The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Started by MacGuffin, March 15, 2010, 01:08:51 AM

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"she's coming" - that's pretty cool.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton

Mr. Merrill Lehrl

Why can't all movie trailers be this exciting?  At least more of them.
"If I had to hold up the most heavily fortified bank in America," Bolaño says, "I'd take a gang of poets. The attempt would probably end in disaster, but it would be beautiful."

Jeremy Blackman

Yeah, I definitely liked that. Isn't it a homage to , especially at 1:16?

P Heat

I thought it was a horrible trailer (maybe just because i REALLY don't like david fincher and his shit) and a horrible music cover. Its funny how alot of hollywood films want to use zeppelin songs but they make it to expensive or just don't let them lol.

Quote from: Pubrick on September 11, 2012, 06:33:41 PM
anyway it was after i posted my first serious fanalysis. after the long post all he could say was that the main reason he wanted to see the master was cos of all the red heads.


It seemed like a good trailer (apart from that song I didn't like), but it's hard to judge with a bootleg trailer. Especially when it's by a stylish filmmaker like Fincher.

How come two of the biggest trailers we want (this one and trailer of life) were only available in horrible bootleg quality? You would think they would be up somewhere in HD right away. What gives?
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


The trailer was good I thought, Just didn't like the "the feel bad movie of christmas" tagline.



you think the breath shot at the 41 sec mark is in reference to all the shit he got for the cgi breath in The Social Network?
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza

cronopio 2

this is amazing.

via Mashable:

A new teaser trailer for David Fincher's upcoming The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has hit the web. The highly anticipated English-language film adaptation of Steig Larsson's hit trilogy isn't slated to hit theaters until December. However, it appears the viral campaign is already taking off.

The teaser, which hit YouTube over the weekend, is purportedly from Europe, where it was allegedly covertly recorded inside a movie theater. After viewing the teaser, however, we echo The Hollywood Reporter's contention that this isn't a covert cam job, but part of a greater viral marketing strategy.

Consider the facts:

The trailer contains a red-band MPAA advisory notice before it starts. That's all well and good, except the MPAA is an American organization, thus, why would that notice be displayed in Europe?
The video footage is off-center and designed to look as if it has been taken inside a theater, however, the sound is clear, and the picture remains in focus.
The washed out colors, apparently a result of "recording inside theater" look post-processed. Take it from someone who has seen hundreds of shaky-camera trailer recordings — this was a professional.
The angles and framing for the final bit of the teaser that starts with "Columbia Pictures" is just too perfect. Moreover, the black levels in the titles match the so-called theater frames perfectly.
For what it's worth, the website, which is promoted in the teaser, currently just redirects to Sony's official website.

We're going to go on record and call this a cleverly branded viral video. We can't wait to watch how the campaign develops, especially as the film nears release.


AND it hasn't been taken down for two days.


hey that's amazing, makes me like the trailer even more. fincher's getting really good at these things..

i don't know anything about the movie or the plot or themes of the story so does this approach to the marketing reflect anything to do with the movie at all? what is the movie ABOUT? other than some chick who kicks ass or whatever. or, is this campaign simply trying to make something that is extremely popular look gritty and grimy and somehow NOT pre-digested and regurgitated?

i think i just answered my own question. not that they need to try hard to get ppl to see this movie, since no one saw the original adaptation, but i'd like to think there's something about this story that resonates further than the "cool" thing to be into this year. that's all this ad has achieved right now, and it's kinda worked on me since i'm suddenly paying attention to this franchise i've had ZERO interest in until now.

fincher you old dog.
under the paving stones.


It's just kind of standard procedural murder mystery with an extra-quirky/dark central character.  I watched the first two of the Swedish movies and didn't really give a shit about them, but I'll watch this one for Fincher.
My house, my rules, my coffee


if you saw already the first two, you should check out the third.

hey, it cant be worse than blackout.


Quote from: Fernando on May 30, 2011, 11:41:39 PM
if you saw already the first two, you should check out the third.

hey, it cant be worse than blackout.

It's tricky, because there are aspects that I really liked; the lead actors, the mood, a handful of good plot points.  I never got invested in the stories, though.  Ultimately, though I liked the characters, I stopped caring what happened to them.
My house, my rules, my coffee


yeah I didn't give a shit about the first one until it started ripping off Blow Up, which was very enjoyable. sometimes a superficial version of antonioni is exactly what you look for in a thriller.
but there were rumors that fincher and steve zailian changed the ending of these movies, in order to surprise the viewers.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton