Oscars....Yes or No?

Started by life_boy, January 15, 2003, 12:32:44 AM

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Does anyone here give a damn about the Oscars?  I like trying to predict the nominations and the winners but I still feel the whole show is a crock.  What does anyone else think?

PS:  I still think there should be a 'best acting ensamble' catagory.  I can't believe there isn't one yet.


nominees and results are obviously geared towards mainstream audiences.  i'm tired of hearing 'the oscars are an outrage' stuff, they're just pieces of paper in envelopes that have opinions on them---or perhaps it's the amount of attention and respect that the oscars get because of these opinions.  i just don't know anymore :\

Duck Sauce

Quote from: life_boyDoes anyone here give a damn about the Oscars?  I like trying to predict the nominations and the winners but I still feel the whole show is a crock.  What does anyone else think?

I agree. It kind of irritates me at first when somebody gets screwed, but then I take a moment and remember that its the Oscars. Its fun to guess who will win and all, but when it comes to accurate awards, I dont think so.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: sphinxjust pieces of paper in envelopes that have opinions on them

Yeah, but... you can't say they're not influential. I think anyone who cares about the future of movies has a right to be frustrated with the Oscars and care about the result, no matter how meaningless it really should be.



I love movies and all, but when you look at it objectively...Its an event where actors and filmmakers get together and reward themselves for insignificant achievements. Funny when you think about it. Western culture is fucked up.


It's also all for money.  The studios put up money for parties and promotion for their films.  This, in turn, will generate "Oscar buzz" which will, in turn, make the general public anxious to see these 'award winning' movies.  No Best Picture winner in the past 15 years has been a box-office flop.  The question is do the awards make the box office or the box office make the awards?  A little of both I think.


are you gonna eat with us too?


every one of you would love to get one


I enjoy watching the show. Sometimes there will be a catergory where I think somebody 'has' to win but apart from that Im not bothered about the awards. Last year they had that really great sketch by Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson for the costume design award, where they dressed stiller up like a "frickin ZZ top troll boy" . Its the nominations that count.
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


I loved watching the Oscars last year (the first time I had been able to). Tom C. coming on like royalty and like no one else could. The shots of Lynch and Altman like a pair of old queens looking cynical and bitching away when they announced the Director award! Taken for what it is, I think it's great entertainment, and put it this way, if PDL gets nominations then it will make more money. What was great last time was watching our BAFTA ceremony and comparing it to the Oscar one. We just try to get things over and done with as quickly as possible, and the overall embarrassment is painful to see, whereas if nothing else you Americans know how to put on a show and enjoy it. Good shots of Baz Luhrmann looking extremely pissed off though.


If PDL gets nominated it will become like cheering for a side in a football game.

Poor Baz.
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


..i ennjoy the telecast ...ffor the most part i agree w/their nnnominatioons and i think they choose/nominate  non-mainstream sh*t also(i.e. burnnstyn for requiem).....which is cool.....

its the grammy's that suck.....


I really like the Oscars... the whole voting process and nominees and all that always sucks because many of the voters lack of good judgement and have other interests involved in their decisions... but the overall feeling of the Oscar nominations and then the show and all that is really cool...


I bitch about who got snubbed for eleven months out of the year, but when March (Febuary this year) rolls around I always get excited.

I do feel like the best picture oscar has gone to undeserving movies for the past three years in a row, and many, many years prior. The last movie that I think totally deserved it was American Beauty. Then again, there were about ten other deserving movies that year as well.
"Sex relieves stress, love causes it."
-Woddy Allen


as long as no dumb fuck like michael moore starts bitching around it should be a great show this year... and i hope LOTR wins a lot of awards...

too bad The Matrix will get shit :(