Another Interesting Prospect

Started by ShanghaiOrange, April 17, 2003, 08:51:58 PM

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Somebody writes a script, a good short script about 70 pages or less, a comedy/drama most likely. Get as many good present day directors as will participate. Give them each $10 million to make a movie based on the script. The only two rules: The directors must work independently of each other and they can't rewrite the script. Perhaps they would be required to use the same cast and crew.
Each movie would hopefully be about half an hour. They would be shown in film festival style marathon.
I guess the whole point would be to figure out how much directors matter in the whole process.

I don't know...maybe not. :(
Last five films (theater)
-The Da Vinci Code: *
-Thank You For Smoking: ***
-Silent Hill: ***1/2 (high)
-Happy Together: ***1/2
-Slither: **

Last five films (video)
-Solaris: ***1/2
-Cobra Verde: ***1/2
-My Best Fiend: **1/2
-Days of Heaven: ****
-The Thin Red Line: ***


if the script's 70 pages why would the films turn out to be 30 minutes long?


The font would be really big. :(

I don't know. How many pages would take up half an hour? I'm pretty sure that on some half-hour TV show audio commentary the writer said that the script was 70 pages. But I could be wrong.

That's not really important anyway. :(
Last five films (theater)
-The Da Vinci Code: *
-Thank You For Smoking: ***
-Silent Hill: ***1/2 (high)
-Happy Together: ***1/2
-Slither: **

Last five films (video)
-Solaris: ***1/2
-Cobra Verde: ***1/2
-My Best Fiend: **1/2
-Days of Heaven: ****
-The Thin Red Line: ***


on film scripts, the rough estimate is usually 1 page = 1 minute. So a 30 minute film would have a script of about 30 pages, give or take.