Ask The Gold Trumpet

Started by Gold Trumpet, April 30, 2003, 07:35:07 PM

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Gold Trumpet

It means I really don't think Harrison Ford is an actor or a very good one at all. He's mainly in movies where he can get by with relying on star power only. Dustin Hoffmann, who has done half and half, does that in Outbreak, and of course, imo.



Quote from: ©bee
Quote from: NEON MERCURY

why must u bump up these cursed ask me threads?

..I think thier interesting... :wink:

And I like GT's opinions on film....

Alright ..GT speaking of harrison ford..what about his fiolm(which I thought was quite good)...Pressumed Innocent>>?


Or, for that matter, Witness...


and lets round out the trilogy w/ Regarding Henry...... :wink:

..GT you got some criticism to fill.....

Gold Trumpet

One must always claim exception to a rule when thinking of general ones. Actually, when I said that, I had Regarding Henry in mind because for me it was obviously an exception to the rule. Just Ford's face of fragility and his manner of walk and loss of intimidation was really rewarding to watch. Ford was able to adjust his bravado into a believable enough realm of fragility and he was able to keep it up through out the film.

Witness, though, I didn't buy his performance. It seemed  just a much slowed down performance compared to his others. By the end, when the film turned actual crime thriller, you saw him more active and realized he is best at the general. I didn't see him active to play anything really dramatic in the film. With the exception of the easy ending, the movie tried to play the dramatic.

I missed Presumed Innocent.



Fair enough. I've never really fancied him as an actor. He's REALLY funny when he's on Conan. He should do stuff like that in movies. He'll always be my little Indy.


..alright got some more:

1.0  joe vs. the volcano
2.0  the insider
3.0  pi
4.0  midnight cowboy
5.0  uncle buck.. :wink:

Gold Trumpet

1.0 - Haven't seen it yet. Do want to.  

2.0 - Excellent movie and prolly Crowe's most convincing performance. He goes for dramatic in a more realistic sense and pulls it off. With other movies, he's trying too much to be Hollywood leading man and failing to really charm on that level. Moments in the screenplay are heavy, but overall, a very good movie.

3.0 - Still holds up for me. Its an experience film of just going through this gritty filmmaking more than experiencing story, but it holds up. The points and themes feel taped on at the end. Maybe the film should have been more about the experience than it was and maybe as it gets older, it may smell of cliche more and be less effectful.

4.0 - Half and half for me. The movie, very much dated, has an odd place of significance in that its feel and tone feels completely unique. Like Pi, it was going for a different feel to shows its world. Also it may give Hoffmann's best performance. There are just so many things easily identifiable with the times in screenplay and everywhere else that can render it easily for the times and also make it dated.

5.0 - I watched it! Just because I thought the teenage girl was super hot, I watched it. Candy had funny moments in showing his insanity to other kids and all. It doesn't challenge you but just asks you to enjoy it and I did enjoy myself during the movie.



..good mini-capsule opinions...

here are some more..

1.0  in the name of my father
2.0  trains planes and automobiles
3.0  the lost boys
4.0  dead poet's society
5.0  leaving las vegas

Gold Trumpet

1.0 - Harder to remember. Its been a while. From what I remember, it was a decent story but the movie was so dominated by the acting of Daniel Day Lewis that I really stopped watching the movie watched him. The movie finished on predictable and easy going terms for its story (I still say this knowing it is based on a true story) but the movie was mainly for Daniel Day Lewis. I even felt missing something from one of the best now, Emma Thompson. Though she had dramatic moments, you couldn't help but feel her filling scenes to just build up the main ingrediant: Day-Lewis. Not such a bad ingrediant, though.

2.0 - Quite simply, it achieves the most laughs and sympathy in its third act than any other of similiar type around that time. This means the movie actually stayed interesting all the way through. Hard to do and result: very funny movie.

3.0 - Missed.

4.0 - Way too general. The feeling of it is great, but so mundane. If the cinematography, charm of Williams and that final shot weren't there, this be just another movie. So many sports movies and general pick me up movies can give name to similiar way of going for sentimentality. To put it simple, the attempts to get us excited by poetry and approaches it in the most simplistic way: "Open yourself up to new things". The time period suggests cliche (1940s private boys school) becuase it brings the level of personal freedom a state level. Not existing now. Instead of finding a storyline that suggest personal imprisonment with fears more complex and not so easy to define in a sentence, it just suggests that and offers answers worthy of simplicity like a gun fight in an old western, "stand up for yourself." It's all been done in such classical ways. The movie is so charming, still. Weir, as usual, color codes everything wrong with great cinematography and Williams is a pleasure pill. The last shot is beautiful in dramatic composition but brings up the rest of movie to pretensious levels worth choking over.

5.0 - Magnificent movie. One of the best of the 90s. Symbolism is heavy at times, but the poetry of filmmaking, tone and performance is of genius. Cage hasn't even touched similiarity of quality since. It reminds me of the filmmaking of City of God, but for depth. The movie is so rythmatic in trying to flow with the music on its soundtrack that even with the very powerful story, we are brought along on imaginative filmmaking as well. Great filmmaking usually suggests superficiality with 8 1/2 and City of God. The scene with Cage standing in line and imagining how he would swoon over the lady helping customers while being brought to his own miserable reality at the end of it is just an example. This movie is up there with Grave of the Fireflies in using all its resources to make a great film.



Damn..GT i agreed w/everyhting you said about the last ones.... :yabbse-thumbup:


1.0  Jesus' Son
2.0  Legends of the Fall
3.0  Easy Rider
4.0  Desperado
5.0  Forrest Gump

Gold Trumpet

1.0 - Not high drama in any sense, but very enjoyable to make a really good film. Its really more just the misadventures of Crudup's character and how enjoyable they are and he is. There is symbolism to something higher at the end, (ala Being There) but I only felt good from it instead of being moved for more art reasons. If I looked at in more art terms, I'd likely be crying out 'pretension'. It reminds me of why Mumford was so enjoyable because it had a charm of oddness that couldn't make you stop watching it. I think Crudup's character showing higher life at the end wasn't really good at art anything, but emotionally fit to what we felt toward him. Also, Jack Black gets the role that would sum up his future ones to come and yet this is the most rewarding of roles.

2.0 - Missed it. Do want to watch it because I believe Pitt is underrated.

3.0 - Very dated but admirable. In essence, the story is symbolism to the hippie revolution and its conflict with the rest of the country. Not really a great drama, but just experiencing this counter culture that was only coming to familiarity with people at the time. Its message and impact really is with that world. Other than that, we get some fine performances and a memory of a forgotten world. As a movie to be analyzed, its dated at best.

4.0 - Less severe version of Once Upon a Time in Mexico but with all the same problems in that it does identify itself as a B movie. Its just gloating you are a B movie with a big budget isn't much of anything. The movie shows off on elevated violence and fantasy gun play. It doesn't show it as continuously and as often as the third in the series, but it still does it to a point where the action scenes are too showy and extended to be good and suffer from lack of build up in story to make them more effective. Its easy to blow the world up and this movie tries to do that in conjecture with gun fights in a bar. I would have something more minimalistic in approaching action.

5.0 - I like it more than other people do. The movie can't really be believed or taken serious, but there is so much talent and fun in the filmmaking and story that it can be enjoyed to a great level. Most complaints come from this movie just beating out Pulp Fiction for best picture. I agree, it shouldn't have. It is enjoyable and memorable on terms of Back to the Future, though. Moments at the end were iffy for me on obviously being ploys for sentamentality. I have no problem with sentimentality and do think it should have been used at the end, just not maybe in a sequence of events lasting 20 minutes. Could have been restricted big time. Extending it so much just made it all obviously look staged in feeling.  



damn  man  good job..

you neesd to see legends of the fall its good.Quinn  does agood job also...

fire away:

1.0  dazed on confused
2.0  fargo
3.0  wierd science
4.0  terninator 1
5.0  spirited away

Gold Trumpet

1.0 - Excellent high school movie in that the movie is just documenting and makes no attempts to elevate any matter of storyline to higher drama or invidividual concern. It just follows these kids over the course of a night and its filmmaking is well intentioned in a lot of it is filmed from far away so as it covers the entire scene and leaves it in our memory when we're done watching it. It shoots for the environment. The material is also well intentioned in that, without showing any ploys or trickery, basically sums up a lot of people we knew or could identify with at high school. P.S. It took me a while to rent this movie. The cover suggest some hippie/drug movie of sorts. So wrong.

2.0 - Always had problem with the Coens. With this, the Coens prolly attempt to go for their most organic story in building an environment and characters in the most fruitful of ways. The movie is also the Coens at their most heartbreaking in my mind drama wise, but they screw it up. They set the movie in Minnesota and purposely bring up the cliche goofy accents to a head. I live in an area like this and as all cliches go, they really aren't true. People that live in these places don't all sound like this at all. At best, a minority do. At probable, its more complicated where people have it to lesser/severer degrees and nothings comes off as simplisticly goofy like this. Its just the Coens doing this they add an element of farce to a very serious movie. Comedy can exist in dramas, but when organically coming out of the story. The farce here is its own layer and just takes away from the drama. Yet, with the complaints, its the Coen's best effort. Just a mixed one.

3.0 - Missed it. Soft spot for 80s comedies, but this one never interested me much.

4.0 - All in all, I like the first two Terminator movies. Missed the third. If I had it my way, I'd take elements of both two to make my perfect Terminator movie. I prefer the first in that it creates a more eerie atmosphere and world very much implanted in your mind of belonging to the monster known as the Terminator; the story is much more simple and for the effect of showing the monster, but yet it hits unnecessary melodrama at times by developing a love story. The second in this realm is too casual in showing the violence and the cute comments and just trying to go over the top. The second succeeds though in that it doesn't try to achieve melodrama as thoroughly. It does have moments of bad drama, but not as wide spread. I like the first more in that it has power in trying to create a world for the Terminator but I like the second in that it is trying to fulfil as an action movie more. Just a mixture of both is needed with the first being the overall better movie.

5.0 - The Japanese language version was the best movie of last year. The english dubbed version was just a good movie. To explain my general reaction to the japanese version, it was a masterpiece of power and mystery. The basis of the story is familiar in that it is Alice in Wonderland. The movie is so mysterious in that it shows this world without telling its secrets and never focuses on direct story. It tells the story of the girl, but shifts so much so mysteriously from situation to situation that things never feel wrapped up at all. The movie is made with so much brilliance and charm it just encompasses us and makes us only wonder more after its done. The english version tries to kill it all by explaining everything in crucial moments. If the japanese version hadn't existed, it'd be a good film only. The Japanese version of Spirited Away is one of my favorite movies.



can't u take this to a pm?