PTA next project rumored to be 70mm anamorphic

Started by velociraptor, June 09, 2015, 09:48:22 AM

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The most concrete evidence seems to be that a moderator said he's considering it for his next project, whatever that is. Which is essentially what he told me 3 years ago.

"I would love to shoot 70mm again. There's still much more we could do with it. Be nice to try and shoot it's intended aspect ratio as well. it would have to be the right story. that's the deciding factor for sure. I really hope we see more and more of it in use. Not just using it's original negative -- but 70mm prints being made and projected -- this may be a fantasy -- but it's a lovely fantasy to have in my head."

The implied choice of format "70mm anamorphic -- a much wider frame than The Master's 70mm spherical" is actually misleading, it's referring to the Hateful Eight footage that was screened, not PTA's next project that (probably) isn't even written yet.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Jeremy Blackman

Someone needs to sit him down and give him a serious lesson in punctuation and capitalization. He's almost an old man now.


A meaty news topic that modage aptly summarized, thanks.

Referring to JB's comment, I'm not sure to whom you're referring, guessing if I saw it I'd agree "oh this could use some work," but on the general philosophy I'd like to say a writer's transgressive qualities against grammar are appreciated by me from the perspective of being a window into the writer, as grammar is a framework. But again, I don't even know what writing is being criticized, it probably wasn't Hemingway's in our time, which was indeed titled without capitals and introduced Hemingway's theory of omission, which theory is as applicable to grammar as anywhere else, and I'd like to repeat that I don't feel this comment of mine is necessary.

Jeremy Blackman

Referring to mod's PTA quote in the previous post. It's the same in his scripts. Erratic capitalization and a very loose understanding of apostrophes. (It's not transgressiveness.)

But if he needs to use that energy elsewhere, I'll accept it.


Oh right there. Yeah I see what you mean. PTA gets a "his pages are on the screen" pass, but also plain normal sloppy grammar exists, its everywhere (<-I'm being hilarious), and you just called it.