Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

Started by Alethia, April 12, 2019, 12:47:26 PM

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I must admit, I teared up a bit at "The Saga Comes To An End" because the ten-year-old within me refuses to die.


Even if I'm not a fan of Jedi (euphemism, I know...) but Disney is obviously listening to the fanboys, reversing what Johnson tried to do. Even if he basically burned the ground, making a sequel very difficult.


I'd say there's an fairly equal amount of people on either side of the debate. Yeah, Abrams probably had a heck of a time trying to do some course correction/trying to realise some of his original ideas. Hard to tell if it was the senior production team's poor planning or RJ's ego which stunted these movies.
It's a shame that this is the sequel trilogy we're getting. I would like to enjoy this franchise again at some point; fingers crossed that this one captures the magic. I was going to write 'at least Colin Trevorrow isn't involved in this one' but unfortunately IMDB has told me he currently has a writing credit.

I love Ian McDiarmid to bits, so he will be fun to watch.


This could go either way.

Personally I loved what Rian Johnson did with his instalment so backtracking on the ideas seeded in that film feels forced and goes against the grain with me.

For context I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan. My favourites are Rogue One, Empire, and Last Jedi - not necessarily (but maybe) in that order.


I think JJ appreciates what Johnson gave him and won't screw with it. If anything Last Jedi will just help JJ Baby make the best possible SW film he can.
"All I ever wanted was a cool '78 'Vette and a house in the country."

Jeremy Blackman

My first reaction to this yesterday was... very negative.

The swinging camerawork in that desert scene is super questionable, right?

If Palpatine has been pulling the strings this whole time, I will be extremely disappointed. Some argue that his presence could end up being an effective bookend for the whole saga, but I am supremely skeptical.

If Rey turns out to be just another hero in the Skywalker bloodline, I will be CRUSHED. The random serendipity of her ascent is literally the best thing about this trilogy. I don't think I could forgive JJ. That said, I am less and less worried that this will happen. Such a reveal would probably not be in the title of the film.

And without having seen the movie, it's an extremely bad title. We can only guess how the actual content transforms its meaning, but... I am also skeptical on this.

There are some reasons for hope. I'm very excited for more Rey content, and it's coming from the guy who created this character, rather than Colin freaking Trevorrow, which, yikes, who knows how that could have gone. This is going to be empowered Rey, too, presumably with echoes of empowered Luke in RoJ, which yielded some of the best scenes of that trilogy.



Jeremy Blackman

The new photos in Vanity Fair are stunning, but they're not stills from the movie and may not even be scenes in the movie. They were staged and shot by Annie Leibovitz.


if Abrams was dumber it'd make not liking this easier. me i'm kind of time spent on this, i'm tapped out. but it feels so human, which is, you know, the best feeling


It's as human as an insurance ad.

Poe Dameron. My friend. I...know you...You are a character, yes. You're a pilot and...nice. You...fight with us. People online want you to be gay and create free advertisment for out product.



Quote from: Drenk on October 22, 2019, 04:31:58 AM
It's as human as an insurance ad.

At least as human as a cartoon, come on, Drenk, have a heart :p
I'm excited.


We're all friends with Poe Dameron. He has a jacket and fly in space! We'll miss Poe. The legend is ending. :(
I don't even remember the name of his buddy, the one who's just running while people shoot at him. He has a girlfriend. With a name. She's nice.

This trilogy is a narrative disaster with awful place-holders characters. It's in the process of reverse enginerring his already thin mystery box promise.

But Abrams is good at bringing the concept art to life.

This is a waste of money.