The Master - Spoiler-Free Thread

Started by MacGuffin, December 02, 2009, 10:12:15 PM

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Modage, not sure on hotels. Do you have tickets already? I bought 3, and may have a fall through. Sorry for the tease, but if I hear back definitively from the questionable party in the negative, the ticket's got your name on it. How far outside Chicago are you (i.e. when's the latest you'd need to kow by)?


I'm coming. Flying in from NYC tonight. Let me know if you have a ticket. Might be able to get one rlsewhere but not sure.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Alright, just heard back. Ticket is yours if your other methods prove fruitless. PM-ing you my phone number, shoot me a text or something and let me know what's up. I'll be in Chicago 8 pm, or there about.


So jealous! Enjoy boys. Mod one of your 3-4 word reviews would be most welcome.


Quote from: BB on August 15, 2012, 09:48:56 AM

I think the availability of tickets for something like The Master is going to be largely dependent on how many screenings they hold. If they screen it a few times, which is not uncommon for TIFF, you stand a good chance of getting in to see one of the later ones. The premiere will be almost impossible to get into. You can try, but tickets will go very, very quickly and line-ups for rush tickets (if any remain) will be HUGE. To give you some idea, the rush line last year for the third or fourth screening of Ron Fricke's Samsara (so, while not obscure, nothing nearly so high profile as The Master) was something like three hundred people long.

I don't mean to discourage you. You can chance in to all kinds of awesome screenings. That's the beauty of film festivals, and TIFF is especially generous to the general public (relative to what I've heard about Cannes and Venice, etc). It's up to you whether you'd want to buy a pass for the festival, which is expensive but guarantees that you will see a lot of movies, or if you want to buy tickets to individual screenings. They should be posting a schedule soon if they haven't already. You can either call or purchase the tickets/passes online. You could also try to go by rush tickets. You will wait in many lines and you may not get in to things, but I've done it in the past with reasonable success. It is by far the cheapest option.

I don't want to jinx myself, but it looks like this year I might be given a VIP pass for the festival, which would enable me to get into any screening so long as I show up before rush tickets are sold. I would also get to attend the TIFF gala and rub elbows with Ben Affleck and such. Sorry for the sort-of brag. I'm not an important person, let alone a very important person. Just incredibly lucky.

Thanks a ton BB that helped. No apology necessary man, I'd brag about that shit too. I am jealous though. I've decided I'm (probably) going to buy a ticket package online. I'm just going to have to pray for more than 1 screening at TIFF because they aren't releasing the schedule until August 21st. Worst case scenario I see a bunch of other cool movies, but shit, I want The Master so fucking bad.


I wonder if this will have a vinyl release. As far as I can tell the CMBB soundtrack did not so I won't hold my breath. But a vinyl would be tits wouldn't it?


Mac, Silias: this time 5 years ago we were one of those few lucky bastards getting to see an early screening of a new PTA film, how time flies. Very jealous and wishing I was in Chicago right now. I look forward to seeing the gushing reviews come in...bastards.


Quote from: theyarelegion on August 16, 2012, 05:02:51 PM
I look forward to seeing the gushing reviews come in...bastards.

Yeah, about those reviews huh... I think this goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyways (because some of you are assholes)...

To the people that post reviews later on... Please, OH PLEASE NO SPOILERS!. You can let us know how good the movie was and all of that and we get it that you're excited but please no specifics, feel free to be as vague as you have to. (Some people here haven't even seen the trailer, so take it easy).

Also, try not to rub it in our faces... WE (the normal people) still have one month and 5 days to go  :(..... Fuck. Have fun!
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Quote from: theyarelegion on August 16, 2012, 05:02:51 PM
Mac, Silias: this time 5 years ago we were one of those few lucky bastards getting to see an early screening of a new PTA film, how time flies. Very jealous and wishing I was in Chicago right now. I look forward to seeing the gushing reviews come in...bastards.

Haha. Yes. I remember waiting in line all day. And then getting upset when they moved the line for fear of losing our place at the very head of it. Still have my autographed ticket.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



Bryan Tap ‏@angel_glands

"@cigsandredvines I can be the first to confirm, Paul Thomas Anderson IS in attendance! #TheMaster70mm"

Oh fuck...
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Cigs & Red Vines live twitter feed covering the screening is depressing the shit out of me. And PTA is in attendance? Fuck My Life, I wish I lived in the states.


This would be like being at the first ever screening of 2OO1 the greatest movie ever made up to that point, WITH KUBRICK IN ATTENDANCE.


As far as first world problems go, this is one is by far the worst of all time.
under the paving stones.


QuoteThis would be like being at the first ever screening of 2OO1 the greatest movie ever made up to that point, WITH KUBRICK IN ATTENDANCE.


As far as first world problems go, this is one is by far the worst of all time.

This^ was me a few weeks ago. I wonder if he'll do a little Q&A afterwards. He didn't after the surprise screening at the Aero.


Quote from: Pubrick on August 17, 2012, 12:01:37 AM
This would be like being at the first ever screening of 2OO1 the greatest movie ever made up to that point, WITH KUBRICK IN ATTENDANCE.

Fuck, that is so true...  What's killing me the most, is that we still got another whole fucking month to go... That's 35 days to go!  :yabbse-angry:  And most of us probably won't even get to see it in 70mm... I'm genuinely depressed now. Time to get drunk...

P.S: Cigsandredvines just twitted the word: "WOW"...  and that's all I need to know... :yabbse-thumbup:
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


I tried finding all reactions on twitter, HERE THEY ARE!! :)

Looks like this one might be divided, 'cryptic storytelling' is right up my alley, but many can't handle it.

UPDATE: More Reactions