Rick and Morty

Started by ono, December 02, 2013, 12:11:52 AM

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Basically, Dan Harmon knows what's up.  There are a lot of drama show runners with fan followings, but comparatively few comedy writers who can do the same.  There's a reason for that.  Rick Potion was where the shit hit the fan.  It was a few episodes in, but that's where the show truly established itself as something to watch.  Harmon's been around for ages.  Now with 5 seasons of Community in the books, and now this, he's truly hitting his stride.  I like the part where each episode ends a bit earlier than expected, but you get a protracted "On the next Rick and Morty" tease that may or not be related.  Not entirely original, but done to full effect here.  It's the same principle as in Community where a writer who has made a career learning about all the tropes imaginable and dissecting them gets to have a blast breaking all the rules.


episodes 1+2 seduced me to a relationship that became a romantic attachment at episode 5, engagement at 6, marriage at 7, and i'm at episode 9 and we fought a little through 8. a tiff. thought we were soaring upward 5-7, but 8 was a kinda pause for me, that's fine, that's normal, you can't break a love bond after a single hard day. that's not how a relationship works. it works one day at a time. three more episodes then we die our first death, i'll miss us together i bet, i'll listen to romantic songs and fondly recall these days of bliss with rick and morty on the beach


swooned back by 9 (needful things, topically ideal), thought 10 was a perspective-adjusted retread of 8, then 11 had n's gif and i felt like i'd opened the tidy package

super impressed by the show's creative flexibility. like within 10, which was an overall fainter episode for me, there were pizzas ordering people then phones on pizza ordering chairs then chairs on people ordering phones. outside my opinion of the total episode, delighted by the conceptual framework they unwired to pull that off

agree with ono about the show taking "all the tropes imaginable and dissecting them [..] to have a blast breaking all the rules." for sure. any writer or creative person or curious person or breathing person in general can find things to consider

it's make believe, duh it's a cartoon, and for me a weird limitation is it doesn't break into living concepts. i don't think it's emotionally transgressive in the illustrated realm (which is possible). the characters are definable and explainable and their human qualities are often amplified to service the plot. makes the stories great. makes them stories, just drawings. but i admire the fact that watching a cartoon made my thoughts drift into arenas beyond a cartoon, and i think that's one of the show's valuable qualities

Fuzzy Dunlop

New season out July 26th! First season was incredible and I can't wait to see where they go next.

This is an all-timer couch gag, up there with Hertzfeldt's and Banksy's:




The first two leaked. They're great. It's still the same show. It's still surprising.


Yeah just watched the first one. Damn great. I missed this show. Gonna wait until the official air date now though.




Adult Swim just set up a stream with the tagline "April Fools" and then (actually) streamed the first episode of season 3.
I'm guessing the joke was actually releasing the episode when everyone expected it to be a joke?
It was looping for a while, not sure if it still is since you have to be connecting from a US IP to view it.
The rest of us can wait or view it by other means (people have recorded it and uploaded places).
It's a great episode.


Yep. Great episode. Great way to "release" it. Now, we'll have to wait for the summer, I guess. Not that it won't arrive if we don't wait for it.