Killing Them Softly

Started by DocSportello, January 02, 2012, 07:21:45 PM

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Finally, a movie me and my brother can bond over  :cry:


Awesome! :bravo:

not watching that again!
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza


holy shit, the fat guy that was throwing people around and getting hit by the exploding car is George Carrol aka Slaine - he was my supervisor at Emerson College's mailroom when we were both lads. good for him.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Wow that exploding car shot, that was incredible.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


Andrew Dominik always delivers....  and Richard Jenkins is one of the most underrated actors of our times...

Also, this Brad Pitt kid seems pretty good. I'm there.
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Just watched this tonight, I have a feeling that most people are going to hate this film, it's definitely not for everyone.

But I'll just say it, I fucking loved it.

I have to watch it again though because it's obvious Dominik is using this crime story as some kind of allegory of the 2008 US financial collapse, and unfortunately I couldn't catch all the dialogue.

The microcosm of Cogan's trade reflecting the macrocosm of American capitalism. It's not really what I was expecting, but I love it.

And this movie has GREAT shots. And the music, ahh, great tracks. The scene in which it cuts to Johnny Cash's 'The Man Comes Around' is my favorite.

It's pretty funny too, sort of in the same vein as Chopper.

But a lot of people are going to hate this, I can just tell. Also I saw this on 35mm, and it fucks DCP over badly, the image is incredibly vivid and bright, the flicker film creates is unbelievably absorbing, wish all theatres had retained their superior old projection systems.


Seems like a pretty solid review to me. Why exactly are people going to hate it? The violence?


Nah it isn't the violence, it might be because it's incredibly different, like it's really not what your expecting. It wasn't at all what I was expecting.
Don't go in there expecting Jesse James.
Anyway I really need to see it again and then I'll be able to get my thoughts aligned.


Anyone else love the poster campaign on this??!! Best I've seen in a long time. I've actually noticed it with this one. Most movie advertising seems to overlook or just not care about that shit anymore but they nailed it. Where did this movie go?


Can't wait any longer for this, good little interview:

Andrew Dominik Talks The Anger Of 'Killing Them Softly', Downplays The "Mythical" Long Version of 'Jesse James'


The movie's about as subtle as a nut shot, but it also hits as hard as one.  Brad Pitt seems a little out of his depth throughout the film, especially when he's one-on-one with actors acting their asses off like Richard Jenkins, James Gandolfini, and Scoot McNairy, but the last scene makes the rest of the performance all come together in hindsight.  The last scene, and last line in particular, are perfect.

On a side note, I was going crazy trying to figure out where I recognized Ben Mendelsohn from, until I looked him up and realized he was one of the actors that I absolutely hated in Dark Knight Rises.  He's 10,000 times better in this, possibly because he's using his real accent.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkablues on December 01, 2012, 02:23:25 PM
The movie's about as subtle as a nut shot, but it also hits as hard as one.  Brad Pitt seems a little out of his depth throughout the film, especially when he's one-on-one with actors acting their asses off like Richard Jenkins, James Gandolfini, and Scoot McNairy, but the last scene makes the rest of the performance all come together in hindsight.  The last scene, and last line in particular, are perfect.

On a side note, I was going crazy trying to figure out where I recognized Ben Mendelsohn from, until I looked him up and realized he was one of the actors that I absolutely hated in Dark Knight Rises.  He's 10,000 times better in this, possibly because he's using his real accent.

He's also from Animal Kingdom if you've seen that film, I recommend it if you haven't.


This movie left me dazed. I found the sound and camera focusing(?) in the film incredibly creative. Noise from background conversations or traffic or whatever would momentarily weave into the foreground of scenes and the filmmakers were never scared of letting the picture go fuzzy. In many ways it reminded me of Punch Drunk Love and it's use of sound and focus.

And there's the acting which is nearly perfect. I struggled at first to find the purpose of Gandolfini's character but I realize now that he's just another gear in a failing machine. One story within a much larger, sadder one.

I agree with Polka on the topic of the film's subtlety. It almost seemed as if the film was pointing fingers. And I guess it was. All of the unabated grimness was kind of refreshing in a way.

The music!! Especially during the great slow-motion sequence. Masterful.


going to see it tonight, and based on what you're saying doc, I can't wait. everything you described is why i loved jesse james.
the one last hit that spent you...


What a fucking great film. If I was editing it, I'd change a thing or two as it's not flawless. but fuck man, fuck.

Quote from: DocSportello on December 03, 2012, 02:02:46 PM
This movie left me dazed. I found the sound and camera focusing(?) in the film incredibly creative. Noise from background conversations or traffic or whatever would momentarily weave into the foreground of scenes and the filmmakers were never scared of letting the picture go fuzzy. In many ways it reminded me of Punch Drunk Love and it's use of sound and focus.

And there's the acting which is nearly perfect. I struggled at first to find the purpose of Gandolfini's character but I realize now that he's just another gear in a failing machine. One story within a much larger, sadder one.

I agree with Polka on the topic of the film's subtlety. It almost seemed as if the film was pointing fingers. And I guess it was. All of the unabated grimness was kind of refreshing in a way.

The music!! Especially during the great slow-motion sequence. Masterful.


Everything you said is spot on. I'd remove, (1) about 20% of the political stuff. I think it should be heavy in the film, as to address doc's point about the failing machine, but I think it went a tasty taste too far, (2) the fade in, fade out stuff with the heroin I'd also cut back to happen one or two less times than it does, (3) recast Pitt, not to say he fucks up the film, he's actually quite good in it, but as far as the weakest link, it goes to him, and (4) improve the final speech that Pitt makes right before the credits (strangely I'd make it more dramatic and less dramatic beat to beat leading to the final line)

Everything else was pretty amazing. did anyone else think the main guy we started with is reminiscent of Casey affleck in Jesse James? If they made this movie fives years back I'm pretty sure he would have had that role.

I think I loved this film for the very same reasons why people will think it's boring. It's amazing how many scenes have characters talking, then are interupted, then continue the conversation and this repeats a few more times. It created a sense of great danger. makes me think about changing my point about the heroin, but I won't because I think it's the only time the movie misstepped this running device. They might seem like red herrings but it really puts you in the tone in all the other scenes. the robbery scene is a great example, one of the best. I was so tense. guys keep lowering their hands and you're like fuck this shit's gonna get raw, and it doesn't. great tracking shots as they leave too.
the one last hit that spent you...