10 Cloverfield Lane

Started by Jeremy Blackman, January 18, 2016, 04:50:40 PM

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Jeremy Blackman

EDIT: Trailer is indeed a bit spoilery. And no, this is not the sequel to Cloverfield.

Yes, this is the sequel to Cloverfield.

Trailer looks semi-spoilery, but maybe not. Hard to tell.


Secretly in development at Bad Robot since 2014, producer J.J. Abrams has revealed that the sequel to Cloverfield is complete and will be in theaters March 11. 10 Cloverfield Lane's appropriately murky trailer features John Goodman and Mary Elizabeth Winstead, with the film directed by Dan Trachtenberg, who grabbed the internet geeks by the collar with his Portal short film "No Escape" back in 2011.

Jeremy Blackman

Here's the director's short. Will make a lot more sense if you've played Portal / Portal 2.


Apparently this film was originally made as a non-Cloverfield film but the studios saw an opportunity to Frankenstein it into a Cloverfield sequel. We will see if they managed to pull it offf. Good trailer though.


I thought it seemed too original to be a Cloverfield sequel. Here I was thinking they'd outdone themselves. Still want to watch it, if only for John Goodman.


Everything I've read says this is not a sequel, it's just loosely tied into the world of Cloverfield.
I don't know why it would be worth twisting a movie that has potential into a Cloverfield spin-off. Are there really rabid Cloverfield fans who would go see this just because of the Cloverfield name?

Jeremy Blackman

Alright so the Rotten Tomatoes article and others seem to being going too far in calling this a sequel. Maybe Collider got it right:


Abrams tells us it's a "blood relative", which seems to suggest that the movie isn't a direct sequel to Cloverfield but instead takes place within the same universe.


This was lots of fun. Never saw Cloverfield but thoroughly enjoyed this. Reeeeaaaal twisty. And John Goodman was, of course, great.



I enjoyed this also. John Goodman rocks, as many others as have said. 

The first thing I found interesting when attempting to connect both Cloverfield films is in the fact that John Goodman's character Henry, works for a satellite company.  If I'm not mistaken, the original catalyst for the 'alien' was that a satellite fell into the sea and out came the monster. I'm not sure if that's what was actually settled on in the first film, but I do remember talk of that concept.

Oddly enough, if that monster did come from the sea, then they've now acquired spaceships. Perhaps I'm remembering the first film wrong though. Anyway, the way this movie plays out is great!
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.

Jeremy Blackman

Guys, this is amazing. See it.

John Goodman's performance is breathtaking. More than worth it just for that.

There were multiple times where I thought I had this movie figured out and even worried that I spoiled it by anticipating the twists. But no. Not quite.

Other movies in this specific genre (you know which genre) should be ashamed of themselves.