Started by Ravi, August 02, 2011, 12:35:10 AM

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Lars Von Trier's 'The Nymphomaniac' With Charlotte Gainsbourg Will Be 2 Part Film, Aiming For Cannes Premiere In 2013
Source: Playlist

Lars Von Trier has never been short on balls. His career has been filled with films that have found the director walking right into a hornets nest of thorny issues, whether it's slavery ("Manderlay"), the American empire ("Dogville"), feminism (sorta) ("Antichrist"), depression ("Melancholia"), faith ("Breaking The Waves") or just plain ol' "spazzing" ("The Idiots"), and so doing a movie about sex seems like the logical next step. But of course, his appraoch is never as simple as those reductive summaries suggest, and the resulting works are always controversial, exasperating, overreaching, brilliant and fascinating -- often all at once. And once again, Lars Von Trier is stepping beyond expectations.

Even though it was reported last year that Charlotte Gainsbourg would be reteaming with the helmer for "The Nymphomaniac," word began circulating today (again) that she was on board. But there's more. Producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen tells Screen Daily, "We are making two films. It is a big operation. I personally hope that we should be ready for Cannes next year. We will shoot both and edit both – and we want to finish both at the same time." Um, awesome.

In case you forgot, the film will chronicle the sexual/erotic life of a woman until the age of 50. Jensen confirms previous reports that both softcore and hardcore versions of the movie will be made ("We will probably blur the central points of the human body for the release worldwide but we will probably make one unblurred that will be for screening maybe in Cannes."), and adds that the first part will deal with childhood and adolescence, while part two will focus on adulthood. But wait, what was that about Cannes?

Even though Lars Von Trier was declared persona non grata at the festival last year and banned from the Croisette following his unfortunate comments, the plan is shoot "The Nymphomaniac" in Germany this summer and then try and bring it to the south of France next year. "...we have some pretty big names in the movie which proves that in spite of his (von Trier's) strange quotes from Cannes last year, his value for actors to work with him has never been better," Jensen says perhaps hoping that Thierry Fremaux and company will let the situation be water under the bridge. Big stars or not, it will be a very difficult film to turn down. That said, it was Lars Von Trier who was banned, not production company Zentropa (who are behind Thomas Vinterberg's "The Hunt" which is playing In Competition this year). So Cannes could very well accept the film, though Lars Von Trier may not be asked to come. It will be interesting to watch it play out.

And wait, there's more good news. Remember last spring, when it was announced that Lars Von Trier was going to work with Martin Scorsese on another "The Five Obstructions," where the latter would asked to remake certain parts of his films under strict, difficult conditions? Well, it's apparently still on even though for a moment, Lars Von Trier wasn't sure it was happening anymore. "They are talking together, Lars and Scorsese," Jensen offered. And that's good enough for us. It's a great idea, and we'd be excited to see what Scorsese would pull together.

A two part movie about sex and making Scorsese revisit his old films? Even we doubt even Lars has any idea how he's going to top this.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Shia LaBeouf in Talks for Lars von Trier's 'Nymphomaniac' (Exclusive)
The Danish director will begin filming the two-part erotic drama in September and will release two cuts of the project, one more sexually explicit.
Source: THR

Shia LaBeouf has set his sights on Danish director Lars von Trier's ambitious erotic drama Nymphomaniac, which is set to begin production in September. The Transformers star is in talks to join a cast led by Charlotte Gainsbourg. 

Nymphomaniac is the latest indie film to be embraced by the young actor. He's set to hit theaters over Labor Day in John Hillcoat's Lawless and stars in The Company You Keep, directed by and starring Robert Redford, which will premiere at the upcoming Venice Film Festival before making its way to the Toronto International Film Festival.

LaBeouf's third indie film in the pipeline is The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman, which recently wrapped production. And he has shown a willingness to appear in erotic material recently, co-starring in an artsy Sigur Ros video.   

Nymphomaniac follows the erotic adventures of a woman (Gainsbourg) from her youth to age 50, as recounted to her husband (Stellan Skarsgard). It's not clear how big LaBeouf's role would be.

Von Trier is splitting the English-language project into two films and will shoot a softer and more explicit version of each. No domestic distributor is aboard, but rights have been sold off in numerous foreign markets.

German funding body the NRW Filmstiftung is backing Nymphomaniac with $1.6 million in production subsidies. The film will be shot entirely in the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia, where von Trier shot Antichrist.

Nymphomaniac is von Trier's his first movie since Melancholia, which made headlines around the world when the avant-garde filmmaker joked aboug being a Nazi while promoting the film at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. He quickly apologized but was banned from the festival.

Nicole Kidman, who starred in von Trier's 2003 drama Dogville, suggested in a recent interview that she will play a small role in Nymphomaniac.

LaBeouf is represented by CAA, attorney Matt Saver and John Crosby Management.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Jeremy Blackman

Jeremy Blackman


Guys, he's just Dunsting again.

Jeremy Blackman

If he could Dunst with Shia LaBeouf, it would be the greatest achievement in film history.


Quote from: BB on August 09, 2012, 10:47:11 AM
Guys, he's just Dunsting again.

I always thought that Dunst had at least one fantastic performance in her. It was just a matter of time before it happend. LeBeouf on the other hand is just plain boring and really bad most of the time. If this turns out to be true it might be the REAL PROOF of Triers psychical illness.


Dunst has a pretty great track record and some killer boobs, so there's really no comparison

Jeremy Blackman

Dunst clearly had potential. It helps that her character was kind of made to be insufferable, so it was a no lose situation.

But Shia LaBeouf is cancer. I'm not really sure what could be done with him.


I hate to do this but you might have to reconsider, JB;

Quote from: Jeremy Blackman on March 31, 2012, 10:41:43 AM
I have no reason to expect to be disappointed by LVT.


Kirsten Dunst is alright (The virgin suicides, Melancholia, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind). She gives a good performance every once in a while. But:

Quote from: Jeremy Blackman on August 09, 2012, 12:06:41 PM

But Shia LaBeouf is cancer. I'm not really sure what could be done with him.

Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Hmm, I dunno, I like this choice. I think that Shia is totally capable of good work. Have y'all seen Even Stevens and Holes? He's definitely been bad in a lot of bad movies, but he's trying to figure some shit out. Lawless won't convince you, as he's definitely the weak link in that movie, which is a fairly mediocre one, but with that and with the Sigur Ros thing, you can sense that he could do good in the right part, and that he's got that part of him that's willing to give himself over to the filmmaker to use him how they will, which could be perfect for Von Trier.

The thing with Dunst is that she started out doing really good work, and then did a bunch of shitty work, but it was not unfathomable that she had it in her to bring it. Also, I think we're speaking with the benefit of hindsight when we talk about her in Melancholia. It was easy to balk when she was first cast, and hard to balk when the film started playing.

Shia hasn't had that "really good work" part of his career yet, but I've never really thought ill of him as an actor. He wants to do good and I think he can with Von Trier. I expect us all to be looking back on this in a year or two and generally agreeing that he did good here.


well, hopefully he can channel his inner 12 year old and get something right, for once.


Quote from: BB on August 09, 2012, 10:47:11 AM
Guys, he's just Dunsting again.

I can't possibly stress how much I love this phrase.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Shia LaBeouf Ready To Perform Sex 'For Real' In Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac?
Source: Movieline

This week Shia LaBeouf announced that his blockbuster phase is over. From here on out he's focusing on working with indie artistes, starting with everyone's favorite provocateur, Lars Von Trier. But will Shia go all the way for his art on Von Trier's Nymphomaniac, which will reportedly be shot in both softcore and hardcore versions and potentially require its cast to perform unsimulated sex scenes?

"There's a disclaimer at the top of the script that basically says, we're doing [the sex] for real," LaBeouf told MTV during a chat promoting Lawless, as Lawless co-star Jessica Chastain looked on lamenting the future corruption of "little Shia." "And anything that is 'illegal' will be shot in blurred images, but other than that, everything is happening."

Charlotte Gainsbourg will play the lead and reunite with her Antichrist director in Nymphomaniac, in which Von Trier "wants to see the sexual arousement of a girl [on screen]," according to producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen. Stellan Skarsgard and Nicole Kidman have also signed on to join the cast.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks