SnuggleBiscuit Comedy

Started by Ravi, November 11, 2010, 08:22:59 PM

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My friend Larry and I have started writing and shooting sketches again under the name SnuggleBiscuit.  Here's our first one:


Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.



Very good, JFK will live forever was hilarious. I honestly thought the 9/11 joke wasn't that funny and made the piece drag a bit, and it was too similar to the JFK joke. Other than that, solid stuff. Really funny!


Gamblour is right.

the whole thing is hilarious until the 9/11 bit not just because it's the same joke as the JFK (which is the hilarious peak of the sketch) but because you really shouldn't have stretched this character beyond the 60s. it would have been great if he was killed just after his peak, maybe in the late 60s after some misguided drug experimentation or any of the million things that happened in that decade.

it just fell completely flat once it skipped 40 years without explanation, there was WAY too much time to have passed for him to still be making the same music.. nothing after JFK rings true and it's a shame cos it is seriously hilarious before that. if we're to believe the historian who says he cemented his reputation with the 9/11 then what the hell did his CENTURY of producing music amount to? nah that makes no sense (not even in a funny way). it really didn't need to extend to the modern era.

the character is introduced as a historical curio who should have remained like that, and killing him at a point of generational revolution like the late 60s would have been PERFECT. using that one photo for the entire sketch would have made sense then too.

first 3mins= 10

everything after= 2.

under the paving stones.


Yeah, I think the 9/11 thing is redundant, now that you mention it.  One of the jokes I was going for was the idea that he looked the same and stuck to the same exact style of music for an entire century, as well as the idea that he lived a ridiculously long life.  Maybe it didn't work the way I wanted it to.



Nice, how much did you pay for Colin Firth to appear in this?

Seriously though, I wished the guy did a better scottish accent. He sounds more or less like Fat Bastard, sorry. The more authentic, the more funnier. Anyway, the chinese couple was funny and a overall good (fake) commercial.


Quote from: Ravi on November 11, 2010, 08:22:59 PM
My friend Larry and I have started writing and shooting sketches again under the name SnuggleBiscuit.  Here's our first one:

Hahaha that was funny shit.


Quote from: Christian on March 15, 2011, 03:33:34 AM
Nice, how much did you pay for Colin Firth to appear in this?


Seriously though, I wished the guy did a better scottish accent. He sounds more or less like Fat Bastard, sorry. The more authentic, the more funnier. Anyway, the chinese couple was funny and a overall good (fake) commercial.

The guy who was originally going to be the lead got arrested the night before the shoot, which I found out about a half hour before we were supposed to roll, so my writing partner Larry stepped in to play the role.  He didn't have much time to prepare.  I do wish I had some time to work on the accent, but I had a room full of extras and a lit set so we shot it anyways.



Great concept, well-executed, two minutes too long.  Three stars (out of four)
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