Nowhere in Africa

Started by Ravi, April 17, 2003, 11:01:27 PM

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I just saw Nowhere in Africa today.  It is an amazing film about a Jewish family escaping Nazi Germany and emigrating to Nairobi.  The story is engaging, the characters are well drawn, and it has beautiful cinematography.  I didn't see the other Oscar nominees for best foreign film, but I can see why it won.


This film is now playing at an art house nearby, and I was wondering if anyone else had seen it and has an opinion of it to share, good or bad.  Last time I went to see something artsy, it was Russian Ark and it was HORRIBLE.  I really grow tired of all these "let's escape from a Nazi death camp to a better life stories" like Schindler's List (I wasn't too impressed), The Pianist (haven't seen it yet), and all these other wanna-be tug-your-hearstrings stories that seemed to have pervade the cinemas over the last ten years or so ... or, well, actually they're even more pervasive than that.
So basically, is it worth the time, and if so, why?


All the escaping from the Nazis is done at the beginning.  The entire film isn't about that.  The film is more about how these people adapt to a totally alien land and how the little girl settles in much more quickly than her mother.  It's worth your time.

The Silver Bullet

So is The Pianist, by the way.
RABBIT n. pl. rabĀ·bits or rabbit[list=1]
  • Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae.
  • A hare.


Quote from: The Silver BulletSo is The Pianist, by the way.
Yeah, so I've heard.  I'll have to rent it sometime.  There's way too many movies I've gotta see.  Probably about 700, by my count, and then there's all the ones I don't even know about.

Last night I went to see Nowhere in Africa.  It was decent.  Not an amazing film, but not a total waste of time, either.  It was interesting how three different languages were incorporated into the film, and the reversal of frustration of a woman who didn't know English was interesting to see, too.

The young girl (Regina) was the most intriguing character in the film, IMO.  Her relationship with Owuor was incredibly intriguing and well-developed.

Not much else to say, really.  Some parts were really cliche, while others were quite moving in an unexpected way.  7/10, ***/****, whatever, though I don't feel like writing much more of a real "review" right now.

The trailer they showed for Winged Migration looks absolutely stunning.  That's one film I can't wait to see.


Quote from: Onomatopoeia
The trailer they showed for Winged Migration looks absolutely stunning.  That's one film I can't wait to see.

Same here, I saw that trailer a few weeks ago and it looks great.  Like kind of a bird Koyanasqatsi.

one of the girls behind me in the theater I was at said "what the hell?  does that movie not have any humans in it?  Who wants to see that?"


I saw Winged Migration last week. It's as good as the trailer -- well, better. Stunning is probably the best word I could use for it. The music is very Phillip Glass-ish, and very good, and there's also a brilliant Nick Cave song in it. Definitely one of the best of the year so far. I originally thought Michael Moore deserved  the Oscar. Now I'm not so sure.


Why is "Nowhere in Africa" rated NR (Not Rated). Does it have any kind of graphic content? Can anyone under 18 get into it?
"You're too kind."
-Richard Roeper

"You're too cruel."
-Roger Ebert


It has some violence and nudity.  Equivalent of R-rated, IMO, though actually in Europe it may pass for the US equivalent of PG-13.  What some people may object to most is the little girl being naked, which is really totally innocent more than anything.

Gold Trumpet

I almost caught this movie recently. I traveled to a large city for a routine doctor's appointment, which went well like usual, but I always make a day of it by catching a hard to find movie. One art theatre is in the city and Nowhere In Africa the only one of interest playing. I was going to catch the 3.30 showing but found out that showing was only for the weekends but the papers and such advertised differently. Dismayed, I decided to wait til the 6 showing anyways and spent the next 2 and half hours beyond bored and walking a couple malls endlessly. I can only stand a mall for 45 minutes if there isn't a decent movie store. They had none but I put up with 2 and a half hours and by the time 6 neared, I was dead tired and my drive home would be a couple of hours at best but I just wanted to see this movie so bad. The theatre is packed for the showing which is surprising considering when I saw City of God there, only two other people were in attendance besides me. People were showing up late and by the time everyone filtered in, it was 20 minutes past 6. I was still hopeful. Half the audience were older people dressing nicely and the other half were college age students dressed even nicer with half of them wearing glasses and looking smarter than me. I was wearing worn out jeans and a old sports shirt and my hair hadn't been combed since morning and I got small glances by others like I walked into the wrong theatre. I always get this at these theatres because I look nothing like my promotion. Anyways, it was 20 past 6 and I was still willing to hold it considering I would be home by midnight at the earliest. Then this guy gets up and starts talking on the mic in front of everyone and introduces himself as the head of the film society for the city. Film society?? These things exist? I had no clue and always thought it was hopeful talk myself, but I am the most naive person in dealing with big city things anyways. I guess I never learned this when partially growing up on a farm. But this guy goes on and on just talking about the  real history of the movie and story it is talking about. I didn't mind that, but then he started addressing themes and understanding and what to look for in better appreciating the movie. Considering my exhausted body and tiredness, this was very annoying. The audience looked smart enough to pick up on this shit. Mr. Delightful didn't have to spell everything out. By the end of it, I was way too tired and just couldn't watch the movie. I didn't walk out during his speech, but when the movie began, I did and was able to get home by 10 and catch a rerun showing of the NWA TNA wrestling event at a friends house which was ok. Anyways, story is more entertaining to tell now than on that day.
