Where we at? (Cartography Edition)

Started by wilberfan, November 27, 2019, 02:08:10 PM

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I've created a map for those interested in sharing which part of the world they live in.

Be as specific--or not--as you wish.


By way of a lil' bump, I'm back to report that only seven of us have pinned the map.   C'MON, LURKERS!  Now's your chance to...I don't know...count for something... 


Good job.  We're up to ELEVEN.  (Which is more of us than post regularly, so there's that.)  Guess we can cancel next year's census.   :yabbse-wink: 


So, who/what is this Point 12 located right smack dab in the middle of my hometown?


Everybody knows the intersection of Woodlawn & Heather! 


I was going to guess Reelist, but I think he's more in the Syracuse area if I remember right.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Yeah I believe so. Point 12 is literally like a mile from my high school.