Community / Parks and Recreation

Started by diggler, April 15, 2011, 04:20:04 PM

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Quote from: pete on May 14, 2012, 11:40:01 AM
that's my back up you faggot baby cunt, now stop being so condescending so I can go back to work, you stupid stupid jew.

hey you just offended babies EVERYWHERE!
I'm sure the gays, jews, or gay jews on this board appreciate your words though.

In actuality, I'm sorry if that upset you man. I was just trying to write reasonably about a show that I really like. And you're right, those were concept episodes I just didn't consider them as heavily contained when it came to being strictly spoofs.
That's a pretty good job backing yourself up and I respect it.  You explained what alienated you, then I said you probably needed to say more, and you did, and that's actually helpful to give a person like myself perspective on what could make a stronger show.

I'm certainly surprised that someone on this board, committed as you are, had to stoop low to just vulgarity though.  I've been on this board for nearly a decade (all starting with a link from and don't think I've ever had to experience that kind of blatant attack. I mean, was I really that bold in stating my opinion that I was trying to be hurtful towards you or anyone that doesn't see things the way I do? Was I actually being condescending?  If that was the case, apologies, because I didn't mean to be, and never mean to stir up arguments in person or on the internet.

Jeremy Blackman

Did Pete actually write that post? Was he attempting to be meta/ironic/satirical? Members have been banned for behaving like that... I'm just confused that Pete posted it. I have to assume he wasn't being serious.


hmm, yeah, instead of "but you need to be able to back up your arguments in a more specific manner IMO" I should have said "it would be great if you could be more specific about what bothers you about it."  it does come off as a bit condescending. like I said before, sorry.

as for Parks & Rec, I couldn't agree more with you Ono!
it kind of reminds me of "The Simpsons" with the Pawnee community grows like it does.  I especially liked that, even up to the end, Paul Rudd's Bobby Newport was a well-meaning flake with lots of money, and was still a sweet guy (no pun intended).  His demeanor made me think "What if for some reason Leslie had to go up against Andy over a political rivalry?"
No idea where they could go next season, but they've just gone uphill since the 1st season ended.


I'll apologize for the outburst or whatever. at no point was I serious or angry or anything. it was just easier to sound that way than anything else at the moment.

(though - now that I think of it - that's a bit ridiculous for a board to be okay with cunt but not faggot or jew, especially all thrown out in the same manner.)
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton

Jeremy Blackman

Heh, well, we don't have any formal rules against certain words. We haven't needed anything like that in a long long time.


Quote from: pete on May 14, 2012, 06:36:09 PM
(though - now that I think of it - that's a bit ridiculous for a board to be okay with cunt but not faggot or jew, especially all thrown out in the same manner.)

Yeah, well, being a 'cunt' isn't gender, race, or orientation specific...anyone can be one of cunt if they so choose the path.


i came here to talk about this show jumping the shark, not pete jumping the shark. sheesh!

i think pete was either operating on a level few of us can fathom.. or he was being a dumb cunt.

it's all good, we know he's a mad cunt.
under the paving stones.


I could tell Pete was kidding, I think he just forgot to frame it in a way that made it a little more obvious that he was kidding.  It was like the end of a Louis CK joke without the beginning of a Louis CK joke.

Also, I still like Community, but it's started to go too far with the parody shit.

Also, Parks and Rec and community could join forces, cut out the fat, and become the new Simpsons.  I know it won't happen, but it would be fun (for a few seasons).

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: RegularKarate on May 15, 2012, 11:20:46 AMAlso, Parks and Rec and community could join forces, cut out the fat, and become the new Simpsons.  I know it won't happen, but it would be fun (for a few seasons).

They could all go to work there when they graduate.


I like the gentle rebuking all of you have bestowed on me. thank you for bringing me back.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton

Jeremy Blackman


I actually thought the most recent Community episode was the funniest of the season.  You reference the Simpsons in saying that they limited their parodies to one episode a season, but every Simpsons episode (at least in it's prime) contained countless references and spoofs (Knightboat anyone?).  Just because the overall storyline of an episode isn't a parody doesn't mean there aren't parodies within it.  The last Community episode even had a "Time Enough At Last" sendup.  I think the meta commentary of all things relating to nerd culture is what the show is, so the parodies don't bother me.

Parks and Rec finale was sweet.  Amy Pohler is becoming quite an actress.
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


I don't see it that way - I see a show that's pretty bored with its characters and their stories that is fighting to get out of it any way it can. The Office (US) went through something like that in season three where every episode was a field trip outside of the office because the writers just didn't care about the office anymore. Simpsons at its prime - though packed with satires and hip references - was still a show about an American family in an American town, and the show became kinda soulless in the early 2000s when it had no more jokes that were related to that premise.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


I see it more as desperation than boredom.  They are making all the stunt episodes in hopes to draw attention outside the normal viewership... "The Dr. Who Episode" or "The Law and Order Episode"... it's leaves the characters a little in the dust when they do that.

I disagree about the finale being that good.  I laughed a few times, but it was inconsistent and didn't feel like a finale.  The pacing was way off and it was just a bunch of gags with a stupid twist thrown in.


I would think that the stunt episodes actually leave out more viewers, as doctor who and parodies probably draw in less people since they have no idea what the show's premise is?
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton