Kill Bill trailer

Started by MacGuffin, January 08, 2003, 03:02:30 PM

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Quote from: MacGuffinTarantino quipped, "I'm gonna do Terrence Malick."

Tarantino's Words of Wisdom.


I don't know how much popularity or praise or integrity or whatever a filmmaker gets from creating a good film one would get by NOT doing any work. The Terrence Malick hiatus thing, uhhh, ok. Have fun.


um, why is everyone so upset about "the 4th film by Tarantino" and "bad CGI", when this film is obviously a spoof on martial arts/hong kong films...with all of the obvious references to films like Crouching Tiger, The Killer, and Black Mask.

Duck Sauce

Quote from: jontomosiczum, why is everyone so upset about "the 4th film by Tarantino" and "bad CGI"

I for one just dont like CGI, but thats a whole other thread that is in a better place now.


Quote from: jontomosiczum, why is everyone so upset about "the 4th film by Tarantino" and "bad CGI", when this film is obviously a spoof on martial arts/hong kong films...with all of the obvious references to films like Crouching Tiger, The Killer, and Black Mask.

"Kill Bill" is no spoof and those films you mentioned weren't exactly original to begin with; they ripped off what Hong Kong calls "wuxia" films like "Bride With White Hair" or "Once Upon A Time In China". QT knows his asian film history (see his interview on the "Iron Monkey" DVD; he knows his shit) and is influenced by the early films, not these knock-offs of late. Wire work didn't start with "Crouching Tiger..." or "The Matrix". The Warchowski Bros. saw these early films too.

The black mask reference is a nod to Bruce Lee's "Kato" from the "Green Hornet" and Uma's yellow outfit is a nod to his "Game Of Death."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: jontomosiczum, why is everyone so upset about "the 4th film by Tarantino" and "bad CGI", when this film is obviously a spoof on martial arts/hong kong films...with all of the obvious references to films like Crouching Tiger, The Killer, and Black Mask.

"Kill Bill" is no spoof and those films you mentioned weren't exactly original to begin with; they ripped off what Hong Kong calls "wuxia" films like "Bride With White Hair" or "Once Upon A Time In China". QT knows his asian film history (see his interview on the "Iron Monkey" DVD; he knows his shit) and is influenced by the early films, not these knock-offs of late. Wire work didn't start with "Crouching Tiger..." or "The Matrix". The Warchowski Bros. saw these early films too.

The black mask reference is a nod to Bruce Lee's "Kato" from the "Green Hornet" and Uma's yellow outfit is a nod to his "Game Of Death."

Well, he's not all that wrong Mac...  (though SPOOF was probably the wrong word to use)
Those earlier films were actually made after The Killer, which was a John Woo film that was referenced in Jackie Brown.
Also, The Black Mask wasn't really a knock off of "Once Upon a Time in China" because they were both directed by Hark Tsui and the choreography (which is obviously very important in a kung-fu flick) was done by Woo-ping Yuen who also did the choreography for Crouching Tiger, The Matrix, and Kill Bill (oh yeah, and Iron Monkey)


I never said those films originated those styles, but some of the scenes in the Kill Bill trailer definitely mock the films I mentioned.  I realize Tarantino is knowledgeable about asian films...he's done quite a bit for the popularity of some of the lesser known ones.  But I don't think Tarantino is just borrowing those scenes or paying homage, because the similarities are too obvious and often in an over the top manner.  

But it is just a trailer, and I haven't read anything else about the film (I'm not up on my Tarantino current events), so it's just a first impression I guess.

why don't you think it's a spoof (I don't mean in the sense of Space Balls)?


its really more of a tribute than spoof.


Quote from: jontomosicz
why don't you think it's a spoof (I don't mean in the sense of Space Balls)?

But that's what a spoof is, it's making fun of the original.  Kill Bill is more of a Tribute (as Cec said).  He holds those films in high regard and is not making fun of them.

spoof    ( P ) 

1.   Nonsense; tomfoolery.
2.   A hoax.
3.   A gentle satirical imitation; a light parody.

Duck Sauce

Quote from: jontomosiczI never said those films originated those styles, but some of the scenes in the Kill Bill trailer definitely mock the films I mentioned.  I realize Tarantino is knowledgeable about asian films...he's done quite a bit for the popularity of some of the lesser known ones.  But I don't think Tarantino is just borrowing those scenes or paying homage, because the similarities are too obvious and often in an over the top manner.  

Paying homage and mocking are two completley different things. Tarantinos love for the asian style movies is well known, I think he is doing it because he thinks they are good and interesting movies.

Jeremy Blackman

But does anyone know how much of a spoof this is going to be? Is it going to be serious at all, or are we looking at Kung Pow: Enter the Fist?


not really a spoof. more of a parody. taking these things and making fun of them a little while still saying they were badass. that's my prediction. i love the trailer. it's a lot of fun. that's what i expect the movie will be. a lot of fun.
The corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll bathe tonight I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls Demon I am and face I peel to see your skin turned inside out, 'cause gotta have you on my wall gotta have you on my wall, 'cause I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls collect the heads of little girls and put 'em on my wall hack the heads off little girls and put 'em on my wall I want your skulls I need your skulls I want your skulls I need your skulls


Interview w/ Tarantino, who has said Kill Bill is his greatest work.

"You have said KILL BILL would be your greatest work. How is it different from PULP FICTION?

[QT] It's so far the purest action or kung-fu I have made. The movie, with a story about a killer seeking revenge, got lots of action scenes. I I will make it to the coolest movie. Drive people crazy, and make people shaking. Fight scenes in the movie have strong flavor of Chinese kung-fu. This is my attempt of trying new film type, and I will take this opportunity to push me to a new era. In this movie, I will explore my inspiration as much as I like. Meanwhile, the biggest challenge is, I must see whether I can make it to a movie I have imaged and see how high can I reach.

"I heard to make those gangster movies look real, you have talked to criminals, drug addicts, and even gangsters. Is that true?"

[QT] Except filmmakers, I don't really know too many people. I create a character based on my personal experience. My gangsters are just characters. The so called realism is only referring to the dramatization I did to my movies.

Judging from dialogues and plots of your movies, (I say) you are a specialist of Western Pop Culture.

I love Pop Culture.

What made you decided to work with your Chinese partner, attracted by Chinese culture, or some other reason?

I have very good impression on China. You can say I came here because I was attracted by Chinese culture, but the main reason is there are many kung-fu scenes (in the movie). The Chinese are the authority of kung-fu films. They know how to use stuffs like wires to make exciting fight scenes, this is cool. I love Chinese style of jumping, punching and kicking.

-- This is only a couple of questions I selected from the interview. You can read the whole thing here


yeah, I guess I didn't explain myself...I don't think Tarantino will simply make a Kung Pow movie, because he obviously respects the genre, but I agree with what bonanzataz said,

Quote from: bonanzataztaking these things and making fun of them a little while still saying they were badass.

it will be interesting to see how it turns out....I can't imagine Tarantino would make the fight scenes cheesy like Charlie's Angels, but some of the scenes in the trailer were pretty funny.  Hopefully this will be an entirely original take on the martial arts/hong kong genres.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: cbrad4dThe movie, with a story about a killer seeking revenge, got lots of action scenes. I will make it to the coolest movie. Drive people crazy, and make people shaking . . . I can make it to a movie I have imaged . . . They know how to use stuffs like wires to make exciting fight scenes, this is cool.

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