ofcourse), which had such terrible acting and almost laughably pathetic dialogue. anyway, maybe i just don't see it the same way everyone else does... ? .... or maybe just not my cup o' tea.


Quote from: markums2kAhem... I'll wait for the box set.  Hopefully they will include EVERYTHING.  Like, Revisited, and the Animatrix stuff, besides the movies.

Has there even been word of a box set? I'm gonna hold off buying Reloaded for the time being just in case.
At wave level, everything exists as a contradiction. Everything is existing in more than one stage/place at any given moment. Everything must move/vibrate and constantly change to exist. Everything, including buildings, mountains, oceans and thoughts.


ok.. sounds.. lovely..  :multi:  :onfire:


Quote from: Dirk
Quote from: markums2kAhem... I'll wait for the box set.  Hopefully they will include EVERYTHING.  Like, Revisited, and the Animatrix stuff, besides the movies.

Has there even been word of a box set? I'm gonna hold off buying Reloaded for the time being just in case.

I have seen no official announcements, but if AOL Time Warner doesn't issue a box set of this, they should be shot in the fucking head.

Quote from: horrorchick76blah blah blah

Quote from: markums2k... should be shot in the fucking head.


They will only bring out the box set after the 3rd film. And of course they will bring it out, they aren't stupid...I think.


Best Buy will sell "Reloaded" for $14.99 and it includes a bonus DVD with 30 more minutes of behind-the-scenes content.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


And giving away Matrix swag too!  Matrix geeks rejoice!


Quote from: MacGuffinBest Buy will sell "Reloaded" for $14.99 and it includes a bonus DVD with 30 more minutes of behind-the-scenes content.

But by the time I get there, the sale will have ended.  Damn Best Buy.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


With LotR they most likely will release every DVd seperately, then special editions for each, then a box set of the 3 bare bones and maybe a special "Making Of" DVD with them all.  That's my prediction on that.

With Matrix, I smell a box set with Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions, all of them with respective special shit.  Then, they'll wait a long time (like with Alien) and release a Trilogy with Revisited and Animatrix and maybe a screenplay version or some more Making Of shit.

I can't wait that long for a set, so I'm buying reloaded and Revolutions as they are (or will be in the case of Revolutions).
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


Holy God.  I went to Best Buy for their midnight Matrix extravaganza in LA (the ad promised free t-shirts and prizes) and was appalled to find at 10:30PM, there was already a line around the building.  I haven't seen this madness since Star Wars (though I suspect it's b/c it was the only store advertising it).  Ended up standing in line forever, didn't get into the store 'till 12:45AM.  Yes, I like Reloaded this much.