The thread where you embarass yourself with movies you've never seen

Started by Pas, April 28, 2010, 12:17:01 PM

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i agree, i saw braveheart when i was 18 and i remembered saying to my GF at the time: "maybe it's cuz i'm a whopper with cheese (half italian, half dutch) that i really don't give a shit about these scots and their plight, or maybe this movie is just overrated and boring". :P

but seriously, beyond the testosterone i don't really get why that movie is anything special.

and GT as a third party reader, your response was equally light in it's jab despite him calling you out. i'dda said something similiar or worse lol.
the one last hit that spent you...


I haven't seen Bourne 2 or 3. I got as far as renting the first waaaay too late, but never gotten around to the sequels, even though I know they're the ones that matter.

And I don't think any Jason Stratham films are considered required viewing. It's far more embarrassing to say I've seen Crank.

Some other "classics" I've missed, or at least the ones I'm "embarrassed" about not having seen:
The Big Sleep
Blade Runner
Lawrence of Arabia
On The Waterfront
To Kill A Mockingbird
Touch Of Evil
12 Angry Men
The French Connection
The Red Balloon
All The President's Men
The Apartment
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


Quote from: RegularKarate on April 30, 2010, 05:53:33 PM
Fast Times at Ridgemont High

This reminds me of a quote appropriate for everyone here...

"What are you people? On dope?"
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Never seen Mulholland Dr. Braveheart, Shawshank, American Beauty, Seven Samurai, City of God, The Pianist

I've only seen the beginning of Saving Private Ryan.

I've owned the DVD's of Sunset Blvd. Cinema Paridiso, and Irreversible for years and have never watched them.

I've only seen two Hitchcock (North by Northwest and Psycho)

I fell asleep half an hour into the only two Elia Kazan movies I've attempted to watch (On the Waterfront [twice], and East of Eden)


Quote from: OrHowILearnedTo on May 01, 2010, 04:48:12 PM
Never seen Mulholland Dr. Braveheart, Shawshank, American Beauty, Seven Samurai, City of God, The Pianist

I've only seen the beginning of Saving Private Ryan.

I've owned the DVD's of Sunset Blvd. Cinema Paridiso, and Irreversible for years and have never watched them.

I've only seen two Hitchcock (North by Northwest and Psycho)

I fell asleep half an hour into the only two Elia Kazan movies I've attempted to watch (On the Waterfront [twice], and East of Eden)

The beginning of SPR is the part to watch. Then it turns into a standard movie.

All those three movies you have unopened in your shelf are very good, specially Cinema Paradiso. But all of them are like , first class.

I haven't seen East of Eden, but On the Waterfront...well, it was ok, I think it feels "new" for the period it was made it, and Brando is amazing, but the Brando performance I find electric is in A Streetcar Named Desire.


Quote from: OrHowILearnedTo on May 01, 2010, 04:48:12 PM
I fell asleep half an hour into the only two Elia Kazan movies I've attempted to watch (On the Waterfront [twice], and East of Eden)

Well ... you should try to see them when you're not tired then.


God damn, this thread has been a long time coming.

I just finished reading it, but I have to go now, my list will be quite embarrassing.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


never seen indiana jones
never seen any hitchcock (except maybe half hour of the birds)
never seen a charlie chaplin
haven't bothered to watch any classics such as gone with the wind, so on
haven't seen the godfather
haven't seen taxi driver


i've been thinking of somethin to put here for a while and i got it:

I've never see a single movie by Pedro Almodovar

"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


I would like to take a second to make sure everyone has watched;

Because i'm glad no one has mentioned it.
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


i'll go ahead and break your string right now with a resounding WHY OF COURSE I HAVE (i remember i set out to watch it as soon as i heard it was pta's favorite :oops:)


Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2010, 12:17:08 PM
I would like to take a second to make sure everyone has watched;

Because i'm glad no one has mentioned it.

this is tied with 2001 for my fav movie of all time. it heavily inspired the script i'm writing now.

whoever hasn't seen this, go give yourself the amazing pleasure.
the one last hit that spent you...


yeah any time anyone asks me the obligatory "What's your favorite movie" i generally go for Network. I think if you're on this board (pete!) and you haven't seen this... just stop posting right now.
"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


Network is a great movie, I remember watching it on a really beautiful summer afternoon when I was 17... my friends were probably throwing a football on the beach, with really hot girls in bikini beside them laughing and splashing water around. Maybe they even rubbed some oil on these girls back.

This makes me like the film less.