Rick and Morty

Started by ono, December 02, 2013, 12:11:52 AM

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From Dan Harmon, the creator of Community.  First episode:


Premieres tonight, Monday, December 2nd at 10:30 PM, on Adult Swim.

Here's a review from IGN.


This show is pretty funny, I've seen the first three episodes so far.
From what I can tell Rick and Morty are based on the character's Doc and Marty from Back to the Future.

The animation style reminds me of something you'd see on cartoon network but doesn't seem fall into the adobe flash look that so many other current animations do (thick outlines, over saturation, obvious motion tween, etc), I'm not an expert.

The voice actors are pretty recognizable, notably Justin Roiland and Chris Parnell.

There are quite a few movie references in the episodes I've seen so far, eg: Magnolia, Inception, Nightmare on Elm St (I'm sure there's more but I'd need to watch it again to pick them up).


If anything, I'm watching the show for it's personality. Something about Roiland's rambling makes it unique. Not to say I exactly love the show yet, although I certainly like it, I'm just wanting it to earn it's place in my heart and not just be something people enjoy because Harmon's name is attached to it.


First impressions: like a lot of the gags, like the dynamic between the main characters, HATE Roiland's voice work, love all the visual nods to old Mad-era comics (Bill Elder in particular). So far it's worthwhile but not indispensable.
My house, my rules, my coffee


best animated show as of recent.
this shit is intense comedy with surprisingly serious undertones, i would even venture to call it futurama jr as well.


Spoilers.  Go watch this show already!

Yep, the show hit a great stride in its final episodes.  Raising Gazorpazorp and Rixty Minutes were just excellent, and the episode with Jerry and Morty debating over whether Pluto is a planet, and Summer and Rick teaming up/butting heads over the devil's business were great, too.  I like that there is continuity, too.  Because of the episode where Rick and Morty fucked their own dimension, the show may as well be called Ricks and Mortys.  Animation lends itself well to that kind of mind-fuckery.  This was taken to the extreme when the council of Ricks had to hunt down a murderous Rick, and it turned out he was being controlled by an evil Morty.

The season finale aired last night, and the whole is slowly becoming greater than the sum of its parts.  Seriously, there's some Futurama-level poignancy up in this show.  Wubba lubba dub dub... it's going to be a long wait for season two.


everything i hear about this show makes me want to watch this show. a coworker of mine described it as a return to the peek period of adult swim, futurama is a show i adore*, and it was in this thread right now and through ono's original post i learned dan harmon is a show creator -- that surprises me and i like surprises

i don't have tv watching possibilities, requesting that when this show arrives internet available someone please informs xixax. that or i'll wait for the bluray

* better suited for the futurama thread of course, but because its conversation frequencies are now off the radar, and because i'm not sure anyone will want to chat about it anyway, i want to say here and now that the final episode of futurama, s7ep26 "meanwhile", floored me as a tasty and high-shelf conclusion that makes me reflect back on the show's exceptional range of qualities. fwiw


It is on the Internet right now!  Adult Swim I think releases their episodes online alongside their broadcast premieres, if not a few days after.

Dan Harmon is cocreator, to be fair.  It's Justin Roiland's brainchild (he did these sickly hilarious animations of a Marty and Doc-esque homage to Back to the Future where the doc's solution to everything was to have Marty lick his balls).  But you can definitely hear Dan Harmon's voice shining through in a lot of the writing and improv (especially if you are familiar with the Harmontown podcast).

Re: Futurama, I loved it.  Its final season was really lackluster, and I was of the camp that it was about time they put the thing down, but the finale was a nice ending if a little slight.  Poignant, sure.  The idea that Fry had to live his final 10 seconds over and over trying to get things right to rescue Leela is akin to the idea that your life flashes before your eyes in the moments before you die.  Or something.  (And I only watched the finale once last summer so apologies if I got the logistics of how things went down wrong.)


thank you for your curvaceous data noble gentleman

i think the last little thing futruama wants to mention is a weird romantic end. truly the end, of their show, their everything, and the last thing they want to mention is fry's and leela's lingering togetherness [omitted 346page paragraph about excellent seduction techniques]


dangit but then now after looking forward to watching this and planning to watch this before my sleep i learn it's $2 per episode or $17 for the season and i gotta go to the zen garden in my skull kingdom to think about this

(i don't feel motivated to the degree that i want to begin using money this way. still looking forward to seeing it one day)



I don't get why they charge for it on iTunes but not here.  I guess it's an ignorance tax.

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thanks again for your magic


we are lucky to be alive during such an amazing time for television. i mean, i know it sounds kind of naive at first, but can you guys really think of a time in our history where tv was this good? and this is no exception, this show is one of the greatest, most well written, animated series that has ever existed. we're evolving, you guys.




since i'm trying to break my 'not posting in the actual thread' habit, no spoilers, it just reads like that at times, out of context but here are more reasons to watch and discuss this brilliant show:

Axolotl [22|Apr 01:55 PM]:   Wubba lubba dub dub
03 [22|Apr 02:16 PM]:   this has been a difficult mating season for bird person
Axolotl [22|Apr 02:22 PM]:   that might have been the best first season of anything ever
03 [22|Apr 02:22 PM]:   agreed
03 [22|Apr 02:22 PM]:   its an incredibly intelligent show, like, more than it lets on.
Axolotl [22|Apr 02:22 PM]:   It's like if the N-word and the C-word had a baby and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews
Axolotl [22|Apr 02:23 PM]:   Watch this show you glipglops
Axolotl [22|Apr 02:23 PM]:   yes, definitely
03 [22|Apr 02:23 PM]:   they deal with some pretty heavy concepts technically, without it being fully noticable.
03 [22|Apr 02:24 PM]:   it reminds me a lot of adventure time in the sense that the writers have a lot going on in their heads but they're pandering to their target audience without selling out in any sense
03 [22|Apr 02:25 PM]:   its a delicate balance. they're doing what people want to see, and doing some complex narrative at the same time, just under the surface
03 [22|Apr 02:26 PM]:   "this is the year anniversary since you were back in our lives, dad"
03 [22|Apr 02:26 PM]:   that episode alone was one of the smartest things we've seen in the show
03 [22|Apr 02:27 PM]:   the fact that the opening teaser shows what happens after the credits, but in a different universe
03 [22|Apr 02:27 PM]:   that threw me for a second, until i realized it was another rick they were visiting in the very first scene, compared to after the title.
Axolotl [22|Apr 02:34 PM]:   that was amazing. I love those split second mindblowing details
Axolotl [22|Apr 02:36 PM]:   I think "Rick Potion" was the episode that exploded the scope of this show
03 [22|Apr 02:50 PM]:   very true. just the concept alone, of a love potion attaching itself to other viruses.
03 [22|Apr 02:51 PM]:   and essentially love being equated to a virus
03 [22|Apr 02:52 PM]:   that we are made instinctively to mate for life but have lost that through self awareness, so to go to the original source with animals..
Frederico Fellini [22|Apr 03:04 PM]:   Deep