Licorice Pizza - Speculation & General Reactions

Started by Fuzzy Dunlop, August 30, 2017, 12:58:10 PM

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"Thank you, Sensei..."  *bows deeply*


Specific to Jujutsu, Aikido, and regular Karate.


Pronounced "kar-rah-TAY".


Quote from: jenkins on January 08, 2020, 02:46:27 PM
enjoy the rest of what life has to offer while practicing patience in relation to pta news

I'm actually trying to limit my speculation because I tend to go off on unrelated tangents that even make me later wonder WTF I was talking about. We know so little at this point, it's true, and there are many other films and experiences to enjoy in the meantime (i.e., Uncut Gems is really good).

But it's usually nice to read what others are thinking and there have been some good insights in this thread so far.

Quote from: RudyBlatnoyd on January 05, 2020, 04:54:52 AM
Hanks reciprocated the praise, too. I think he's a great, great actor. The man managed to sell the loss of a volleyball as an emotionally devastating experience. Or the scene where he finally breaks down in Captain Phillips at the end. Or his effortless mix of physical comedy and James Stewart in Bridge of Spies, where I actually think he outshone Mark Rylance even though the latter got all the praise at the time...

Having said that, I'll try to seriously comment on the Hanks possibility now. I think Hanks joining the cast would be super exciting. But it's also true, as mentioned earlier, that there's an innumerable amount of actors who could end up in a PTA movie.

Like, I watched Eastwood's Richard Jewell recently and I later thought... wow, Paul Walter Hauser would probably make a great film with PTA! But it's hard to say who wouldn't make a good film with him.

My specific interest in actors like Hanks, Rylance or Hauser goes back to Phantom Thread. It seems clear that PTA and DDL sat down and said, or understood, that they wanted to go in the opposite direction of TWBB. Much less shouting, less showy acting. I've been wondering if that's a hint at a bigger change, something related to how PTA said (paraphrasing) it's a risk when older filmmakers try to make films like they're younger. 

Has PTA left behind the loud, crazy drama of scenes like the bowling alley in TWBB or the jail in The Master? Not entirely, I hope, since those are some of the best scenes in his work. But it's also worth noting how low-key the singing scene in The Master is compared with the one in Magnolia. Compare DDL sick in his bed seeing a ghost to its closest predecessor in Robards/Earl Partridge's "regret" scene. So, yeah, DDL's restraint in Phantom Thread is very interesting. Someone like Hanks or Rylance could pick up that thread (sorry) and develop it into a new chapter in PTA's work.

PTA's style is really mellowing... in an arguably improved way. The acting seems to be catching up to that.

EDIT: Or I'm totally off and the next one will have lots of acting reminiscent of the bowling alley scene or whatever else. Either way, I'd like to see a few more in the PT style.


you mean e.g. Uncut Gems, which movie pta has endorsed. his fans tend to orbit his thoughts, which is why it's so easy for him to surprise his fans. if he only did what you all thought he would do he wouldn't be pta. it's both reasonable for you all to become excited and for me to be reasonable about your excitement. everybody is fine


Quote from: jenkins on January 08, 2020, 06:16:16 PM
you mean e.g. Uncut Gems, which movie pta has endorsed.

Yeah, but the presence of Sandler is what first got me interested in Uncut Gems. I hadn't even seen Good Time. Well, I still haven't but I'm going to check it out soon enough. But I guess the recommendation still links back to PTA because of Punch-Drunk Love and a few references in the movie.

Anyway, I also praised Richard Jewell in that post. 8-)

Does that count as an opinion that's unattached to that all encompassing PTA influence you're suggesting exists... or has PTA endorsed Eastwood's film too?


it def counts in everybody is fine


Completely random, but I just got done watching See You Yesterday, and I couldn't help thinking that if there's a role for her in this, I'd love to see what PTA could do with Eden Duncan-Smith.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


Quote from: Lewton on January 08, 2020, 05:42:23 PM
My specific interest in actors like Hanks, Rylance or Hauser goes back to Phantom Thread. It seems clear that PTA and DDL sat down and said, or understood, that they wanted to go in the opposite direction of TWBB. Much less shouting, less showy acting. I've been wondering if that's a hint at a bigger change, something related to how PTA said (paraphrasing) it's a risk when older filmmakers try to make films like they're younger. 

Has PTA left behind the loud, crazy drama of scenes like the bowling alley in TWBB or the jail in The Master? Not entirely, I hope, since those are some of the best scenes in his work. But it's also worth noting how low-key the singing scene in The Master is compared with the one in Magnolia. Compare DDL sick in his bed seeing a ghost to its closest predecessor in Robards/Earl Partridge's "regret" scene. So, yeah, DDL's restraint in Phantom Thread is very interesting. Someone like Hanks or Rylance could pick up that thread (sorry) and develop it into a new chapter in PTA's work.

I actually thought the performances in Phantom Thread were very showy and there are some shouty scenes, for sure. That's just DDL -- very animated. What's the word, vaudaville? His presence and characters are so over-the-top and comically so because they take themselves so seriously. Reynolds Woodcock is a tantrum-prone egotistical brat in Phantom Thread. I still like his performance and character in There Will Be Blood more, but that's basically a given as that's one of the best performances ever by anyone.


From a comment on a fan instagram (that a lot of people, including celebrities, seem to think is really him):

"Two recruiters approached my son regarding a film of yours, today. Just wanting to make sure that this is actually for a movie of yours. If it is legitimate I really wish he would do it, or, at least, audition. They are looking for a teenaged skater and the best one to fill the role. I hope you have a great night!! Much success wished for you with this film!!"



Great find! The only thing I truly care, casting wise, is that they cast teens who have never acted before.


Something interesting on a casting website: Focus Features is looking for a Caucasian male lead (14 – 16 years old) and they are interested in authentic boys from the San Fernando Valley. The description of the male lead: Funny, confident, entrepreneurial and wise beyond his years.
This definitely is for Paul's new project, isn't it?
Edit: This was only posted yesterday, which means they haven't had a lead yet.


Another sausagefest, huh? Lol, he's going to get so much shit if this is another white boy/male genius story.


Quote from: Drill on January 17, 2020, 05:56:08 AM
Another sausagefest, huh? Lol, he's going to get so much shit if this is another white boy/male genius story.

Lol I'm sure he don't give a shit what professionally outraged twitter people will say.  :)