Big Bad Guide to Director's Filmographies on Blu-ray

Started by wilder, October 17, 2017, 02:18:25 AM

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USA / English - Director's Filmographies - Part 1

USA / English - Director's Filmographies - Part 2

USA / English - Director's Filmographies - Part 3

USA / English - Director's Filmographies - Part 4

International Director's Filmographies - Part 1

International Director's Filmographies - Part 2

International Director's Filmographies - Part 3

This is a database with categories containing all of a given director's blu-ray releases in the United States, releases of their films abroad with better picture quality, and releases of their films abroad that are not yet available in the USA as of 6-1-24.

If a director's film is not available on blu-ray in the USA but has been released elsewhere and is English-friendly, it's in this database, and English-friendly international releases with better picture quality than their USA counterparts are in this database.

Scroll down for a list of all directors included.

  • Directors are sorted alphabetically by first name, because that's the default method on and changing it would be a pain in the ass
  • In the case of there being multiple blu-ray releases of a film in the US, only the release with the best picture quality is listed
  • In the case that a release has multiple versions (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy), the closest version to a blu-ray-only release is listed (best picture quality for the cheapest price)
  • Releases from the UK, Germany, or France with better picture quality are listed alongside their US counterparts, if applicable
  • Releases from the UK, Germany, or France with alternate cuts not available in the US are listed alongside their US counterparts, if applicable
  • Films from a director's filmography that haven't been released in the US but are available abroad are listed
  • If a director's films aren't in English (i.e. Michael Haneke), only international releases that include English subtitles are listed alongside the US releases
  • SD upscales and 1080i releases of films unreleased in the US are not included
  • TV Series where a director only directed the initial episodes (i.e. House of Cards) are not included
  • Foreign-born directors who made the majority of their movies in English or are overwhelmingly associated with the history of Hollywood (i.e. Billy Wilder) are included in the English language list
  • (Most) directors with three or less titles on blu-ray are not included
  • Releases from the UK, Germany, and France may be region-locked (Region B)
  • For the most part, UK releases from Arrow, Indicator, and Masters of Cinema are listed if they have at least equivalent picture quality to their US counterparts
  • Picture quality of international releases can be compared to their US counterparts on Caps-a-holic

To easily distinguish international releases from their US counterparts based on the covers alone:
  • UK releases have their rating inside a (usually white/red) circle (i.e. 15 or 18)
  • German releases have their rating inside a square with rounded corners
  • French releases are a free-for-all but the titles are usually in French
  • Australian releases have their rating inside of a wide rectangle with rounded corners


  • Click this icon in the upper-right to change the display method to a thumbnail/list view, and country flags show up next to the non-USA releases

USA / English Language

Part 1

Abel Ferrara

Alexander Payne

Alfred Hitchcock

André De Toth

Andrew Haigh

Anthony Mann

Billy Wilder

Brian De Palma

Buster Keaton

Carol Reed

Charlie Chaplin

Christopher Guest

Christopher Nolan

The Coen Bros.

David Cronenberg

David Fincher

David Lean

David Lynch

David Mamet

Douglas Sirk

Elia Kazan

Ernst Lubitsch

F.W. Murnau

Francis Ford Coppola

Frank Capra

Frank Tashlin

Fritz Lang

George Cukor

Gus Van Sant

Hal Ashby

Hal Hartley

Howard Hawks

James Cameron

James Gray

Jerry Schatzberg

Jim Jarmusch

Jim Van Bebber

John Carpenter

John Cassavetes

John Ford

John Frankenheimer

John Huston

Part 2

John Landis

John Schlesinger

John Waters

Jonathan Demme

Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Joseph Losey

Joseph W. Sarno

Ken Russell

Kenneth Lonergan

Lodge Kerrigan

Martin Scorsese

Michael Curtiz

Michael Mann

Michael Powell / Emeric Pressburger

Part 3

Mike Leigh

Mike Nichols

Nicholas Ray

Nicholas Winding Refn

Nicolas Roeg

Noah Baumbach

Oliver Stone

Orson Welles

Otto Preminger

Paul Schrader

Paul Thomas Anderson

Paul Verhoeven

Peter Greenaway

Peter Weir

Preston Sturges

Quentin Tarantino

Raoul Walsh

Richard Linklater

Part 4

Robert Aldrich

Robert Altman

Roman Polanski

Sam Peckinpah

Samuel Fuller

Sidney Lumet

Sofia Coppola

Spike Jonze

Spike Lee

Stanley Kubrick

Steven Soderbergh

Steven Spielberg

Terence Davies

Terrence Malick

Terry Gilliam

Terry Zwigoff

Todd Haynes

Todd Solondz

Vincente Minnelli

Wes Anderson

Whit Stillman

William A. Wellman

William Friedkin

William Wyler

Woody Allen


Part 1

Aki Kaurismaki

Akira Kurosawa

Alain Resnais

Alejandro Jodorowsky

Andrei Tarkovsky

Andrey Zvyagintsev

Andrzej Zulawski

Bernardo Bertolucci

Bruno Dumont

Carl Theodor Dreyer

Christian Petzold

Claude Chabrol

The Dardenne Bros.

Dario Argento

Edward Yang

Eric Rohmer

Federico Fellini

Francois Ozon

Francois Truffaut

Henri-Georges Clouzot

Ingmar Bergman

Jacques Demy

Jacques Rivette

Jacques Tati

Jean Cocteau

Jean Renoir

Jean Rollin

Jean-Luc Godard

Jean-Pierre Melville

Part 2

Josef von Sternberg

Julio Medem

Kenji Mizoguchi

Krzysztof Kieslowski

Lars Von Trier

Louise Malle

Luchino Visconti

Luis Bunuel

Mario Bava

Maurice Pialat

Max Ophuls

Michael Haneke

Part 3

Michelangelo Antonioni

Nagisa Oshima

Pedro Almodovar

Pier Paolo Pasolini

Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Robert Bresson

Roberto Rossellini

Roy Andersson

Satyajit Ray

Sergio Leone

Takeshi Kitano

Tsai Ming-Liang

Werner Herzog

Wim Wenders

Wong Kar-Wai

Xavier Dolan

Yasujiro Ozu

Yorgos Lanthimos


Have done my best to keep this updated. If there are any glaring omissions within the existing categories, send me a PM.


So impressive.   Will there be a Xixax Hall of Fame?  I'd like to nominate this effort.