Started by picolas, November 17, 2012, 05:46:34 PM

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surprised there isn't a thread for this... i'll post something more in-depth later but for now i have to say this is an utterly Magnificent film, crafted out of sheer cinematic joy (with a dash of prophetic warning). it works on a lot of different levels, and speaks to the whole future of media and consumption in general. see it in theatres if you can, but if that's not possible, it's already on blu-ray in france dot dot dot


Agreed. Just saw this last night. One of the most refreshing cinematic experiences I've had. Fucking brilliant. Anyone who has this in a theater near them is doing themselves a disservice not seeing it. WOW.


I liked it a lot when I saw it in May, but it also faded remarkably quickly from my memory. It's very enjoyable, but... I can't remember it being much more than that. I'd be interested in seeing it again to see if it will stick with me better this time around.


Quote from: Cloudy on November 17, 2012, 06:13:10 PM
Agreed. Just saw this last night. One of the most refreshing cinematic experiences I've had. Fucking brilliant. Anyone who has this in a theater near them is doing themselves a disservice not seeing it. WOW.

Really? I fucking hated this film. It had it's moments, and I went along with it as much as I could. Partly intrigued, partly interested where it was going.
But the tea party amongst the limosuines is my 'fuck this movie' moment.
So pretentious, posing as higher art, but in fact, it's a piece of shit.
However props to Denis Lavant, I can at the very least appreciate his great morphing performance.


Been curious about this for a while so now that I'm reading these posts I'm even more excited. Will try to watch this week!


You know, to be fair, I did see Lincoln 5 minutes before I saw this film. So I was in this craving mood for something to completely break all of the fucking rules and do something I haven't seen before. And I got it. I LOVED that ending by the way. Those limo's were fucking hilarious. I was laughing all the way through the film.

*It definitely could've been cut down a bit shorter though. You could say that it overstayed it's welcome and sort of became a gimmick at a certain point, but because of it's overwhelming ballsiness, I let it slide.



Carax has this reputation of pretentious auteur, but, in reality, Holy Motors is just fun...It was funny to see the the limousines talking, at the end. And I loved the fact that Oscar was in prison in that limousine; he's so bored with what he's doing, and we see that living with bonobos is a torture for him.
If it wants higher meaning, it failed. I don't really care. I had a lot of fun watching it.


Thought this review put it well into once sentence:

"It's rare that we get the chance to encounter anything this freely inventive, this amusing, this ineffably sad and, yet, this full of life." 


the French never got over that giggly sideshow brand of comedy, which occupies so much of this film. it's got this whole cheshire cat aspect to it, and it's done really well, but still I have failed to understand the universal acclaim behind this film. it commits to the premise 100%, but it's still paper thin and somewhat insignificant. the filmmaking and the acting are top notch, don't get me wrong - they're just supporting a very boring central theme that's all.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


i dont think i know french cinema enough to catch all the references to fully enjoy this, but its been on my mind for about 2weeks now, and Lavant is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors as i tiptoe deeper into his filmography.

Also, pixel-mashing might be thing to come of this 'digital age.'
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza


Quote from: HeywoodRFloyd on November 17, 2012, 10:42:41 PM

It had it's moments, and I went along with it as much as I could. Partly intrigued, partly interested where it was going.

Pretty much my feelings. I was mostly bored. Such a letdown after al the hype. I really thought this was going to be a lot more interesting than this.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: pete on November 26, 2012, 01:37:18 AMit's got this whole cheshire cat aspect to it, and it's done really well ... but it's still paper thin and somewhat insignificant.

This is pretty much how I feel. I wanted to love it, and I sort of still want to love it. I found myself intrigued but not excited.

Its message is not especially cogent or well-articulated... or new. Maybe that's a consequence of Cabin In The Woods being released the same year. Then they mention something about surveillance in society, and that's when I realized the whole thing was sort of dumb, and the premise was a conspicuous excuse to throw all these scene ideas onto something.

There are still some classic moments. (SPOILERS) Thumb biting was my favorite. The end when we see him with his "family" was fantastic. The motion capture sequence was great of course (although the animation was horrible... not sure if that was intentional). The way the Kylie Minogue story ended was sufficiently disturbing.. the malleable injury/survival logic elsewhere in the film detracted from the impact, but I was still pretty sure she was dead.

classical gas

this is on netflix instant now